MicroSoft Google Facebook 面试题 系列一

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝抢现货技巧 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 14:35


Reverse linklist in block
eg. block size is 3 and list is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Output: 3 2 1 6 5 4 8 7
LNK_NODE*  ReverseByBlock(LNK_NODE* pHead ,int nBlockSize);


#include<stdio.h>#include<malloc.h>typedef struct LinkNode{int data;struct LinkNode *next;} LNode, *pNode;pNode Create(int n);void ChangeList(pNode head, int Block);void Print(pNode head);void Delete(pNode head);int main(){int n, Block;pNode head;scanf("%d %d", &n, &Block);head = Create(n);Print(head);ChangeList(head, Block);Print(head);Delete(head);return 0;}pNode Create(int n){pNode p1, p2, head;int temp = n;head = p2 = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(LNode));if(head == NULL)return NULL;while(temp){p1 = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(LNode));if(p1 == NULL)return NULL;scanf("%d", &p1->data);p2->next = p1;p2 = p1;temp--;}p2->next = NULL;return head;}void ChangeList(pNode head, int Block){int count = Block;pNode first , second;first = head->next;if(first != NULL)second = first->next;elsereturn;while(second != NULL){while(--count && second != NULL){first->next = second->next;second->next = head->next;head->next = second;second = first->next;}if(second == NULL && count > 0)return;count = Block;head = first;if(first->next == NULL || first->next->next == NULL)return;first = head->next;second = first->next;}}void Print(pNode head){pNode temp;temp = head->next;while(temp != NULL){printf("%d ", temp->data);temp = temp->next;}printf("\n");}void Delete(pNode head){pNode temp;temp = head;while(temp != NULL){temp = head->next;free(head);head = temp;}}

最近在做网站测试时,遇到了需要在输入框输入 3000 字的测试用例。联想到平时聊天时经常复制粘贴一堆笑脸刷屏讨 MM 欢心的行为,不由想到了一个有趣的问题:为了输入一定数量的字符,最少需要按多少个键?

    大家最常用的策略或许是, 先输一些字符,然后全选复制,粘贴到一定规模后,再全选复制,粘贴到一个新的数量级,如此反复。注意到进入全选状态(并且复制后),第一次粘贴将会覆盖掉选中的部分,第二次粘贴才会增加原来的文本长度。当然,全选复制后按一次向右键也可以消除选中状态,不过却并没有节省按键次数。因此我们规定,在输入字符时只有四种原子操作:

      1. 按一个按键,输入一个字符
      2. 按 Ctrl + A ,全选
      3. 按 Ctrl + C ,复制
      4. 按 Ctrl + V ,粘贴


      1. 按一次按键,输入一个字符
      2. 按 k + 2 次按键,将现有内容复制成 k 份。

    这样一来,我们就有了一个清晰的递推思路。设 f(n) 表示输入 n 个字符所需要的最少按键次数,则 f(n) 将会在 f(n-1) + 1 和 f(n/k) + k + 2 中取一个最小值(其中 k 取遍 n 的所有约数)。
    Mathematica 牛 B 就牛 B 在,这样的动态规划程序只需要一行便能写完:


    可见,输入 100 个字符需要 18 次按键。具体方法是,用 5 次按键输入 5 个字符,再用 7 次按键把它变成 25 个字符,再用 6 次按键把它变成 100 个字符。


    有趣的是,这个函数并不是单调的。输入 99 个字符需要的按键次数比输入 100 个字符需要的按键次数更多一些,事实上这最少要花费 20 次按键。方法是,先用 5 次按键输入 5 个字符,4 次按键把它变成 10 个字符,单独按一次键添加一个字符, 5 次按键把字符数复制粘贴到 33 ,再来 5 次按键把字符数复制粘贴到 99 。

 那么, 20 次按键最多可以输入多少个字符呢?为了解决这个问题,我们可以给出另外一个递推式。令 g(n) 为 n 次按键最多可以输入的字符个数。对于每一个 n ,考虑两种转移决策:要么在 n - 1 次按键能够达到的最大字符数基础上加 1 ,要么把 n - k 次按键能够达到的字符数复制成 k - 2 份。也就是说, g(n) 就等于 g(n-1) + 1 和 g(n-k) * (k-2) 的最大值,其中 k 可以从 3 取到 n - 1。我们还是用一句话写下这个转移方程式:


