Effective C++学习笔记之第五章(3)

来源:互联网 发布:overture 5 mac 破解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 05:02

chapter 5 实现

item30 透彻了解inline的里里外外

inline void f() {...} // assume compilers are willing to inline calls to fvoid (*pf)() = f;    // pf points to f...f();    // this call will be inlined, because it's a "normal" callpf();  // this call probably won't be, because it's through a function pointer


class Base {public: ...private:   std::string bm1, bm2;               // base members 1 and 2};class Derived: public Base {public:  Derived() {}                         // Derived's ctor is empty — or is it?  ...private:  std::string dm1, dm2, dm3;           // derived members 1–3};//看起来派生类的构造函数里面一句代码都没有,非常适合inline。//但是实际上编译器为我们生成的构造函数的函数体可以像下面一样,你觉得这样还适合inline?Derived::Derived()                       // conceptual implementation of{                                        // "empty" Derived ctor Base::Base();                           // initialize Base part try { dm1.std::string::string(); }      // try to construct dm1 catch (...) {                           // if it throws,   Base::~Base();                        // destroy base class part and   throw;                                // propagate the exception } try { dm2.std::string::string(); }      // try to construct dm2 catch(...) {                            // if it throws,   dm1.std::string::~string();           // destroy dm1,   Base::~Base();                        // destroy base class part, and   throw;                                // propagate the exception } try { dm3.std::string::string(); }      // construct dm3 catch(...) {                            // if it throws,   dm2.std::string::~string();           // destroy dm2,   dm1.std::string::~string();           // destroy dm1,   Base::~Base();                        // destroy base class part, and   throw;                                // propagate the exception }}

8)不要只因为function templates出现在头文件,就将它们声明为inline。因为你写的function template,没理由说它所实现的具体的每个函数都是inline的吧~