
来源:互联网 发布:java函数返回值为数组 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 03:09


Delete a node in the middle of list, given only access list once


#include <iostream>using namespace std;typedef struct linked_list{    int data;    struct linked_list *next;}Linked_list;int add_node(Linked_list **head, int d){    Linked_list *l = new Linked_list;    if(l == NULL) return 0;    Linked_list *t = *head;    l->data = d;    l->next = NULL;    if(*head == NULL){        *head = l;        return 1;    }    while(t->next != NULL){        t = t->next;    }    t->next = l;    return 1;}void del_mid_elem(Linked_list *head, Linked_list *l){    Linked_list *t;    if(head->next == NULL && head->next == NULL){        return;    }    t = l->next;    l->data = l->next->data;    l->next = l->next->next;    delete t;}void delete_list(Linked_list *head){    while(head != NULL){        Linked_list *t = head->next;        delete head;        head = t;    }}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){    Linked_list *head = NULL;    Linked_list *l;    add_node(&head, 1);    add_node(&head, 1);    add_node(&head, 2);    add_node(&head, 3);    add_node(&head, 9);    add_node(&head, 4);    add_node(&head, 1);    add_node(&head, 5);    cout << "before" << endl;    l = head;    while(l!=NULL){        cout << l->data << endl;        l = l->next;    }    l = head;    while(l!=NULL){        if(l->data == 9) break;;        l = l->next;    }    cout << "after deleting " << l->data << endl;    del_mid_elem(head, l);    l = head;    while(l!=NULL){        cout << l->data << endl;        l = l->next;    }    delete_list(head);    return 0;}


before11239415last 0 in the listlast 1 in the list5last 2 in the list15