    可以看到, 20 次按键足以输入 150 个字符(方案是 6 → 30 → 150 ), 30 次按键足以输入 1600 个字符(方案是 5 → 25 → 100 → 400 → 1600 )。这样看上去,我们好像有了快速刷屏的指导思想:粘贴到原来的 4 倍长或者 5 倍长后再进行下一波全选复制粘贴似乎总是最优的选择。另外,这个数列增长得很快, 80 次按键能输入的字符数就已经上亿了。看来,要想刷屏到系统崩溃并不难,不足 100 次按键就能产生上 G 的数据。


#include<stdio.h>#include<malloc.h>#include<math.h>#include<assert.h>int Fun(int *p, int m);int main(){int *p;int n;int i;scanf("%d", &n);p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (n+1));assert(p != NULL && n >0);for(i = 0; i < n+1; ++i)p[i] = 0;Fun(p, n+1);for(i = 1; i < n+1; ++i){printf("%4d ", p[i]);if(i % 10 == 0)printf("\n");}free(p);return 0;}int Fun(int *p, int m){int i, j;int Min;int k = 0;for(i = 1; i < m; ++i){Min = p[i-1] + 1;for(j = 2; j < sqrt(i); j++){if(i % j == 0){k = p[i/j] + j+ 2;if(k < Min)Min = k;}}p[i] = Min;}}
找出得分最高的无重复子段//Given a collection of segments, each segment have three values, the beginning point, the end point and the
//score. Find a set of segments have the largest score but non of them is overlapped with others.

{start point, end point, score}
比如{1,3,3}, {2,4,5}, {3,5,3}
#include<stdio.h>#define N 8typedef struct value{int begin;int end;int score;} value, *pvalue;void Find(pvalue arr, int n);void My_Sort(pvalue arr, int n);int main(){int i = 0;     value arr[N] = {{1, 3, 8},{2, 3, 8}, {0, 4, 2}, {3,5, 7}, {2, 6,1}, {0, 6, 2}, {2, 6, 1}, {6, 7, 10}}; My_Sort(arr, N);//按照开始的时间对数组排序 Find(arr, N);}void Find(pvalue arr, int n){void Print(pvalue arr, int n, int j, int *pos);int pos[N];//回溯寻找int dp[N];//存放最大的分数值int i = 0;int j = 0;int Max = 0;for(i = 0; i < N; ++i){dp[i] = arr[i].score;pos[i] = -1;}for(i = 1; i < N; ++i){for(j = 0; j < i; ++j){if((arr[i].begin >= arr[j].end) && (dp[i] < dp[j]+arr[i].score)){dp[i] = dp[j] + arr[i].score;pos[i] = j;}}}Max = dp[0];j = 0;for(i = 0; i < N; ++i){if(Max < dp[i]){Max = dp[i];j = i;}}printf("The Max score is %d\n", Max);Print( arr, n, j, pos);}void Print(pvalue arr, int n, int j, int *pos){if(j < 0)return;Print(arr, n, pos[j], pos);printf("{%d, %d, %d} ", arr[j].begin, arr[j].end, arr[j].score);}void My_Sort(pvalue arr, int n){void swap(pvalue a, pvalue b);int i, j;int temp;if(n <= 1)return;temp = arr->begin;for(j = 0, i = 1; i < n; ++i){if(arr[i].begin < temp){j++;if(i != j)swap(arr+i, arr+j);}}swap(arr, arr+j);My_Sort(arr, j-1);My_Sort(arr+j+1, n-j-1);}void swap(pvalue a, pvalue b){value temp;temp = *a;*a = *b;*b = temp;}

 Google  n条直线求交点   Given n lines in a panel, how can you find how many intersection points are there(count in the duplicated intersection point)



