How to read a SQL Trace in PeopleSoft

来源:互联网 发布:单片机检测高低电平 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:19

How to read a SQL Trace in PeopleSoft

As always with so many things, I struggled initially to understand the trace file. More often, I would generate a trace file and did not understand every aspect of the trace file. However with experience, I have figured what is written to the trace file and sharing my findings below.

When a trace is run for SQL statements, the resulting trace statement will have various parts. Here is the list along with the description.

First Part: n-xxxxx.
This is a sequential line counter for the process (exe). n is a integer starting from 1 to n. xxxxx is reserved for each line written to the trace file. If there is a second process, then it would be 2-xxxxx, for the third one it would be 3-xxxxx and so on.

Second Part:
It indicates the timestamp at which the trace line is written. This timestamp is retrieved from the machine in which PeopleTools is running.

Third Part: A time value
This is the time elapsed since the previous trace line was written. The time elapsed between n-xxxxx and n-(xxxxx+1) is written.

Fourth Part: Cur#n
This indicates the cursor number for the statement

Fifth Part: PSFT_DB
Indicates the PeopleSoft database in which this API call is executing.

Sixth Part: RC=0
This is the return code for the associated API call.

Seventh Part: Dur=Another time value.
This is the time to execute the assoicated API call.

Eight Part: COM Stmt=<SQL Statement>
This is the database API call and provides information on the SQL executed.


这是可能产生COBOL SQL(cobsql.)追踪一起绑定值。,它是未能产生cobsql.trc的文件在两个两层三线模式。
5)设定的TRACESQL 255。
8)点击任何remotecall中COBOL,然后检查临时<pshome> / appserv程序/日志文件夹如下:
a)阁下,将有<COBOL PROGRAM> _ <OPRID>。出/ ERR出现在<pshome> / appserv程序/ logs文件夹的文件
                  ),你也将获得小组处理,涉及SQL SQL跟踪
)也将得到cobsql_ <日期时间> TRC(你想看到这是跟踪文件)

要产生cobsql.trc的  两 ​​层COBOL程序文件,做到以下几点:
1)打开“配置管理 - 跟踪”选项卡。  
的cobsql跟踪文件将驻留在%TEMP%\ PS \数据库名在的格式cobsql_program name_datetime.trc中的。