
来源:互联网 发布:linux文件结构 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 04:03
In the classic problem of the Towers of Hanoi, you have 3 rods and N disks of different 
sizes which can slide onto any tower The puzzle starts with disks sorted in ascending 
order of size from top to bottom (e g , each disk sits on top of an even larger one) You 
have the following constraints:
(A) Only one disk can be moved at a time 
(B) A disk is slid off the top of one rod onto the next rod 
(C) A disk can only be placed on top of a larger disk 
Write a program to move the disks from the first rod to the last using Stacks


#include <iostream>using namespace std;typedef int Data;struct Node{    Node(Data d):data(d){next = NULL;};    Data data;    Node* next;};class Stack{public:    Stack():topNode(NULL){};    void pop()    {        if(topNode != NULL)        {            Node* p = topNode;            topNode = topNode->next;            delete p;        } else {            throw "Empty Stack";        }    };    Data top()    {        if(topNode != NULL)        {            return topNode->data;        } else {            throw "Empty Stack";        }    };    void push(Data data)    {        Node* d = new Node(data);        d->next = topNode;        topNode = d;    };    void print()    {        cout<<"Stack:"<<endl;        Node* p = topNode;        while(p != NULL)        {            cout<<p->data<<" ";            p = p->next;        }        cout<<endl<<"End"<<endl;    };    bool isEmpty(){return topNode == NULL;};private:    Node* topNode;};class Hanoi{public:    Hanoi(int size):mSize(size)    {        while(size--)        {            stack[0].push(size);        }    };    void move(int src, int dst)    {        if(src < 0 || src > 2 || dst < 0 || dst > 2 || src == dst)        {            throw "Error Stack Index";        }        Data data = stack[src].top();        stack[src].pop();        stack[dst].push(data);        cout<<"Move: "<<data<<" "<<src<<"->"<<dst<<endl;           };    void move(int src, int dst, int size)    {        if(src < 0 || src > 2 || dst < 0 || dst > 2 || src == dst || size <= 0)        {            throw "Error Stack Index";        }        if(size == 1)        {            move(src, dst);            return;        }        int tmp = 3 - src - dst;        move(src, tmp, size-1);        move(src, dst);        move(tmp, dst, size-1);    };    void print(int index)    {        if(index < 0 || index > 2) return;        stack[index].print();    };private:    int mSize;    Stack stack[3];};int main(){    int size = 8;    Hanoi hanoi(size);    hanoi.move(0, 2, size);    system("pause");};