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Imports SystemImports System.XmlImports Lucene.Net.AnalysisImports System.TextImports System.NetImports System.IOPublic Class chat    Public XmlPath As String    '语料数据路径    Public username As String '使用者名字    Public robotname As String '机器人名字    Dim myvoice As Object  '创建语音选项    Dim systime As String    Dim a As String    Dim q As String    ' Public WithEvents RC As New SpeechLib.SpSharedRecoContext    Dim lastq As String    '用于记录上一个问题    Dim besta As String    '用于记录学习后的答案    Dim lasta As String '用于判断上一个问题的答案    Dim CmdList As New ArrayList  '加载预定义命令列表    Public IsTalkWithSound As Boolean '用于判断是否启用语音朗读的变量    Public IsSoundRecognition As Boolean '用于判断是否启用语音识别的变量    Public IsMsgWithSound As Boolean '用于判断是否开启消息提示音    Dim Point As Point '用于窗体的移动    '对话过程Cmdtalk    Private Sub Cmdtalk_Click() Handles Cmdtalk.Click        q = txtq.Text        systime = DateTime.Now.Hour & ":" & DateTime.Now.Minute & ":" & DateTime.Now.Second        txtans.Text = txtans.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & systime & Space(2) & "【" & username & "】" & "说:" & vbNewLine & q        PlayMusic()        a = Response(q)        '开始匹配答案 核心部分        txtans.Text = txtans.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & systime & Space(2) & "【" & robotname & "】" & "说:" & vbNewLine & a        txtans.SelectionStart = Len(txtans.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine) '选择文本插入点,给下面的文字空出空间        txtans.ScrollToCaret() '滚动条滚动开始        '自动学习开始()        lastq = q  '记录前一个问题的内容        lasta = a  '记录前一个问题的答案        If XpathToXml(lastq) = 0 And lasta <> "莉莉不知道怎样回答" Then            AddNewKnowledge(lastq, lasta)        End If        txtq.Text = ""    End Sub    '页面初始化主函数    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load        Randomize()        LoadCmd() '加载命令列表        IsTalkWithSound = False        IsSoundRecognition = False        username = "我"        robotname = "莉莉"        systime = DateTime.Now.Hour & ":" & DateTime.Now.Minute & ":" & DateTime.Now.Second        txtans.Text = txtans.Text & systime & Space(2) & "【" & robotname & "】" & "说:" & vbNewLine & "朋友,你好,我是基于Alice的智能聊天机器人,我叫莉莉"        txtans.Select(Len(txtans.Text), 0)        'TalkWithSound(username & ",你好,我是基于Alice的智能聊天机器人,我叫莉莉,我可以为您做些什么呢?")        'SoundRecognition()    End Sub    '加载预置命令    Private Sub LoadCmd()        Dim xmldoc As New XmlDocument        xmldoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\aiml\cmd.xml")        Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList        Dim root As XmlElement = xmldoc.DocumentElement        nodeList = root.SelectNodes("/cmdlist/cmd")        Dim a As String = ""        Dim node As XmlNode = Nothing        For Each node In nodeList            CmdList.Add(node.InnerText)        Next    End Sub    '分词模块,比较简单,没想到中科院的效果那么差    Public Function SplitWords(ByVal input As String) As String        Dim sb As New StringBuilder()        sb.Remove(0, sb.Length)        Dim t1 As String = ""        Dim i As Integer = 0        Dim analyzer = New Lucene.Net.Analysis.China.ChineseAnalyzer        Dim sr As New StringReader(input)        Dim stream As TokenStream        stream = analyzer.TokenStream("", sr)        Dim t As Token = stream.Next()        While t Is Nothing = False            t1 = t.ToString()            t1 = t1.Replace("(", "")            sb.Append(i & ":" & "(" & t1)            t = stream.Next()            i += 1        End While        SplitWords = sb.ToString()    End Function    '机器人反应函数Response    Public Function Response(ByVal str As String) As String        '这里指定所有的命令函数格式为:“函数名:参数一|参数二|参数三.....”        Response = ""        If InStr(str, ":") > 0 Then            Dim CmdStr As String = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf(":"))            Dim OptionStr As String = str.Substring(str.IndexOf(":") + 1, str.Length - str.IndexOf(":") - 1)            If CmdList.Contains(CmdStr) Then '先处理特殊的命令字符, 然后处理一般的会话,处理前需要判断是否存在命令标志":"                Select Case CmdStr                    Case "天气"                        Response = Plugin_Weather(OptionStr)                    Case "搜索"                        Response = Plugin_Search(OptionStr)                    Case "翻译"                        Response = Plugin_Translate(OptionStr)                    