
来源:互联网 发布:大数据报表展示平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 10:37

1) 拓展 HtmlHelper 类

public static class HtmlHelperEx{    private const string AnchorFormat = "<a class=\"GridPager_Page\" href=\"?{0}&pageIndex={1}\">{2}</a>";    private const string PlaceHolderFormat = "<span class=\"GridPager_Page\">{0}</span>";    private const string HiddenPage = "...";    private const string BeginDiv = "<div class=\"GridPager\">";    private const string EndDiv = "</div>";    private const string PrevPageText = "<<Prev";    private const string NextPageText = "Next>>";    private const int MAX_PAGE_DISPLAY = 10;// 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10    private const int PAGE_COUNT_NEWXT_TO_CURRENT_PAGE = 2;// 1,2 ..(5,6),[7],(8,9)..20,10    private const int PAGE_COUNT_AT_END = 2;// (1,2) ..5,6,[7],8,9..(20,21)    public static MvcHtmlString GridPager(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper)        {            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(BeginDiv);            string queryStr = htmlHelper.ViewBag.QueryString;            int pageIndex = htmlHelper.ViewBag.PageIndex;            int pageCount = htmlHelper.ViewBag.PageCount;            int nextPage = pageIndex;            if (nextPage < 1) { nextPage = 1; }            if (nextPage > pageCount) { nextPage = pageCount; }            if (nextPage > 1)            {                html.AppendFormat(AnchorFormat, queryStr, nextPage - 1, PrevPageText);            }            if (pageCount > MAX_PAGE_DISPLAY)            {                AddAnchor(html, nextPage, 1, PAGE_COUNT_AT_END, queryStr);                if (nextPage - PAGE_COUNT_NEWXT_TO_CURRENT_PAGE > PAGE_COUNT_AT_END + 2)                {                    // 1,2 ... 5,6,[7]                    int beginPage = nextPage - PAGE_COUNT_NEWXT_TO_CURRENT_PAGE;                    if (nextPage + PAGE_COUNT_NEWXT_TO_CURRENT_PAGE * 2 >= pageCount)                    {                        // 1,2 .. 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20                        beginPage = pageCount - (MAX_PAGE_DISPLAY - PAGE_COUNT_AT_END) + 1;                    }                    if (beginPage <= PAGE_COUNT_AT_END)                    {                        beginPage = PAGE_COUNT_AT_END + 1;                    }                    html.AppendFormat(PlaceHolderFormat, HiddenPage);                    AddAnchor(html, nextPage, beginPage, nextPage, queryStr);                }                else                {                    // 1,2,3,4,5,[6]                    AddAnchor(html, nextPage, PAGE_COUNT_AT_END + 1, nextPage, queryStr);                }                if (pageCount - PAGE_COUNT_AT_END > nextPage + PAGE_COUNT_NEWXT_TO_CURRENT_PAGE + 1)                {                    // [6],7,8 .. 11,12                    int tillPage = nextPage + PAGE_COUNT_NEWXT_TO_CURRENT_PAGE;                    if (tillPage < MAX_PAGE_DISPLAY - PAGE_COUNT_AT_END)                    {                        // 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 .. 19,20                        tillPage = MAX_PAGE_DISPLAY - PAGE_COUNT_AT_END;                    }                    AddAnchor(html, nextPage, nextPage == 1 ? PAGE_COUNT_AT_END + 1 : nextPage + 1, tillPage, queryStr);                    html.AppendFormat(PlaceHolderFormat, HiddenPage);                    AddAnchor(html, nextPage, pageCount - 1, pageCount, queryStr);                }                else                {                    // [6],7,8,9,10,11                    AddAnchor(html, nextPage, nextPage + 1, pageCount, queryStr);                }            }            else            {                if (pageCount > 1)                {                    AddAnchor(html, nextPage, 1, pageCount, queryStr);                }            }            if (pageCount - nextPage > 0)            {                html.AppendFormat(AnchorFormat, queryStr, nextPage + 1, NextPageText);            }            return new MvcHtmlString(html.Append(EndDiv).ToString());        }    private static void AddAnchor(StringBuilder html, int current, int from, int to, string queryStr)        {            for (int i = from; i <= to; i++)            {                if (current == i)                {                    html.AppendFormat(PlaceHolderFormat, i);                    continue;                }                html.AppendFormat(AnchorFormat, queryStr, i, i);            }        }}

2) 定义自己的ControllerBase 来辅助完成一些功能

public class GridControllerBase : DataControllerBase{    private int pageIndex = 1;    private int pageCount = 0;    protected char DateDelimiter = '~';    /// <summary>        /// Current page index(begin with 1)        /// </summary>    protected int PageIndex        {            get             {                // the final adjustment.                if (this.pageIndex > this.pageCount)                {                    return this.pageCount;                }                return pageIndex;             }        }    /// <summary>        /// The total page count.        /// </summary>    protected int PageCount        {            get { return pageCount; }            set { pageCount = value; }        }    /// <summary>        /// Page Size.        /// </summary>    protected int PageSize        {            get { return 10; }        }    public string SearchKey { get; set; }    protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)        {            base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext);            int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["pageIndex"] ?? "1", out this.pageIndex);            if (this.pageIndex < 1)            {                this.pageIndex = 1;            }            this.SearchKey = Request.QueryString["searchKey"];        }    protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)        {            base.OnActionExecuted(filterContext);            ViewBag.PageIndex = this.pageIndex > this.pageCount ? this.pageCount : this.pageIndex;            ViewBag.PageCount = this.pageCount;            ViewBag.QueryString = "searchKey=" + this.SearchKey;            ViewBag.SearchKey = this.SearchKey;        }    /// <summary>        /// Evaluate page count.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="totalCount">Total record count.</param>        /// <returns></returns>    protected int GetPageCount(int totalCount)        {            return (totalCount + this.PageSize - 1) / this.PageSize;        }}

3) 用法

@if (Model == null || Model.Count() == 0){     <div>        No data, please refine your search.    </div>}else{    @Html.GridPager()}

