
来源:互联网 发布:上海数控编程招聘信息 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:28
//main.cpp #include <iostream>#include <ctime>#include <cstdlib>#include <string>#include <vector>#include "linklist.cpp"#define MAXINTLEN 10using namespace std;int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {  int      tmp[MAXINTLEN];  double   runtime = 0;  clock_t  s,e;  linklist sl;  for (int i = 0; i < MAXINTLEN; i++)  {    //srand((unsigned)time(i));    tmp[i] = rand()%100;  }  s = clock();  sl.construct_link(tmp,MAXINTLEN);  cout<<"this linklist..."<<endl;  sl.print_link();  sl.reverse();  cout<<"after reverse..."<<endl;  sl.print_link();   e = clock();  runtime = (double)(e - s);//CLOCKS_PER_SEC;  cout<<"runtime is:"<<runtime<<endl;  return 0;}

// linklist.hxx#ifndef LINKLIST_H_#define LINKLIST_H_#include<iostream>using namespace std;struct node{  int         data;  struct node *next;};class linklist{private:  struct node *head;  int         length;public:  linklist();  ~linklist();  struct node* get_link(void);  void         construct_link(int *arr, int num);  int          get_length(void);  void         reverse(void);  void         print_link(void);};#endif

// linklist.cpp#include "linklist.hxx"linklist::linklist(){  this->head   = NULL;  this->length = 0;}struct node* linklist::get_link(void){  return this->head;}void linklist::construct_link(int *arr, int num){  // use int array to construct linklist  struct node *tmp, *cur;  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)  {    tmp          = new (struct node);    tmp->data    = arr[i];    tmp->next    = NULL;    if (0 == i){      this->head = tmp;    }else{      cur->next  = tmp;    }    cur          = tmp;    this->length ++;  }  return;}int linklist::get_length(void){  if (NULL == this->head)        return 0;  struct node *cur = this->head;  int len          = 0;  while (cur){     len++;        cur = cur->next;  }  return len;}void linklist::reverse(void){ // reverse the linklist  if (!this->head)        return;  if (!this->head->next)  return;   // only one element  struct node *cur = this->head->next;  struct node *pre = this->head;  struct node *tmp = NULL;  pre->next        = NULL;  while(cur){    tmp       = cur->next;    cur->next = pre;    pre       = cur;    cur       = tmp;  }  this->head  = pre;  return;}void linklist::print_link(void){ // print the linklist content  if (!this->head){    cout<<"this link is null."<<endl;    return;  }  struct node* head = this->head;  struct node *cur  = head;  cout<<"link ("<<this->length<<"): ";  while(cur){    cout<<cur->data<<" ";    cur = cur->next;  }  cout<<endl;  return;}linklist::~linklist(){}

