MonkeyRunner 的使用<一>

来源:互联网 发布:仓廪实而知礼节的一辩 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:22





The monkeyrunner tool provides an API for writing programs that control an Android device or emulator from outside of Android code. With monkeyrunner, you can write a Python program that installs an Android application or test package, runs it, sends keystrokes to it, takes screenshots of its user interface, and stores screenshots on the workstation. The monkeyrunner tool is primarily designed to test applications and devices at the functional/framework level and for running unit test suites, but you are free to use it for other purposes


The monkeyrunner tool is not related to the UI/Application Exerciser Monkey, also known as the monkey tool. The monkey tool runs in an adb shell directly on the device or emulator and generates pseudo-random streams of user and system events. In comparison, the monkeyrunner tool controls devices and emulators from a workstation by sending specific commands and events from an API.


The monkeyrunner tool provides these unique features for Android testing:

Multiple device control: The monkeyrunner API can apply one or more test suites across multiple devices or emulators. You can physically attach all the devices or start up all the emulators (or both) at once, connect to each one in turn programmatically, and then run one or more tests. You can also start up an emulator configuration programmatically, run one or more tests, and then shut down the emulator.

Functional testing: monkeyrunner can run an automated start-to-finish test of an Android application. You provide input values with keystrokes or touch events, and view the results as screenshots.

Regression testing - monkeyrunner can test application stability by running an application and comparing its output screenshots to a set of screenshots that are known to be correct.

Extensible automation - Since monkeyrunner is an API toolkit, you can develop an entire system of Python-based modules and programs for controlling Android devices. Besides using the monkeyrunner API itself, you can use the standard Python os and subprocess modules to call Android tools such as Android Debug Bridge.

You can also add your own classes to the monkeyrunner API. This is described in more detail in the section Extending monkeyrunner with plugins.


多设备控制:monkeyrunner API可以跨多个设备或模拟器实施测试套件。您可以在同一时间接上所有的设备或一次启动全部模拟器(或统统一起),依据程序依次连接到每一个,然后运行一个或多个测试。您也可以用程序启动一个配置好的模拟器,运行一个或多个测试,然后关闭模拟器。






可扩展的自动化:由于monkeyrunner是一个API工具包,您可以基于Python模块和程序开发一整套系统,以此来控制Android设备。除了使用monkeyrunner API之外,您还可以使用标准的Python ossubprocess模块来调用如adb这样的Android工具。 

您还可以向monkeyrunner API中添加您自己的类。我们将在使用插件扩展monkeyrunner一节中对此进行详细讨论。


A Simple monkeyrunner Program

Here is a simple monkeyrunner program that connects to a device, creating a MonkeyDevice object. Using the MonkeyDevice object, the program installs an Android application package, runs one of its activities, and sends key events to the activity. The program then takes a screenshot of the result, creating a MonkeyImage object. From this object, the program writes out a .png file containing the screenshot.


# 导入此程序所需的monkeyrunner模块 from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice # 连接当前设备,返回一个MonkeyDevice对象 device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() # 安装Android包,注意,此方法返回的返回值为boolean,由此您可以判断安装过程是否正常 device.installPackage('myproject/bin/MyApplication.apk') # 运行此应用中的一个活动 device.startActivity(component='') # 按下菜单按键'KEYCODE_MENU','DOWN_AND_UP') # 截取屏幕截图 result = device.takeSnapShot# 将截图保存至文件 result.writeToFile('myproject/shot1.png','png')

The monkeyrunner API

The monkeyrunner API is contained in three modules in the package


MonkeyRunner: A class of utility methods for monkeyrunner programs. This class provides a method for connecting monkeyrunner to a device or emulator. It also provides methods for creating UIs for a monkeyrunner program and for displaying the built-in help.

MonkeyDevice: Represents a device or emulator. This class provides methods for installing and uninstalling packages, starting an Activity, and sending keyboard or touch events to an application. You also use this class to run test packages.

