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<UNIX环境高级编程(第二版)> 线程学习P287-P297

#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict tidp, const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr, void *(*start_rtn)(void *),void *restrict arg);
void pthread_exit(void *rval_ptr);//线程自身主动退出
int pthread_join(pthread_t tid, void **rval_ptr);//其他线程阻塞自身,等待tid退出
void pthread_cleanup_push(void (*rtn)(void *),void *arg);
void pthread_cleanup_pop(int execute);


1. 线程创建


2. 线程终止

a. 任一线程调用exit, _Exit, _exit都将导致整个进程终止;

b. 单个线程退出方式有三种:

  1> 线程执行函数start_rtn()中使用return返回,返回值为线程退出码;

  2> 被同一个进程的其他线程使用pthread_cancel()取消;

  3> 线程自身调用了pthread_exit();

说明:pthread_join(pthread_t tid, void **rval_ptr)函数会阻塞调用线程,直到tid线程通过上述三种方式终止退出,且return/pthread_exit()方式会设置相应线程退出码rval_ptr,而pthread_cancel()取消的线程,将退出码设置为PTHREAD_CANCELED.

3. 线程清理处理程序(thread cleanup handler)

3.a> pthread_cleanup_push()与pthread_cleanup_pop()均为<pthread.h>中实现的宏定义,具体实现如下:

pthread_cleanup_push and pthread_cleanup_pop are macros and must always
   be used in matching pairs at the same nesting level of braces.  */
#  define pthread_cleanup_push(routine, arg) \
  do {                                        \
    __pthread_cleanup_class __clframe (routine, arg)
/* Remove a cleanup handler installed by the matching pthread_cleanup_push.
   If EXECUTE is non-zero, the handler function is called. */
#  define pthread_cleanup_pop(execute) \
    __clframe.__setdoit (execute);                        \
  }while (0)


3.b> 当线程执行下列之一操作时调用清理函数,thread_cleanup_push由栈结构实现,注意清理程序调用的顺序,先入后出。

  1: 调用pthread_exit()时,而直接return不会出发清理函数;

  2: 相应取消请求pthread_cancel()时;

  3: 使用非零execute参数调用pthread_cleanup_pop()时;



#include <pthread.h>
void testPointerSize()
    void *tret;
    printf("size of pointer in x86-64:%d\n",sizeof(tret)); 
    //result is 8 in x86-64.
    //which is 4 in x86-32.
    printf("size of int in x86-64:%d\n",sizeof(int));  
    //result is 4 in x86-64.
    //which is also 4 in x86-32.
void cleanup(void *arg)
    printf("cleanup:%s\n",(char *)arg);
void * thr_fn1(void *arg)
    printf("thread 1 start\n");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 1 first handler");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 1 second handler");
        return ((void *)1);//arg !=0 ,return here.
//  return here will not triger any cleanup.
    return ((void *)2);//will not run this
void * thr_fn2(void *arg)
    printf("thread 2 start\n");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 2 first handler");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 2 second handler");
    return ((void *)2);
//  return here can triger cleanup second handler;
void * thr_fn3(void *arg)
    printf("thread 3 start\n");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 3 first handler");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 3 second handler");
        pthread_exit((void *)3);
    //pthread_exit() here will triger both cleanup first&second handler.
    pthread_exit((void *)3);//wont run this
void * thr_fn4(void *arg)
    printf("thread 4 start\n");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 4 first handler");
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 4 second handler");
    pthread_exit((void *)4);
    //pthread_exit() here will triger cleanup second handler.
int main(void)
    int err;
    pthread_t tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4;
    void *tret;
    err = pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thr_fn1, (void *)1);
    err = pthread_join(tid1,&tret);
    printf("thread 1 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);
    err = pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thr_fn2, (void *)2);
    err = pthread_join(tid2, &tret);
    printf("thread 2 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);
    err = pthread_create(&tid3, NULL, thr_fn3, (void *)3);
    err = pthread_join(tid3,&tret);
    printf("thread 3 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);
    err = pthread_create(&tid4, NULL, thr_fn4, (void *)4);
    err = pthread_join(tid4, &tret);
    printf("thread 4 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);


[root@hello testData]# ./test
size of pointer in x86-64:8
size of int in x86-64:4
thread 1 start
thread 1exit code 1
thread 2 start
cleanup:thread 2 first handler
thread 2exit code 2
thread 3 start
cleanup:thread 3 second handler
cleanup:thread 3 first handler
thread 3exit code 3
thread 4 start
cleanup:thread 4 second handler
thread 4exit code 4


1> push与pop间的return,将导致清理程序不被触发;

2> 位于pop之后return,由pop的参数确定是否触发清理程序,非零参数触发,零参数不触发;

3> push/pop间的pthread_exit(),将触发所有清理函数;





1. Posix线程编程指南(4)

2. <UNIX环境高级编程(第2版)> P295-296程序

3. pthread_cleanup_push()/pthread_cleanup_pop()的详解

4. Linux中vim的列编辑实例 (Mark记录)