Refactoring - replace Switch statement with state/strategy

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云 宕机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 01:16


Author: Jiangong SUN


switch statements is procedural structure, not object programming, it can be replaced by strategy pattern with implementation of interface/abstract strategy, with concrete strategies.

public class SwitchToReplace    {        public static void Main()        {            Console.WriteLine(Get(Instruments.Telephone));            Console.WriteLine(Get(Instruments.Mobile));            Console.WriteLine(Get(Instruments.Television));            Console.WriteLine(Get(Instruments.Guitar));            Console.ReadLine();        }        public enum Instruments        {            Telephone,            Mobile,            Television,            Guitar        }        public static string Get(Instruments instruments)        {            string value;            switch (instruments)            {                case Instruments.Telephone:                    Console.WriteLine("Case 1");                    value = "Telephone";                    break;                case Instruments.Mobile:                    Console.WriteLine("Case 2");                    value = "Mobile";                    break;                case Instruments.Television:                    Console.WriteLine("Case 3");                    value = "Television";                    break;                default:                    Console.WriteLine("Default case");                    value = "Default case";                    break;            }            return value;        }    }

Replace Switch statement with State/Strategy pattern

    public class SwitchReplaced    {        public enum InstrumentEnum        {            Telephone,            Mobile,            Television,            Guitar        }        //define an abstract class and its method signature        public abstract class Instrument        {            public abstract string GetInstrumentName();        }        //inherit abstract class and override it's method        public class InstrumentTelephone : Instrument        {            public override string GetInstrumentName()            {                Console.WriteLine("Case 1");                return "Telephone";            }        }        public class InstrumentMobile : Instrument        {            public override string GetInstrumentName()            {                Console.WriteLine("Case 2");                return "Mobile";            }        }        public class InstrumentTelevision : Instrument        {            public override string GetInstrumentName()            {                Console.WriteLine("Case 3");                return "Television";            }        }        public class InstrumentGuitar : Instrument        {            public override string GetInstrumentName()            {                Console.WriteLine("Case 4");                return "Guitar";            }        }        public class InstrumentContext        {            private readonly Instrument _instrumentInstance;            //put abstract class Instrument's instance in constructor, assign it to local variable            public InstrumentContext(Instrument instrument)            {                _instrumentInstance = instrument;            }            //Invoke method of concrete strategy            public string InvokeGetInstrumentName()            {                return _instrumentInstance.GetInstrumentName();            }        }        //Extract same calling code in a single method        public string InstrumentInfo(Instrument instrument)        {            InstrumentContext context = new InstrumentContext(instrument);            return context.InvokeGetInstrumentName();        }        public static void Main()        {            SwitchReplaced sr = new SwitchReplaced();            //call            Console.WriteLine(sr.InstrumentInfo(new InstrumentGuitar()));            Console.WriteLine(sr.InstrumentInfo(new InstrumentMobile()));            Console.ReadLine();        }    }

I hope this post can do help to you! enjoy coding!