MonkeyImage: Represents a screen capture image. This class provides methods for capturing screens, converting bitmap images to various formats, comparing two MonkeyImage objects, and writing an image to a file.

MonkeyRunner    :一个为monkeyrunner程序提供工具方法的类。这个类提供了用于连接monkeyrunner至设备或模拟器的方法。它还提供了用于创建一个monkeyrunner程序的用户界面以及显示内置帮助的方法。        


 MonkeyDevice    :表示一个设备或模拟器。这个类提供了安装和卸载程序包、启动一个活动以及发送键盘或触摸事件到应用程序的方法。您也可以用这个类来运行测试包。        



 MonkeyImage    :表示一个截图对象。这个类提供了截图、将位图转换成各种格式、比较两个MonkeyImage对象以及写图像到文件的方法。        



  from import



You can either runmonkeyrunner programs from a file, or enter monkeyrunner statements in aninteractive session. You do both by invoking the monkeyrunner command which isfound in the tools/ subdirectory of yourSDK directory. If you provide a filename as an argument, the monkeyrunner command runs thefile's contents as a Python program; otherwise, it starts an interactivesession.

The syntax of the monkeyrunner command is

monkeyrunner -plugin <plugin_jar> <program_filename> <program_options>




monkeyrunner -plugin  <程序文件名> <程序选项>

Table 1 explainsthe flags and arguments.

Table 1. monkeyrunner flags andarguments.



-plugin <plugin_jar>

(Optional) Specifies a .jar file containing a plugin for monkeyrunner. To learn more about monkeyrunner plugins, see Extending monkeyrunner with plugins. To specify more than one file, include the argument multiple times.


If you provide this argument, the monkeyrunner command runs the contents of the file as a Python program. If the argument is not provided, the command starts an interactive session.


(Optional) Flags and arguments for the program in <program_file>.






-plugin <plugin_jar>






<程序文件名>            所指定的程序所需的参数






·        指定了输出文件的全路经名称。










package;  import; import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;  public class Main implements Predicate {     @Override     public boolean apply(PythonInterpreter anInterpreter) {          /*         * Examples of creating and initializing variables in the monkeyrunner environment's         * namespace. During execution, the monkeyrunner program can refer to the variables "newtest"         * and "use_emulator"         *         */         anInterpreter.set("newtest", "enabled");         anInterpreter.set("use_emulator", 1);          return true;     } }

