分布式引起的cursor: pin S wait on X 事件问题处理

来源:互联网 发布:java uploadify例子 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 06:35
系统处在hang的状态,一启动,就有好多session . 系统基本不可用。
ps -ef|grep ora|wc -l 发现进程数一直在增长
-- 查找当前会话信息
select t3.sql_id, t3.sql_text, t1.SID, t1.SERIAL#, t1.STATUS, t1.PROGRAM, t1.LOGON_TIME, t1.EVENT, t1.SECONDS_IN_WAIT, t2.SPID
  from v$session t1,
       v$process t2,
       (select sql_id, sql_text
          from v$sql
         group by sql_id, sql_text) t3
where t1.paddr = t2.addr
   and t1.status = 'ACTIVE'
   and t1.sql_id = t3.sql_id(+)
order by sql_text;
发现大量的cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件
74c1hdswksgytselect id,name from V_NE_NETYPE5022ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16single-task messagegts5km94cpd3fselect id,name from v_ne_netype t5152ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16cursor: pin S wait on Xgts5km94cpd3fselect id,name from v_ne_netype t5062ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16single-task messagegts5km94cpd3fselect id,name from v_ne_netype t5232ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:15cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'5202ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'5312ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:15cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'5302ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:15cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'5264ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:15cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'5252ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:15cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'1816ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'5082ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'5052ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16cursor: pin S wait on X6ua7g9w10tnrjselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20'4952ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16single-task messagecb8d7tmyz0gauselect id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='30'5242ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:15single-task messagea7k5va9c6x21nselect id,name from v_ne_netype where 1=15137ACTIVEJDBC Thin Client2013/4/22 17:15:16cursor: pin S wait on X
cursor: pin S wait on X 这是这周来第二次遇到此事件,上次是因为系统bug
cursor: pin S A session waits on this event when it wants to update a shared mutex pin and another session
is currently inthe process of updating a shared mutex pinforthe same cursor object. This wait event should
rarely be seen because a shared mutex pin update is very fast.(Wait Time: Microseconds)
1. 硬解析太高
2. shared_pool 大小
3. bug
alter system set shared_pool_size=2g scope=both;
出了awr 报告

SQL ordered by Parse Calls

begin :id := sys.dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id; end;
这个处理分布式事务的一个application ,咨询同事有无分布式数据库的使用,比如dblink, 被告知只有webservice 没有dblink.(其实是有的,这里误导了我)
select id,name from v_ne_netype where  id='20' 直接hang住, 不执行。
再问同事,v_ne_netype 是由一个dblink 的视图。 此dblink 指向系统B
此时的B 通过plsql 已不能正常联接。
登陆B 系统,查看其监听,命令响应很慢。不能关闭,也不能重启。
日志也没有。 kill 掉监听进程,重启监听。 B系统正常。 A系统也正常。
原因:B系统因为一些原因,监听异常,不能正确解析sql ,引发的联锁反应。