
来源:互联网 发布:如何兼职软件开发 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 02:01


Running programmatically a specific version of Inventor

大家知道,从独立应用程序(EXE)启动Inventor,基本步骤如下。从注册表找到Inventor Application组件信息,然后调用CreateInstance启动。

Type inventorAppType =     System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID(     "Inventor.Application"); Inventor.Application app =      System.Activator.CreateInstance(      inventorAppType)                                     as Inventor.Application;

若你做过AutoCAD二次开发,可能知道,AutoCAD也有COM API,也能实现启动AutoCAD进程,而且能够指定版本,形如 “AutoCAD.Application.19.1”,将启动AutoCAD 2014. 但Inventor无此机制。那么要启动特定版本的Inventor,如何做呢?以下是个我们提供的工具类AdnInventorLoader, 提供了两种方式:

// Utility Class to launch specific version// of Inventor Application// By Philippe Leefsma, May 2013 – Devtechclass AdnInventorLoader{    public enum Version    {        Inventor_2010,        Inventor_2011,        Inventor_2012,        Inventor_2013,        Inventor_2014    };     public static Inventor.Application        CreateInstanceFromProcess(Version version)    {        try        {            string exePath = GetExePath(version);             if (exePath != string.Empty)            {                CleanUpRegistry();                 System.Diagnostics.Process process =                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(                        exePath);                 if (process != null)                {                    //Wait for 5 Mins                    if (process.WaitForInputIdle(                        300000))                    {                        Inventor.Application app =                            Marshal.GetActiveObject(                               "Inventor.Application")                              as Inventor.Application;                         return app;                    }                }            }             return null;        }        catch        {            return null;        }    }     public static Inventor.Application        CreateInstanceFromCLSID(Version version)    {        try        {            string exePath = GetExePath(version);             if (exePath != string.Empty)            {                CleanUpRegistry();                 using (RegistryKey inventorKey =                    Registry.ClassesRoot.                        OpenSubKey("CLSID").                        OpenSubKey("").                        OpenSubKey("LocalServer32",                            true))                {                    string[] names =                         inventorKey.GetValueNames();                     inventorKey.SetValue(                        names[0],                        exePath + " /Automation");                     inventorKey.Close();                     Type inventorAppType =                        System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID(                            "Inventor.Application");                     Inventor.Application app =                      System.Activator.CreateInstance(                          inventorAppType)                            as Inventor.Application;                     return app;                }            }             return null;        }        catch        {            return null;        }    }     // Clean up registry to prevent    // "Re-registration" dialog    // http://tinyurl.com/dx4tsnu    private static bool CleanUpRegistry()    {        try        {            using (RegistryKey inventorKey =                Registry.CurrentUser.                    OpenSubKey("Software").                    OpenSubKey("Autodesk").                    OpenSubKey("Inventor").                    OpenSubKey("Current Version",                        true))            {                if (inventorKey == null)                    return false;                 inventorKey.DeleteValue(                    "Executable");                inventorKey.DeleteValue(                    "LastVersionRun");                inventorKey.DeleteValue(                    "Registered");                inventorKey.DeleteValue(                    "RegistryVersion");                inventorKey.DeleteValue(                    "SilentMode");                inventorKey.DeleteValue(                    "UBI");                 inventorKey.Close();                 return true;            }        }        catch        {            return false;        }    }     // Retrieve Inventor.exe fullpath based on version    private static string GetExePath(Version version)    {        try        {            string key = string.Empty;             switch (version)            {                case Version.Inventor_2010:                    key = "RegistryVersion14.0";                    break;                case Version.Inventor_2011:                    key = "RegistryVersion15.0";                    break;                case Version.Inventor_2012:                    key = "RegistryVersion16.0";                    break;                case Version.Inventor_2013:                    key = "RegistryVersion17.0";                    break;                case Version.Inventor_2014:                    key = "RegistryVersion18.0";                    break;                default:                    return string.Empty;            }             using (RegistryKey inventorKey =                Registry.LocalMachine.                    OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE").                    OpenSubKey("Autodesk").                    OpenSubKey("Inventor").                    OpenSubKey(key))            {                 if (inventorKey == null)                    return string.Empty;                 string path = inventorKey.GetValue(                  "InventorLocation")                    as string;                 inventorKey.Close();                 path += "\\Inventor.exe";                 return (System.IO.File.Exists(path) ?                    path :                    string.Empty);            }        }        catch        {            return string.Empty;        }    }} Here are examples of use for both methods: Inventor.Application app =    AdnInventorLoader.CreateInstanceFromProcess(        AdnInventorLoader.Version.Inventor_2013); if (app != null)   app.Visible = true;              ------------------------- Inventor.Application app =    AdnInventorLoader.CreateInstanceFromCLSID(        AdnInventorLoader.Version.Inventor_2014);   if (app != null)   app.Visible = true;