MonkeyRunner  Display an alert dialog to the process running the current script.  The dialog is modal, so the script stops until the user dismisses the dialog.    Args:    message - The message to display in the dialog.     title - The dialog's title. The default value is 'Alert'.     okTitle - The text to use in the dialog button. The default value is 'OK'.   Returns: returns nothing.  Sends a broadcast intent to the device.    Args:    uri - The URI for the Intent.     action - The action for the Intent.     data - The data URI for the Intent     mimetype - The mime type for the Intent.     categories - An iterable of category names for the Intent.     extras - A dictionary of extras to add to the Intent. Types of these extras are inferred from the python types of the values.     component - The component of the Intent.     flags - An iterable of flags for the Intent.All arguments are optional. The default value for each argument is null.(see android.content.Context.sendBroadcast(Intent))   Returns: returns nothing.  Display a choice dialog that allows the user to select a single item from a list of items.    Args:    message - The prompt message to display in the dialog.     choices - An iterable Python type containing a list of choices to display     title - The dialog's title. The default is 'Input'   Returns: The 0-based numeric offset of the selected item in the iterable.  Converts the MonkeyImage into a particular format and returns the result as a String. Use this to get access to the rawpixels in a particular format. String output is for better performance.    Args:    format - The destination format (for example, 'png' for Portable Network Graphics format). The default is png.   Returns: The resulting image as a String.  Simulates dragging (touch, hold, and move) on the device screen.    Args:    start - The starting point for the drag (a tuple (x,y) in pixels)     end - The end point for the drag (a tuple (x,y) in pixels     duration - Duration of the drag in seconds (default is 1.0 seconds)     steps - The number of steps to take when interpolating points. (default is 10)   Returns: returns nothing.  Returns the accessibility ids of the current view    Returns: The accessibility ids of the view as a list of ints  Returns a two item list that contains the x and y value of the center of the rectangle    Returns: The center coordinates as a two item list of integers  Get the checked status of the view    Returns: A boolean value for whether the item is checked or not  Returns the children of the current view    Returns: The children of the view as a list of MonkeyView objects  Returns the enabled status of the view    Returns: The enabled status of the view as a boolean  Returns the focused status of the view    Returns: The focused status of the view as a boolean  Returns the height of the rectangle    Returns: The height of the rectangle as an integer  Get the HierarchyViewer object for the device.    Returns: A HierarchyViewer object  Returns the location of the view in the form of a MonkeyRect    Returns: The location of the view as a MonkeyRect object  Returns the parent of the current view    Returns: The parent of the view as a MonkeyView object  Given the name of a variable on the device, returns the variable's value    Args:    key - The name of the variable. The available names are listed in   Returns: The variable's value  Retrieve the properties that can be queried    Returns: returns nothing.  Get a single ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) pixel at location x,y. The arguments x and y are 0-based, expressed in pixel dimensions. X increases to the right, and Y increases towards the bottom. This method returns a tuple.    Args:    x - the x offset of the pixel     y - the y offset of the pixel   Returns: A tuple of (A, R, G, B) for the pixel. Each item in the tuple has the range 0-255.  Get a single ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) pixel at location x,y. The arguments x and y are 0-based, expressed in pixel dimensions. X increases to the right, and Y increases towards the bottom. This method returns an Integer.    Args:    x - the x offset of the pixel     y - the y offset of the pixel   Returns: An unsigned integer pixel for x,y. The 8 high-order bits are A, followedby 8 bits for R, 8 for G, and 8 for B.  Obtains current root view    Returns: The root view object  Returns the selected status of the view    Returns: The selected status of the view as a boolean  Copy a rectangular region of the image.    Args:    rect - A tuple (x, y, w, h) describing the region to copy. x and y specify upper lefthand corner of the region. w is the width of the region in pixels, and h is its height.   Returns: a MonkeyImage object representing the copied region.  Synonym for getProperty()    Args:    key - The name of the system variable.   Returns: The variable's value.  Returns the text contained by the view    Returns: The text contained in the view  Obtains the view with the specified accessibility ids.    Args:    windowId - The window id of the view to retrieve.     accessibility id - The accessibility id of the view to retrieve.   Returns: The view object with the specified id.  Obtains the view with the specified id.    Args:    id - The id of the view to retrieve.   Returns: The view object with the specified id.  Returns the class name of the view    Returns: The class name of the view as a string  Retrieve the view ids for the current application    Returns: returns nothing.  Obtains a list of views that contain the specified text.    Args:    text - The text to search for   Returns: A list of view objects that contain the specified text.  Returns the width of the rectangle    Returns: The width of the rectangle as an integer  Format and display the API reference for MonkeyRunner.    