ch05 ex editor

来源:互联网 发布:保定seo价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 18:02
A Q in the command mode of vi invokes ex. Any time you are
in ex, the command vi returns you to vi editor.

{Editing with ex}

Full nameAbbreviationMeaning
delete d Delete lines
move m Move lines
copy co Copy lines
t Copy lines (a synonym of co)

{Line Address}

For each ex editing command, you have to tell ex which line
number(s) to edit.

You can specify line address in several ways:
* With explicit line numbers
* With symbols that help you specify line numbers relative
  to your current position in the file.
* With search patterns as addresses that identify the lines
  to be affected.

:3,18d Delete lines 3 through 18.
:160,224m23 Move lines 160 through 224 to follow line 23.
(Like delete and put in vi.)
:23,29co100 Copy lines 23 through 29 and put after line 100.
(Like yank and put in vi.)

:= Print the total number of lines.
:.= Print the line number of the current line.
:/pattern/= Print the line number of the first line
that matches pattern.

{Line Addressing Symbols}

.stands for the current line
$ the last line of the file
% every line in the file

Delete from current line to end of file.
Move from line 20 through the current line to the 
end of the file
Delete all the lines in a file
Copy all lines and place them at the end of the file
(making a consecutive duplicate).

In addtion to an absolute line address, you can specify 
an address relative to the current line.
Delete from current line through the next 20 lines.
Move lines 226 through the end of the file to two lines
above the current line.
Display line numbers from the current line to 20 lines
above the current line.
Copy three lines(the line above the cursor through
the line below the cursor) and put them at the top
of the file.

{copying a File into Another File}

:read filename(:r filename)
inserts the contents of filename starting on the line
after the cursor position in the file.
:185r /home/tim/data
Read in file data and place it after line 185
:$r /home/tim/data
Place the read-in file at the end of the current file.
:0r /home/tim/data
Place the read-in file at the very beginning of the
current file.
:/pattern/r /home/tim/data
Place the read-in file in the current file, after the 
line containing pattern.

{Editing Multiple Files}

{Edits Between Files}

When you give a yank buffer a one-letter name, you have a
convenient way to move text from one file to another. Named
buffers are not cleared when a new file is loaded into the
vi buffer with the :e command. Thus, by yanking or deleting
text from one file (into multiple named buffers if necessary), calling in a new file with :e, and putting the named
buffer(s) into the new file, you can transfer material 
between files.

Yank four lines into buffer f.
Save the file
:e letter
Enter the file letter with :e. Move the cursor to where
the copied text will be placed.
Place yanked text from named buffer f below the cursor.

Another way to move text from one file to another is to use
the ex commands :ya(yank) and :pu(put). These commands work
the same way as the equivalent vi commands y and p, but 
they are used with ex's line-addressing capability and named

:160,224ya a
yank lines 160 through 240 into buffer a.
Next move with :e to the file where you want to put these
lines. Place the cursor on the line where you want to put
the yanked lines. Then type:
:pu a
to put the contents of buffer a after current line.