orcale 基本语句

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 父母的爱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:40


create table
 student(sno  char(6), sname varchar(10), sex char(6), birthday date, dno char(6));
 alter table student add (address varchar2(20));
 alter table student modify(address varchar2(50));
 alter table student rename to stu;
 select * from cat;
 alter table stu rename to student
 alter table student rename column address to  familyaddress
 select * from student
 alter table student rename column familyaddress to address
 alter table student add(ilovelx varchar2(10) );
 select * from student
 alter table student drop(ilovelx)
 ---试一下modify 可以用来改变列的类型,,也可以用来给类添加主键约束吗
 alter table student modify(sno char(6) constraint pk_student_sno primary key);
 select * from student
 ---oracle中日期的表达方式 dd-mon-yy 而且月份后面还得带一个月:  10-5月-1991
 insert into student values('s01','lx','man','10-5月-1991','d01','buqingchu','iloveu');
  insert into student values('s02','lx','man','10-5月-1991','d01','buqingchu','iloveu');

create table dep (dno char(6) constraint pk_dep_dno primary key ,dname varchar2(20),tel varchar2(10));
drop table dep

alter table dep modify (tel varchar2(20));

---下面两个语句一起执行的时候  前一条语句要以;结束
 insert into dep values('s01','计算机','010-58789657');
 insert into dep values('s02','外语','010-58789657');

select * from dep

select * from student
delete   from student

alter table student modify(dno char(6) constraint fk_student_dno references dep(dno));

---scott 用户的下的模型 表

select * from emp

select ename, sal*12 年工资,sysdate 日期  from emp

select *  from emp  order by  sal desc

--order by  默认是asc
select * from emp where comm  is null  order by sal

--order by 默认是asc    日期在前面的小 
select * from  emp where comm is not null order by hiredate 

select * from emp, dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno  order by  dept.deptno desc,emp.hiredate  ,emp.sal desc


--连接操作  列 冠以表 别名
select  e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.hiredate from emp e,dept d
 where e.deptno=d.deptno  order by  d.deptno desc,e.hiredate ,e.sal desc




-------------like      '%%'



select * from student

insert into student(sno,sname) values('111','ss_s')
insert into student(sno,sname) values('110','a_b')

select * from student where sname like '%\_s%'

select * from student where sname like '%a_b%'  ESCAPE '\';