Case "地图"                        Response = PlugIn_Map()                    Case "百科"                        Response = Plugin_Baike()                    Case "数学"                        Response = Plugin_Math(OptionStr)                End Select            End If        Else            If XpathToXml(str) > 0 Then  '在本地查找满足模糊条件的数据                Response = GetLocalData(XpathToXml(str) - 1)            Else                Response = getWebData(str)            End If        End If        Return Response    End Function    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '---------- 这里是用于扩展程序功能的插件--------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    Function Plugin_Translate(ByVal q As String) As String        Dim translate As New youdaoTranslate        Return translate.DoTranslate(q)    End Function    Function Plugin_Weather(ByVal city As String) As String        Return Nothing    End Function    Function Plugin_Search(ByVal keywords As String) As String        browser.Show()        browser.WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=" + keywords)        Return "莉莉已经完成对" + "[" + keywords + "]" + "的搜索"    End Function    Function Plugin_Math(ByVal expression As String) As String        Dim ScriptClass As New MSScriptControl.ScriptControl        ScriptClass.Language = "javascript"        Dim obj As Object = ScriptClass.Eval(expression)        Return expression + "=" + obj.ToString()    End Function    Function PlugIn_Map()        Return ""    End Function    Function Plugin_Baike()        Return ""    End Function    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '---------------插件部分的代码到此结束----------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '---------这里是用于从网络获取聊天数据的程序----------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '从网络上获取数据    Function getWebData(ByVal str As String) As String        Dim webbot As New Simsimi        Dim cookie As String = webbot.getcookie()        If webbot.showmsg(str, cookie) = "{}" Then            Return "莉莉累了,休息一会儿....."        Else            Return webbot.showmsg(str, cookie)        End If    End Function    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------结束--------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-------------------本地数据搜索模块------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '基于Xpath的模糊匹配,返回满足要求的数据-问题索引    Public Function XpathToXml(ByVal str As String) As Integer        Dim IndexList As New ArrayList '用于保存满足匹配条件的索引列表        Dim pos As Integer        Dim i As Integer = 0        Dim xmldoc1 As New XmlDocument        xmldoc1.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\aiml\aiml.xml")        Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList        Dim root As XmlElement = xmldoc1.DocumentElement        nodeList = root.SelectNodes("/aiml/talk/question")        Dim node As XmlNode = Nothing        For Each node In nodeList            Dim q As String = node.InnerText            i = i + 1            If str = q Or InStr(SplitWords(str), q) > 0 Then  '如果满足条件就保存当前索引到IndexList                IndexList.Add(i)            End If        Next        If IndexList.Count = 0 Then '假如列表中没有符合要求的索引            pos = 0        Else            pos = IndexList(Int(Rnd() * (IndexList.Count))) '否则返回索引列表中的随机索引值,加1是为了了避免出现1的错误,这样会导致回答索引为0            If pos = 1 Then pos = pos + 1 '避免因为随机数而导致的出现答案索引为0的情形        End If        Return pos    End Function    '获取本地指定索引的数据-答案    Public Function GetLocalData(ByVal index As Integer) As String        Dim pos As Integer = 0        Dim xmldoc1 As New XmlDocument        xmldoc1.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\aiml\aiml.xml")        Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList        Dim root As XmlElement = xmldoc1.DocumentElement        nodeList = root.SelectNodes("/aiml/talk/answer")        Dim a As String = ""        Dim node As XmlNode = Nothing        For Each node In nodeList            a = node.InnerText            pos = pos + 1            If pos > index Then                Exit For            End If        Next        Return a    End Function    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '---------------本地数据搜索模块结束------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '*****************************************************    