#include<iostream>#include<vector>#include<math.h>using namespace std;int GetPoint(vector<double> &vec);int main(){int n;double k;int temp;cin >>n;vector<double> vec;temp = n;while(temp--){cin>>k;vec.push_back(k);}cout<<GetPoint(vec)<<endl;}int GetPoint(vector<double> &vec){sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());int count = 0; //交点的个数 double temp = vec[0];int line = 1;//直线的条数 int m = 0;for(vector<double>::iterator iter = vec.begin()+1; iter != vec.end(); iter++){if((*iter - temp) > 0.0000001 || (*iter - temp) < -0.0000001){m = line;count+= m;}else{count+= m;}line++;temp = *iter;}return count;}
google/Mircrosoft实现Random Shuffle的功能,就是说给你一个随机数发生器把一个数组里的元素乱序。
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<time.h>#define M 10void swap(int *a, int *b);int main(){int a[M] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};int i = 0;for(i = 0; i < M; ++i){srand(time(NULL));swap(&a[M-1-i], &a[rand()%(M-i)]);}for(i = 0; i < M; ++i)printf("%d ",a[i]);printf("\n");return 0;}void swap(int *a, int *b){int temp;temp = *a;*a = *b;*b = temp;}

google 两个大小相同的排好序的数组,A和B,如何找出两个数组的中数

二分搜索的思想 时间复杂度log(N);


//找到两个排序数组的中位数#include<stdio.h>#define N 5int FindMedium(int *a, int *b, int n);int FindMediumCycle(int *a, int *b, int n);int main(){int a[N] = {1, 2, 5, 5, 6};int b[N] = {1, 4, 4, 5, 7};printf("中位数是%d\n", FindMediumCycle(a, b, N));return 0;}int FindMedium(int *a, int *b, int n) //递归实现{//注意边界条件int mid;if(n < 1){printf("error\n");return 0;}if(n == 1)return (*a < *b) ? *b : *a;mid = (n-1)/2;if(a[mid] == b[mid])return a[mid];else if(a[mid] < b[mid])return FindMedium(a+mid, b, mid+1);elsereturn FindMedium(a, b+mid, mid+1);}int FindMediumCycle(int *a, int *b, int n)//循环{int mid;int length = n;while(length > 1){mid = (length-1)/2;if(a[mid] == b[mid])return a[mid];else if(a[mid] < b[mid]){length = mid+1;a = a+mid;}else{length = mid+1;b = b+mid;}}return (*a < *b) ? *b : *a;}
//二分搜索int binsearch(int x, int v[], int n){int low, high, mid;low = 0; high = n-1;while(low <= high){mid = (low + high)/2;if(x < v[mid])high = mid-1;else if( x > v[mid])low = mid+1;elsereturn mid;}return -1;}
google/baidu 一个数组,里面的数本因该是由小到大排列滴, 但是,有部分数是大的在前小的在后,把这样的数对找出来。

pervert pairs : <5,3> <5,4> <7,6> <8,6>,


#include<stdio.h>#include<malloc.h>#include<assert.h>//#define N 10int count = 0;void MSort(int *a, int *b, int left, int right);void Merge(int *a, int *b, int lpos, int rpos, int rightend);int FindPervert(int *a, int n);int main(){int a[10] = {9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};printf("\nThe pervert pairs is %d\n", FindPervert(a, 10));return 0;}int FindPervert(int *a, int n){int i = 0;int *b = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);assert(b != NULL);MSort(a, b, 0, n-1);for(i = 0; i< n;++i)printf("%d ", a[i]);free(b);return count;}void MSort(int *a, int *b, int left, int right){int center;if(left < right){center = (left + right)/2;MSort(a, b, left, center);MSort(a, b, center+1, right);Merge(a, b, left, center+1, right);}}void Merge(int *a, int *b, int left, int rightbegin, int right){int leftend = rightbegin-1;int temp;int pos = left;int i;int num = right - left + 1;while(left <= leftend && rightbegin <=right){if(a[left] <= a[rightbegin]){b[pos++] = a[left++];}else{//如果a[left]>a[rightbegin],那么逆序数为序列1中a[left]后边元素的个数(包括a[left]),即leftend-left + 1,//count += leftend - left+1; //增加逆序数的个数temp = left;while(temp <= leftend)//输出逆序数对{printf("<%d,%d> ", a[temp++], a[rightbegin]);count++;if(count % 10 == 0)printf("\n");}b[pos++] = a[rightbegin++];}}while(left <= leftend){b[pos++] = a[left++];}while(rightbegin <= right){b[pos++] = a[rightbegin++];}for(i = 0; i < num; ++i, right--)a[right] = b[right];}
