Nginx %00空字节执行任意代码(php)漏洞

来源:互联网 发布:网络设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:32


nginx 0.5.*nginx 0.6.*nginx 0.7 <= 0.7.65nginx 0.8 <= 0.8.37


Possible Arbitrary Code Execution with Null Bytes, PHP, and Old Versions of nginxNgnix在遇到%00空字节时与后端FastCGI处理不一致,导致可以在图片中嵌入PHP代码然后通过访问xxx.jpg%00.php来执行其中的代码In vulnerable versions of nginx, null bytes are allowed in URIs by default (their presence is indicated via a variable named zero_in_uri defined in ngx_http_request.h). Individual modules have the ability to opt-out of handling URIs with null bytes. However, not all of them do; in particular, the FastCGI module does not.
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测试方法:   dis
  1. The attack itself is simple: a malicious user who makes a request to causes file.ext to be parsed as PHP.
  3. If an attacker can control the contents of a file served up by nginx (ie: using an avatar upload form) the result is arbitrary code execution. This vulnerability can not be mitigated by nginx configuration settings like try_files or PHP configuration settings like cgi.fix_pathinfo: the only defense is to upgrade to a newer version of nginx or to explicitly block potentially malicious requests to directories containing user-controlled content.


解决方案升级nginx版本 [ 2011-08-25 ]