
来源:互联网 发布:chart.js饼图显示数值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:23




1)反身性(reflexive)。简单的说就是如果有一个非空对象A,那么必定存在如下关系: A.equals( A )返回一定是true

2)对称性(symmetric)。比如存在两个非空对象AB。如果A.equals( B )返回true,那么必定B.equals( A )也返回true

3)传递性(transitive)。比如存在三个非空对象ABC。如果A.equals( B )返回trueB.equals( C )返回true,那么A.equals( C )也一定是返回true

4)一致性(consistent)。对于存在的非空对象ABA.equals( B )在无论什么外在条件下,都应该一直返回true或者false

5)非空性。对于非空对象A,在任何条件下,A.equals( null )一直返回false




public class Point1D


    protected int x;


    public Point1D( int x )


        this.x = x;



    public boolean equals( Object o )


        if ( !(o instanceof Point1D) )

            return false;


        return x == ((Point1D) o).x;



    public int hashCode()


        return super.hashCode() * 31 + x;




public class Point2D extends Point1D


    protected int y;


    public Point2D( int x, int y )


        super( x );

        this.y = y;



    public boolean equals( Object o )


        if ( !(o instanceof Point2D) )

            return false;


        Point2D p2d = (Point2D) o;


        if ( this == p2d )

            return true;


        return y == p2d.y && super.equals( p2d );



    public int hashCode()


        return super.hashCode() * 31 + y;




public class Test


    public static void main( String[] args )


        Point1D p1d  = new Point1D( 10 );

        Point2D p2d  = new Point2D( 10, 20 );


        if ( p1d.equals( p2d ) )

            System.out.println( "P1D is equal to P2D" );


            System.out.println( "P1D is unequal to P2D" );


        if ( p2d.equals( p1d ) )

            System.out.println( "P2D is equal to P1D" );


            System.out.println( "P2D is unequal to P1D" );




P1D is equal to P2D

P2D is unequal to P1D



public class Point1D


    protected int x;


    public Point1D( int x )


        this.x = x;



    public boolean equals( Object o )


        if ( o == null )

            return false;


        if ( !getClass().equals( o.getClass() ) )

            return false;


        return x == ((Point1D) o).x;



    public int hashCode()


        return super.hashCode() * 31 + x;




public class Point2D extends Point1D


    protected int y;


    public Point2D( int x, int y )


        super( x );

        this.y = y;



    public boolean equals( Object o )


        if ( o == null )

            return false;


        if ( !getClass().equals( o.getClass() ) )

            return false;


        Point2D p2d = (Point2D) o;


        if ( this == p2d )

            return true;


        return y == p2d.y && super.equals( p2d );



    public int hashCode()


        return super.hashCode() * 31 + y;




public class Test


    public static void main( String[] args )


        Point1D p1d  = new Point1D( 10 );

        Point1D p2d  = new Point2D( 10, 20 );

        Point1D p2d2 = new Point2D( 10, 20 );

        Point1D p2d3 = new Point2D( 10, 20 );

        Point1D p2d4 = new Point2D( 10, 30 );

        Point1D p2d5 = new Point2D( 10, 40 );

        Point1D p2d6 = new Point2D( 10, 50 );


        // Check reflexive

        if ( p1d.equals( p1d ) )

            System.out.println( "Reflexive/t/t-/tpassed!" );


            System.out.println( "Reflexive/t/t-/tfailed!" );


        // Check symmetric

        if ( ((p1d.equals( p2d ) ? 1 : 0) ^ (p2d.equals( p1d ) ? 1 : 0)) == 0 )

            System.out.println( "Symmetric/t/t1/tpassed!" );


            System.out.println( "Symmetric/t/t1/tfailed!" );


        if ( ((p2d.equals( p2d2 ) ? 1 : 0) ^ (p2d2.equals( p2d ) ? 1 : 0)) == 0 )

            System.out.println( "Symmetric/t/t2/tpassed!" );


            System.out.println( "Symmetric/t/t2/tfailed!" );


        // Check transitive

        if ( p2d.equals( p2d2 ) && p2d2.equals( p2d3 ) )


            if ( p2d.equals( p2d3 ) )

                System.out.println( "Transitive/t/t1/tpassed!" );


                System.out.println( "Transitive/t/t1/tfailed!" );



        if ( !p2d4.equals( p2d5 ) && !p2d5.equals( p2d6 ) )


            if ( !p2d4.equals( p2d6 ) )

                System.out.println( "Transitive/t/t2/tpassed!" );


                System.out.println( "Transitive/t/t2/tfailed!" );



        // Check null

        if ( !p1d.equals( null ) && !p2d.equals( null ) )

            System.out.println( "Null/t/t/t-/tpassed!" );


            System.out.println( "Null/t/t/t-/tfailed!" );




Reflexive               -       passed!

Symmetric               1       passed!

Symmetric               2       passed!

Transitive              1       passed!

Transitive              2       passed!

Null                     -       passed!

Great! 都很好,都通过了!比较请谨慎实现operator==操作符函数中的方法,我们是否真的已经到了很满意的程度了呢?!好像还有一些瑕疵要修补吧。比如说,我们要对Point2D实例个数进行统计,所以就添加了两个静态的属性和一个静态方法。

public class StatPoint2D extends Point2D


    protected static Object lock     = new Object();

    protected static long p2dCounter = 0;


    static synchronized long getCounter()


        return p2dCounter;



    public StatPoint2D( int x, int y )


        super( x, y );

        synchronized ( lock )


            ++ p2dCounter;




    public static void main( String[] args )


        Point2D p2d  = new Point2D( 10, 20 );

        Point2D p2d2 = new StatPoint2D( 10, 20 );


        if ( p2d.equals( p2d2 ) )

            System.out.println( "P2D is equal to P2D2" );


            System.out.println( "P2D2 is unequal to P2D" );




P2D2 is unequal to P2D


    protected Object getEquivalentClass()


        return getClass();



public class Point1D


    protected int x;


    protected Object getEquivalentClass()


        return getClass();



    public Point1D( int x )


        this.x = x;



    public boolean equals( Object o )


        if ( !(o instanceof Point1D) )

            return false;


        Point1D p1d = (Point1D) o;


        if ( !getEquivalentClass().equals( p1d.getEquivalentClass() ) )

            return false;


        return x == p1d.x;



    public int hashCode()


        return super.hashCode() * 31 + x;




public class Point2D extends Point1D


    protected int y;


    public Point2D( int x, int y )


        super( x );

        this.y = y;



    public boolean equals( Object o )


        if ( o instanceof Point2D )


            Point2D p2d = (Point2D) o;


            if ( this == p2d )

                return true;


            if ( y != p2d.y )

                return false;



        return super.equals( o );



    public int hashCode()


        return super.hashCode() * 31 + y;




public class StatPoint2D extends Point2D


    protected static Object lock     = new Object();

    protected static long p2dCounter = 0;


    static synchronized long getCounter()


        return p2dCounter;



    protected Object getEquivalentClass()


        return Point2D.class;



    public StatPoint2D( int x, int y )


        super( x, y );

        synchronized ( lock )


            ++ p2dCounter;




    public static void main( String[] args )


        Point2D p2d  = new Point2D( 10, 20 );

        Point2D p2d2 = new StatPoint2D( 10, 20 );


        if ( p2d.equals( p2d2 ) )

            System.out.println( "P2D is equal to P2D2" );


            System.out.println( "P2D2 is unequal to P2D" );




P2D is equal to P2D2
