[Autofac]服务类型、 名称和键

来源:互联网 发布:刷业务平台软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:43
Many implementations of the same service can be differentiated using names and keys.
Updated Aug 17, 2010 by nicholas...@gmail.com

Autofac provides three typical ways to identify services.

Autofac 提供了3种典型的方式来标识服务。

By Type 按类型

The default method of describing a service is as a type.



This example associates the IDeviceState typed service with the OnlineState component. Instances of the component can be retrieved using the service type with the Resolve() method:

这个例子把IDeviceState类型的服务和OnlineState组件联系起来。组件实例可以通过Resolve() 方法并使用服务类型来获得。

var r = container.Resolve<IDeviceState>();

Typed services also work with Autowiring.


By Name 按名称

Services can be further identified using a service name. Using this technique, the Named() registration method replaces As().



To retrieve a named service, the ResolveNamed() method is used:

要获取一个命名服务的实例,可以使用ResolveNamed() 方法。

var r = container.ResolveNamed<IDeviceState>("online");

In versions of Autofac prior to 2.3, ResolveNamed() is simply an overload of Resolve().

在Autofac之前的2.3版本中,ResolveNamed() 方法只是Resolve().方法的简单重载。

Named services are simply keyed services that use a string as a key, and so the techniques described in the next section apply equally to named services.


By Key 按键值

Using strings as component names is convenient in some cases, but in others we may wish to use keys of other types. Keyed services provide this ability.


For example, an enum may describe the different device states in our example:


public enum DeviceState { Online, Offline }

Each enum value corresponds to an implementation of the service:


public class OnlineState : IDeviceState { }

The enum values can then be registered as keys for the implementations as shown below.


var builder = new ContainerBuilder();builder.RegisterType<OnlineState>().Keyed<IDeviceState>(DeviceState.Online);builder.RegisterType<OfflineState>().Keyed<IDeviceState>(DeviceState.Offline);// Register other components here

Resolving Explicitly 显示检索

The implementation can be resolved explicitly with ResolveKeyed():

服务实例可以使用 ResolveKeyed()来显示取得:

var r = container.ResolveKeyed<IDeviceState>(DeviceState.Online);

This does however result in using the container as a Service Locator, which is discouraged. As an alternative to this pattern, the IIndex type is provided.


In versions of Autofac prior to 2.3, ResolveKeyed() is simply an overload of Resolve().

在Autofac之前的2.3版本中,ResolveKeyed() 方法只是Resolve().方法的简单重载。

Resolving with an Index 使用索引检索

Autofac.Features.Indexed.IIndex<K,V> is a relationship type that Autofac implements automatically. Components that need to choose between service implementations based on a key can do so by taking a constructor parameter of type IIndex<K,V>.


public class Modem : IHardwareDevice{    IIndex<DeviceState, IDeviceState> _states;    IDeviceState _currentState;    public Modem(IIndex<DeviceState, IDeviceState> states)    {         _states = states;         SwitchOn();    }    void SwitchOn()    {         _currentState = _states[DeviceState.Online];    }}

In the SwitchOn() method, the index is used to find the implementation of IDeviceState that was registered with the DeviceState.Online key.

SwitchOn() 方法中,使用索引来取得通过DeviceState.Online键值注册的IDeviceState的实现。