
来源:互联网 发布:java获取私有属性 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:25


namespace MappingBinaryHeap{/*    DS:        Datastructure to show the value    Heap:        1.Ds:value        2.idx:index    pos:        The position for each index    len:        The volum n of heap    hh:        heap    Push:        insert an element    Pop:        pop an element:            1.pop(pos[]) pop the element index            2.pop(1) pop the 'max' one*/    struct DS{        int next;        DS(){}        DS(int x) : next(x){}        bool operator <(const DS &A) const {            if (next == -1)                return true;            if (A.next == -1)                return false;            return next > A.next;        }        void init() {            next = 0;        }    };    #define maxn 100005    struct Heap {        int idx;        DS val;    }hh[maxn];    int pos[maxn];    int len;    bool Prior(Heap a, Heap b) {        return a.val < b.val;    }    void Push(Heap s) {        int i;        for (i = ++len; i > 1 && Prior(s, hh[i / 2]); i /= 2) {            hh[i] = hh[i / 2];            pos[hh[i].idx] = i;        }        hh[i] = s;        pos[hh[i].idx] = i;    }    Heap Pop(int idx) {        if (idx == -1)            return hh[0];        Heap ret = hh[idx];        Heap last = hh[len--];        int i, s;        for (i = idx; i * 2 <= len; i = s) {            s = i * 2;            if (s + 1 <= len && Prior(hh[s + 1], hh[s])) {                s++;            }            if (Prior(hh[s], last)) {                hh[i] = hh[s];                pos[hh[i].idx] = i;            } else {                break;            }        }        hh[i] = last;        pos[hh[i].idx] = i;        for (i = idx; i > 1 && Prior(hh[i], hh[i / 2]); i /= 2) {            Heap buf = hh[i];            hh[i] = hh[i / 2];            hh[i / 2] = buf;            pos[hh[i].idx] = i;            pos[hh[i / 2].idx] = i / 2;        }        return ret;    }    void init() {        hh[0].val.init();        len = 0;    }};
