java 代理模式

来源:互联网 发布:linux 查看权限命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:23
package com.test.proxy;public interface KindWomen {/*代理模式的好处是:现在有个接口 KindWomen,接口中有个方法playWihtMan(),接口有很多实现类 * 但是现在的问题是新需求要在执行playWihtMan()方法结尾要给客人sing(); * 我们不可能去该接口或者去一个一个的改实现类,代理模式就会很好的解决这个问题 * 我们只要在代理类中定义一个sing();然后再playWihtMan()中调用sing()方法即可 * */public void makeEyesWithMan();public void playWihtMan();}
package com.test.proxy;public class KingWomen implements KindWomen {public void playWihtMan() {System.out.println("The KingWomen play with man");}public void makeEyesWithMan() {System.out.println("The KingWomen make eyes with man");}}

package com.test.proxy;public  class xishi implements KindWomen {public void makeEyesWithMan() {System.out.println("xishi make eyes with man,and the man feel very happy");}public void playWihtMan() {System.out.println("xishi play wiht man,and the man feel very happy");}}

package com.test.proxy;public class WangPo implements KindWomen {private KindWomen kindWomen;public WangPo(){this.kindWomen = new KingWomen();}    public WangPo(KindWomen kindWomen){    this.kindWomen = kindWomen;    }public void makeEyesWithMan() { this.kindWomen.makeEyesWithMan();}public void playWihtMan() { this.kindWomen.playWihtMan(); this.sing();//此处新需求}public void sing(){System.out.println("you must sing a song for the man,thx!");}}

package com.test.proxy;public class Test {/** * @param args */public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubWangPo w = new WangPo(new xishi());w.makeEyesWithMan();w.playWihtMan();System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------");WangPo wangPo = new WangPo();wangPo.makeEyesWithMan();wangPo.playWihtMan();}}


xishi make eyes with man,and the man feel very happy
xishi play wiht man,and the man feel very happy
you must sing a song for the man,thx!
The KingWomen make eyes with man
The KingWomen play with man
you must sing a song for the man,thx!
