Linux 0.12 OS. math - math_emu.h

来源:互联网 发布:c语言字符串指针 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:50



一 结构体

I. struct info

struct info {long ___math_ret;long ___orig_eip;long ___edi;long ___esi;long ___ebp;long ___sys_call_ret;long ___eax;long ___ebx;long ___ecx;long ___edx;long ___orig_eax;long ___fs;long ___es;long ___ds;long ___eip;long ___cs;long ___eflags;long ___esp;long ___ss;};


II. struct i387_struct

struct i387_struct {longcwd;  /* 控制寄存器,16bit */longswd;  /* 状态寄存器,16bit */longtwd;  /* 标志寄存器,16bit */longfip;  /* 浮点指令地址偏移,32bit */longfcs;  /* 代码段,16bit + 浮点指令操作码12bit */longfoo;  /* 操作数地址偏移,32bit */longfos;  /* 数据段,16bit */longst_space[20];/* 8*10 bytes for each FP-reg = 80 bytes */};

III. struct swd

struct swd {int ie:1; /* 8.5.1 Invalid operation exception */int de:1; /* 8.5.2 Denormal operand exception (#D) */int ze:1; /* 8.5.3 Divide-by-zero exception (#Z) */int oe:1; /* 8.5.4 Numeric overflow exception (#O) */int ue:1; /* 8.5.5 Numeric underflow exception (#U) */int pe:1; /* 8.5.6 Inexact-result (Precision) exception (#P) */int sf:1; /* Stack fault */int ir:1; /* Error summary status */int c0:1; /* Condition code */int c1:1;int c2:1;int top:3; /* Top of stack pointer */int c3:1;int b:1; /* FPU Busy */};

IV. data struct

typedef struct {long a,b;short exponent;} temp_real;typedef struct {short m0,m1,m2,m3;short exponent;} temp_real_unaligned;typedef struct {long a,b;} long_real;typedef long short_real;typedef struct {long a,b;short sign;} temp_int;

- temp_real:浮点处理器内部数据寄存器格式(扩展的双精度实数/临时实数)

- temp_real_unaligned:为了能够真实对齐拷贝正确的内容的浮点处理器内部数据寄存器格式,我们来详细说一下它,顺便把Linus说的一段脏话撩出来

 * Gcc forces this stupid alignment problem: I want to use only two longs
 * for the temporary real 64-bit mantissa, but then gcc aligns out the
 * structure to 12 bytes which breaks things in math_emulate.c. Shit. I
 * want some kind of "no-alignt" pragma or something.



- long_real:双精度实数格式

- short_real:单精度实数格式

- temp_int:临时整数格式

二 浮点常量

#define CONSTZ   (temp_real_unaligned) {0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000}#define CONST1   (temp_real_unaligned) {0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x8000,0x3FFF}#define CONSTPI  (temp_real_unaligned) {0xC235,0x2168,0xDAA2,0xC90F,0x4000}#define CONSTLN2 (temp_real_unaligned) {0x79AC,0xD1CF,0x17F7,0xB172,0x3FFE}#define CONSTLG2 (temp_real_unaligned) {0xF799,0xFBCF,0x9A84,0x9A20,0x3FFD}#define CONSTL2E (temp_real_unaligned) {0xF0BC,0x5C17,0x3B29,0xB8AA,0x3FFF}#define CONSTL2T (temp_real_unaligned) {0x8AFE,0xCD1B,0x784B,0xD49A,0x4000}/*V = (-1)^s x M x 2^E, s为0或1,M为大于等于1小于2的数,E为指数,令偏置数为basic=2^14-10.0 = (-1)^0 x 0.0 x 2^01.0 = (-1)^0 x 1.0 x 2^(0+basic)PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795LN2 = loge(2)  = .69314718055994530941723212145818LG2 = log10(2) = .30102999566398119521373889472449L2E = log2(e)  = 1.4426950408889634073599246810019L2T = log2(10) = 3.3219280948873623478703194294894*/


整数部分:an*2^n + a(n-1)*2^(n-1) + ...+ a0*2^0

小数部分:an*(1/2)^n + a(n-1)*(1/2)^(n-1) + ... + a1*(1/2)^1 


三 重要函数

I. math_abort

void __math_abort(struct info *, unsigned int);#define math_abort(x,y) \(((volatile void (*)(struct info *,unsigned int)) __math_abort)((x),(y)))

II. ea.c

char * ea(struct info * __info, unsigned short __code);

- ea:获取操作数地址

III. convert.c

void short_to_temp(const short_real * __a, temp_real * __b);void long_to_temp(const long_real * __a, temp_real * __b);void temp_to_short(const temp_real * __a, short_real * __b);void temp_to_long(const temp_real * __a, long_real * __b);void real_to_int(const temp_real * __a, temp_int * __b);void int_to_real(const temp_int * __a, temp_real * __b);

- short_to_temp:单精度实数转换为临时实数

- long_to_temp:双精度实数转换为临时实数

- temp_to_short:临时实数转换为单精度实数

- temp_to_long:临时实数转换为双精度实数

- real_to_int:临时实数转换为临时整数

- int_to_real:临时整数转换为临时实数

IV. get_put.c

void get_short_real(temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void get_long_real(temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void get_temp_real(temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void get_short_int(temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void get_long_int(temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void get_longlong_int(temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void get_BCD(temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void put_short_real(const temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void put_long_real(const temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void put_temp_real(const temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void put_short_int(const temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void put_long_int(const temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void put_longlong_int(const temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);void put_BCD(const temp_real *, struct info *, unsigned short);

- get/put_short_real:load/store单精度实数(m32r)

- get/put_long_real:load/store双精度实数(m64r)

- get/put_temp_real:load/store临时实数(m80r)

- get/put_short_int:load/store短整数(m16j)

- get/put_long_int:load/store整数(m32j)

- get/put_longlong_int:load/store长整数(m64j)

V. compute

/* add.c */void fadd(const temp_real *, const temp_real *, temp_real *);/* mul.c */void fmul(const temp_real *, const temp_real *, temp_real *);/* div.c */void fdiv(const temp_real *, const temp_real *, temp_real *);/* compare.c */void fcom(const temp_real *, const temp_real *);void fucom(const temp_real *, const temp_real *);void ftst(const temp_real *);

- fadd, fmul, fdiv:加法,乘法,除法

- fcom, fucom, ftst:都是比较操作,然后设定对应的status register中condition code,ftst表示临时实数和0比较的结果