The Zen of CSS(翻译)(1)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝首页推广多少钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/05 21:58


第一章       源作品欣赏





当然了,各大主流的浏览器厂商并没有为我们提供足够的支持。这一行为导致的必然结果是,情况并没有变好,反而更坏了。最大的两个浏览器 IE Netscape 在这场旷日持久的浏览器大战中,为了保持自己的领先优势,开发了更多的扩展程序。这场大战带来了创新,却带来了更大的不便:网页作者辛辛苦苦写出来的代码,在两个不同浏览器上显示的结果完全不同。





       一个自由网页设计者们自发的草根组织,他们把自己命名为Web Stands Project(WaSP;试图与主要的浏览器厂商合作,并推行W3C组织方面的建议。在这一过程中,W3C组织为Web标准化运动投入了巨大的支持。终于,网页设计者们能够使他们复杂的HTML作品在不同的浏览器或者操作系统下不再产生太大的偏差了。

Pic1 网页标准项目






And push the limits we did. HTML began its life as a simple language for tagging research papers. Browser vendors and graphic designers took one look at its lack of layout capabilities and gave it a great big thumbs-down. Tricks and hacks like <FONT> tags and the misappropriation of the table element were developed to overcome these limitationshacks that undermined the very structural purposes for which HTML was developed in the first place.

Basic elements were misused for layout effects completely unrelated to their original intended purposes; elements with specific functions were ignored because they didn't look very nice. Proper structure was ignored in favor of a site's visuals.

Of course, the major browser manufacturers at the time weren't helping. Before the situation got better, it seemed that it was going to have to get worse. The two major playersMicrosoft and Netscapekept heaping proprietary extension on top of proprietary extension to keep ahead of each other as the famed Browser Wars waged. While competition keeps innovation alive, it can also stifle; Web authors were forced to deal with multiple versions of the same site because HTML coded for one browser rarely worked as expected in another, if at all.

In short, it was a big mess. The sacks of money carelessly thrown around during the dot-com boom aided the Web's continued growth despite the problems. A budget for two versions of the same site was easy to justify when the money flowed. However, by the turn of the millennium, both content authors and investors had finally had enough.

The Beginning of a Change

Early in the new century, Web budgets shriveled as capital dried up. While the economy took a nosedive, those who still had jobs quickly realized that the extra work of coding for broken and nonstandard browsers was too much to sustain; something had to be done.

A grassroots organization of Web designers who called themselves the Web Standards Project (or WaSP; (FIGURE 1) worked with the major browser manufacturers of the time to bring their wildly varying software into line with the "Recommendations" being generated by the World Wide Web Consortium (or W3C). Standardizing on the specifications produced by the W3C injected a sense of consistency into Web authoring. Over time it became possible for Web designers to create a complex page in HTML and be assured that it would render reasonably consistently across many browsers and operating systems.


Figure 1. The Web Standards Project.


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Many of the specifications released by the W3C deal with advanced coding and architecture problems that the average Web designer will rarely need to worry about. Although, beginning with a standardized version of HTML in the mid 1990s, the W3C produced a series of specifications for code sent to the browser that attempted to solve the compatibility problems in an intelligent, usable, and accessible manner.


The W3C is interested in advancing the state of the Web. Producing recommendations since 1996, they have sought to provide solutions to the wide variety of technological challenges the Web presents.
