install redmine on server

来源:互联网 发布:微信运动数据来源 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 22:35

Redmine is the best software package I’ve come across when dealing with software development and I highly recommend its use to everyone, however quite a few people have issues setting it up. Especially those who are new to Ruby or Rails. This guide walks you through the basics of setting it up on a fresh Ubuntu 12.10 installation.

  1. Install Ubuntu 12.10 (this guide uses Ubuntu Server 12.10 64-Bit).
    I would recommend installing this on it’s own server or virtual machine.
  2. Update the system
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

    If any kernel upgrades are required, this would be a good time to restart the server.

  3. Install the packages we will require, this may take some time as the list is quite long.
    sudo apt-get install ruby rubygems libruby libapache2-mod-passenger ruby-dev zip unzip libmysqlclient-dev libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev mysql-server mysql-client

    You will be prompted for a MySQL root password. Usual decent password practices apply.

( while meeting some problem, please check the pkgs that deps someothers ,and install them too. sudo apt-get install libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev libmagickcore4-extra libgraphviz-dev libmagickcore4-extra libgvc5)

  1. Download Redmine v2.1.4 from RubyForge.
    You can download either the tar or zip version. Download the MD5 Sum of the file as well (it will have the same file name but with ‘.MD5′ at the end and will be quite small.
  2. Confirm the MD5 of the file you downloaded matches the one in the md5 file
    md5sum redmine-2.1.4.tar.gzcat redmine-2.1.4.tar.gz.md5

    If the strings do not match, one of the two files is corrupted.

  3. Untar or Unzip the file and move the folder to an appropriate location
    tar -xzvf redmine-2.1.4.tar.gzunzip redmine-2.1.4.tar.gzsudo mv redmine-2.1.4 /usr/local/sharecd /usr/local/share/redmine-2.1.4/
  4. Install appropriate gems
    sudo gem install bundlersudo gem install rdp-mysql2
  5. Install the Redmine ‘bundle’ without dev / test environments and other database components
    sudo bundle install --without development test postgresql sqlite
  6. Create a MySQL user and Database for Redmine (using the local server)
    In these steps *** should be replaced by a password different from the root account.
    Connect to the MySQL Server Daemon:
    mysql -u root -p

    Create the new user:

    CREATE USER 'redmine'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY  '***';

    Create the new database:


    Grant the user rights over the database:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON  `redmine` . * TO 'redmine'@'localhost';
  7. Create the Database configuration file
    sudo nano config/database.yml

    Enter the following text, replacing your password as per above

    production:  adapter: mysql2  database: redmine  host: localhost  username: redmine  password: ***
  8. Generate the session secret:
    sudo rake generate_secret_token
  9. Create the empty Redmine Database structure
    sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
  10. Populate the database with default data (optional: Only skip this step if you know what you’re doing in terms of configuring workflows / etc in Redmine)
    sudo RAILS_ENV=production redmine:load_default_data

    When prompted, select the appropriate language.

  11. Configure Apache
    sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

    Delete all the existing data in the file and insert the following base config:

    <Virtualhost *:80>DocumentRoot /usr/local/share/redmine-2.1.4/public<Directory /usr/local/share/redmine-2.1.4/public>AllowOverride allOptions -MultiViews</Directory></VirtualHost>
  12. Restart Apache2
    sudo service apache2 restart
  13. Open Redmine: http://<server_IP>/
    Default details:
    Username – admin
    Password – admin

Other steps you should take:

  • Configure Redmine to send emails
  • Enable the Ubuntu Firewall (UFW)
  • Create a backup script that backs up uploaded files and the MySQL database
  • Tweak the Apache2 configuration to be more secure
  • Install the Nagios monitoring client
  • Setup rsyslogd to log to a remote location

Depending on demand I may create some How To guides for the above.

On step 13, I got error when I run it. But when I changed it to :

sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data

it goes well. I do not have any experience using ruby, but after I googled, the line is missing ‘rake’ in between