Args:    format - The desired format for the output, either 'text' for plain text or 'html' for HTML markup.   Returns: A string containing the help text in the desired format.  Display a dialog that accepts input. The dialog is ,modal, so the script stops until the user clicks one of the two dialog buttons. To enter a value, the user enters the value and clicks the 'OK' button. To quit the dialog without entering a value, the user clicks the 'Cancel' button. Use the supplied arguments for this method to customize the text for these buttons.    Args:    message - The prompt message to display in the dialog.     initialValue - The initial value to supply to the user. The default is an empty string)     title - The dialog's title. The default is 'Input'     okTitle - The text to use in the dialog's confirmation button. The default is 'OK'.The text to use in the dialog's 'cancel' button. The default is 'Cancel'.     cancelTitle -   Returns: The test entered by the user, or None if the user canceled the input;  Installs the specified Android package (.apk file) onto the device. If the package already exists on the device, it is replaced.    Args:    path - The package's path and filename on the host filesystem.   Returns: True if the install succeeded  Run the specified package with instrumentation and return the output it generates. Use this to run a test package using InstrumentationTestRunner.    Args:    className - The class to run with instrumentation. The format is packagename/classname. Use packagename to specify the Android package to run, and classname to specify the class to run within that package. For test packages, this is usually testpackagename/InstrumentationTestRunner     args - A map of strings to objects containing the arguments to pass to this instrumentation (default value is None).   Returns: A map of strings to objects for the output from the package. For a test package, contains a single key-value pair: the key is 'stream' and the value is a string containing the test output.  Loads a MonkeyImage from a file.    Args:    path - The path to the file to load.  This file path is in terms of the computer running MonkeyRunner and not a path on the Android Device.    Returns: A new MonkeyImage representing the specified file  Send a key event to the specified key    Args:    name - the keycode of the key to press (see android.view.KeyEvent)     type - touch event type as returned by TouchPressType(). To simulate typing a key, send DOWN_AND_UP   Returns: returns nothing.  Reboots the specified device into a specified bootloader.    Args:    into - the bootloader to reboot into: bootloader, recovery, or None   Returns: returns nothing.  Deletes the specified package from the device, including its associated data and cache.    Args:    package - The name of the package to delete.   Returns: True if remove succeeded  Compare this MonkeyImage object to aother MonkeyImage object.    Args:    other - The other MonkeyImage object.     percent - A float in the range 0.0 to 1.0, indicating the percentage of pixels that need to be the same for the method to return 'true'. Defaults to 1.0.   Returns: boolean 'true' if the two objects contain the same image.  Sets the focused status of the view    Args:    focused - The boolean value to set focused to   Returns: returns nothing.  Sets the selected status of the view    Args:    selected - The boolean value to set selected to   Returns: returns nothing.  Executes an adb shell command and returns the result, if any.    Args:    cmd - The adb shell command to execute.   Returns: The output from the command.  Pause the currently running program for the specified number of seconds.    Args:    seconds - The number of seconds to pause.   Returns: returns nothing.  Starts an Activity on the device by sending an Intent constructed from the specified parameters.    Args:    uri - The URI for the Intent.     action - The action for the Intent.     data - The data URI for the Intent     mimetype - The mime type for the Intent.     categories - A Python iterable containing the category names for the Intent.     extras - A dictionary of extras to add to the Intent. Types of these extras are inferred from the python types of the values.     component - The component of the Intent.     flags - An iterable of flags for the Intent.All arguments are optional. The default value for each argument is null.(see android.content.Intent)   Returns: returns nothing.  Gets the device's screen buffer, yielding a screen capture of the entire display.    Returns: A MonkeyImage object (a bitmap wrapper)  Sends a touch event at the specified location    Args:    x - x coordinate in pixels     y - y coordinate in pixels     type - touch event type as returned by TouchPressType()   Returns: returns nothing.  Types the specified string on the keyboard. This is equivalent to calling press(keycode,DOWN_AND_UP) for each character in the string.    Args:    message - The string to send to the keyboard.   Returns: returns nothing.  Waits for the workstation to connect to the device.    Args:    timeout - The timeout in seconds to wait. The default is to wait indefinitely.     deviceId - A regular expression that specifies the device name. See the documentation for 'adb' in the Developer Guide to learn more about device names.   Returns: A ChimpDevice object representing the connected device.  Wake up the screen on the device    Returns: returns nothing.  Write the MonkeyImage to a file.  If no format is specified, this method guesses the output format based on the extension of the provided file extension. If it is unable to guess the format, it uses PNG.    Args:    path - The output filename, optionally including its path     format - The destination format (for example, 'png' for  Portable Network Graphics format.   Returns: boolean true if writing succeeded. 

