Install Hadoop on Ubuntu with two computers

来源:互联网 发布:origin数据分析软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:29

This post is about the installation of Hadoop on Ubuntu with two computers. The system environment is Ubuntu 12.04, JDK 6, Hadoop 1.0.3. The information of two computers detail as follow:

hostnameIP addressRolemaster192.168.0.10Namenode, Jobtracker, SecondaryNameNodeslave01192.168.0.11Datanode, Tasktracker

Supposing that the hadoop is installed, detail information :

Copying the virtual machine with hadoop to other physical machine. You had better configure the static IP address.

Step 1: modify the hosts mapping

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

#type and add the contents as follows: master192.168.0.11 slave01


Step 2: modify the hostname

$ sudo vi /etc/hostname

#type and add the contents respectively as follows:

# the hostname of is master.

# the hostname of is slave01.


Step 3: test the ssh in master shell

$ ssh slave01

#If you don't enter the password, configure successfully.


Step 4: modify the hadoop configure file in master and slave with same confiurations

# modify core-site.xml, mapred-site.xml,masters, slaves as follows:

# modify the property tohdfs://master:9000 in core-site.xml.

# modify the property mapred.job.tracker to master:9001 in core-site.xml.

# modify the content of masters file to master.

# modify the content of slaves file to slave01.


Step 5: delete the contents of directory of in hdfs-site.xml in master and slave machines

$sudo rm -r /home/hadoop/data1/*$sudo rm -r /home/hadoop/data2/*


Step 6: close the firewall in master and slave machines

$ sudo ufw disable


Step 7: reformat the namenode in master

$ bin/hadoop namenode -format


Step 8: see the process in masters and slave machines

$ jps$ ssh slave01$ jps


Step 9: see the report of hadoop

$ bin/hadoop dfsadmin -report