Java基本特性(1)-Polymorphism: 论多态

来源:互联网 发布:卖淘宝店铺的网站 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 15:41

The dictionary definition of polymorphism refer to a principle in biology in which an organism or species can have many different forms or stages. This principles can also applied to Object-Oriented programming and languages like Java language. Subclasses of a class can define their own unique behaviours and yet share some of the same functionaliy of the parent class.

1) Polymorphism is the association between a generalized reference and a more specific object.
2) Polymorphism , means "many forms", is the ability to treat an object of any subclass of a base class as if it were the object of the base class. A base class has, therefore, many forms : the base class itself and any of its subclasses.
3) Polymorphism is the ability of a object to take on many forms, the most common use of polymorphism in OOP occurs when a parent class reference is used to refer to a child class object.



public class Software{void declare(){System.out.println("hello, all my software friends.");}}public class QQ extends Software{void declare(){System.out.println("I hate 360");}}public class Safe360 extends Software{void declare(){System.out.println("I hate QQ");}}public class SoftwareMeeting{public void saySomeThing(Software aSoftware){   aSoftware.declare();}public static void main(String[] args){SoftwareMeeting aMeeting=new SoftwareMeeting();Software aQQSoftware=new QQ();Software a360Software=new Safe360();aMeeting.saySomeThing(aQQSoftware);aMeeting.saySomeThing(a360Software);}}

继承是多态得以实现的基础。The underlying mechanism that makes polymorphism possible is dynamic binding.多态实现的底层机制是动态绑定。
所谓“绑定(binding)”,是指建立method call(函数调用)和method body(函数本体)的关联。分为前期绑定和后期绑定。
1)前期绑定(Early Binding):在程序运行之前绑定,由编译器和连接程序实现,又叫静态绑定(Static Binding),比如static方法和final方法。注意也包括private方法,因为它是隐式final的。
2)后期绑定(Late Binding):如果绑定动作在程序执行期根据对象的类型进行绑定,由方法调用机制实现,因此又叫做动态绑定(Dynamic Binding),或者运行时绑定(Run-time Binding)。Exception for three special cases, all instance methods in Java programs are dynamically bound. The instance method that is invoked at run-time will be determined by the actual class of the object, not by the type of the reference.


重载 vs 重写


Method Signature:a method is part of the method declaration. It is the combination of the method name and the parameter list.型构就是指方法的组成结构,具体包括方法的名称和参数,涵盖参数的数量、类型以及出现的顺序,但是不包括方法的返回值类型、访问权限修饰符,抛出的异常,以及abstract、static、final等修饰符。








A:the same method name

B: the different signature(parmeter type or parmeter order )






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