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '---------------机器学习部分函数模块------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '添加新知识到xml存档    Public Function AddNewKnowledge(ByVal q As String, ByVal a As String)        Dim xmldoc As New XmlDocument        xmldoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\aiml\aiml.xml")        Dim node As XmlNode = xmldoc.CreateNode(Xml.XmlNodeType.Element, "talk", "")        xmldoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(node)        Dim node1 As XmlNode = xmldoc.CreateNode(Xml.XmlNodeType.Element, "question", "")        node1.InnerText = q        node.AppendChild(node1)        Dim node2 As XmlNode = xmldoc.CreateNode(Xml.XmlNodeType.Element, "answer", "")        node2.InnerText = a        node.AppendChild(node2)        xmldoc.Save(Application.StartupPath & "\aiml\aiml.xml")        Return Nothing    End Function    '自动学习主函数    Private Sub AutoStudy(ByVal str As String, ByVal answer As String)    End Sub    '对分词结果的处理函数    '这里还有Bug,不能进入系统    Function GetSplitWords(ByVal SplitStr As String, ByVal OrangeStr As String) As String        Dim SplitWords As New ArrayList  '用于存储分词结果的处理        Dim EncodeStart As Integer = 1        Dim EncodeEnd As Integer = 1        Dim j As Integer = 0        Do            Dim s1 As Integer = EncodeStart            Dim e1 As Integer = EncodeEnd            EncodeStart = InStr(s1 + 1, SplitStr, "((")            EncodeEnd = InStr(e1 + 1, SplitStr, ")")            Dim tempstr As String = Mid(SplitStr, EncodeStart + 1, EncodeEnd - EncodeStart)            SplitWords.Add(tempstr.Substring(1, SplitStr.IndexOf(",") - 2 + 1))            j = j + 1        Loop While EncodeEnd < Len(SplitStr) And EncodeStart < Len(SplitStr)  '到此处已经获取了所有分词结果并单独存储        '开始对分词结果进行概率计算        Dim Total As Integer = 0        Dim T_lenth(SplitWords.Count) As Integer        Dim T_location(SplitWords.Count) As Integer        Dim E_rank(SplitWords.Count) As Double        '分别获取每个分词结果的位置和长度,并循环累加算出总概率        For i As Integer = 0 To SplitWords.Count            T_lenth(i) = SplitWords(i).Length            T_location(i) = OrangeStr.IndexOf(SplitWords(i))            Total = Total + T_lenth(i) * T_location(i)        Next        '计算每一个分词结果的概率        For i = 0 To SplitWords.Count            E_rank(i) = T_lenth(i) * T_location(i) / Total        Next        '选出概率最大的分词结果        System.Array.Sort(E_rank)        Return Nothing    End Function    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '---------------机器学习部分函数结束------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '--------------以下为可选模块部分代码-----------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    '-----------------------------------------------------    Private Sub 词典设置ToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles 词典设置ToolStripMenuItem.Click        Dictionary.Show()    End Sub    Private Sub txtq_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtq.KeyPress    End Sub    '播放消息提示音    Private Sub PlayMusic()        If IsMsgWithSound = True Then            Dim player As New System.Media.SoundPlayer            player.SoundLocation = Application.StartupPath & "\wav\msg.wav"            player.Load()            player.Play()        End If    End Sub    '语音识别    'Private Sub SoundRecognition()    '    If IsSoundRecognition = True Then    '        Dim RG As SpeechLib.ISpeechRecoGrammar    '        RG = RC.CreateGrammar(0)    '        RG.DictationLoad()    '        RG.DictationSetState(1)    '    Else    '        Exit Sub    '    End If    'End Sub    '语音监听    'Private Sub 听到命令(ByVal StreamNumber As Integer, ByVal StreamPosition As Object, ByVal RecognitionType As SpeechLib.SpeechRecognitionType, ByVal 话语 As SpeechLib.ISpeechRecoResult) Handles RC.Recognition    '    txtq.Text = 话语.PhraseInfo.GetText()    'End Sub    '语音朗读    'Private Sub TalkWithSound(ByVal str)    '    If IsTalkWithSound = True Then    '        myvoice = New SpeechLib.SpVoice    '        myvoice.speak(str)    '    End If    'End Sub    Private Sub 语音选项ToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles 语音选项ToolStripMenuItem.Click        Sound.Show()    End Sub    Private Sub 关于QRobotToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles 关于QRobotToolStripMenuItem.Click        about.Show()    End SubEnd Class