RAC Cluster Verify Tools(CVU OR cluvf)

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Cluster Verification Utilit(CVU):

Oracle推荐的一种集群检验工具。它能帮助用户在Cluter部署的各个阶段验证集群的重要组件,这些阶段包括硬件(free disk space、存储准备、网络通信、memory, processes, and other important cluster components)、Cluster安装前(CRS 完整性、multiple Oracle Cluster ware sub components、RDMBS 安装前检查等等。


最新版本工具来自于 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/clustering/downloads/cvu-download-homepage-099973.html

最新版 11g 的CVU是独立于数据库软件外的一个款工具。

安装前,基于java1.4.1,需要至少30M的free disk,其工作产生的CVU workspace默认会放到/tmp 目录(linux/unix),windows下可以手动指定CV_DESTLOC 参数到特定的目录中。

安装后,文件位置在ORACLE_HOME/bin/cluvfy 或者 CRS_HOME/bin/cluvfy 。


cvu 做检查主要分为2类:组件(component)和阶段(stage),有兴趣的网友可以直接cluvfycomp|stage -list查看),下面介绍几个常用的技能

技能1.cluvfy comp acfs

Use the cluvfy comp acfs component verification command to check the integrity of Oracle ASM Cluster File System on all nodes in a cluster

技能2.cluvfy comp asm

check the integrity of Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) on all nodes in the cluster. This check ensures that the ASM instances on the specified nodes are running from the same Oracle home and that asmlib, if it exists, has a valid version and ownership.

技能3.cluvfy comp crs

Run the cluvfy comp crs component verification command to check the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services (CRS) daemonon the specified nodes.

技能4.cluvfy stage (绝技)

rac 搭建的过程,援引Maclean的图来表达的一整个STAGE,借鉴下图(图下文字已注明出处)


                 ----  图片转之 Maclean blog ------

技能4 之cluvfy stage -post hwos

perform network and storage verifications on the specified nodes in the cluster before installing Oracle software and also checksfor supported storage types and checks each one for sharing.在RAC集群中安装rdbms软件前,检查操作系统、网络是否正常、存储是否成功已被主机识别等。syntax:cluvfy stage -post hwos -n node_list [-s storageID_list] [-verbose]

技能4之 cluvfy stage -pre cfs

verify your cluster nodes are set up correctly before setting up OCFS2 or OCFS for Windows.安装windows平台的集群文件系统(ocfs2和ocfs)检查各节点是否能识别共享存储,syntax:cluvfy stage -pre cfs -n node_list -s storageID_list [-verbose]example:cluvfy stage -pre cfs -n node1,node2,node3,node4 -s /dev/sdd5 --检查3个节点是否能识别/DEV/SDD5 这个设备

技能4 之 cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] crsinst (post 跳过)详见:http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/rac.112/e16794/cvu.htm#autoId33

check the specified nodes before installing Oracle Clusterware安装Clusterware软件前对各节点做检查,syntax:cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n node_list [-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 | 11gR2}][-c ocr_location_list] [-q voting_disk_list] [-osdba osdba_group][-orainv orainventory_group] [-asm [-asmgrp asmadmin_group] [-asmdev asm_device_list]] [-crshome Grid_home] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir][-networks network_list][-verbose]]

技能4之 cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg

check the specified nodes before configuring an Oracle RAC database to verify whether your system meets all of the criteriafor creating a database or for making a database configuration change.配置某个节点时,检查是否参数满足最低要求,syntax:cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg -n node_list -d Oracle_home [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]][-verbose]

技能4之 cluvfy stage -pre dbinst

check the specified nodes before installing or creating an Oracle RAC database to verify that your system meets all of the criteria for installing or creating an Oracle RAC database.创建集群数据库前检查参数是否满足,syntax:cluvfy stage -pre dbinst -n node_list [-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 | 11gR2}][-osdba osdba_group] [-d Oracle_home] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir] [-verbose]

技能4 之cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] nodeadd

verify the specified nodes are configured correctly before adding them to your existing cluster, and to verify the integrity of the cluster before you add the nodes.RAC添加node 前检查操作系统版本、需要的软件patch、内核参数等等(是否和其他2个节点一致,至少要满足最低要求)Run this node on any node of the existing cluster,syntax:cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd -n node_list [-vip vip_list] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]] [-verbose]

技能4 之 cluvfy stage -post nodedel

verify that specific nodes have been successfully deleted from a cluster检查节点是否从集群中删除,重点检查asm 实例是否cleanup 执行成功,syntax:cluvfy stage -post nodedel -n node_list [-verbose]

CVU工具可以为我们提供以下功能(转至Maclean blog):    

  1. 验证Cluster集群是否规范配置以便后续的RAC安装、配置和操作顺利
  2. 全类型的验证
  3. 非破坏性的验证
  4. 提供了易于使用的接口
  5. 支持各种平台和配置的RAC,明确完善的统一行为方式


  1. cluvfy不支持任何类型的cluster或RAC操作
  2. 在检验到问题或失败后,cluvfy不会采取任何修正行为
  3. cluvfy不是性能调优或监控工具
  4. cluvfy不会尝试帮助你验证RAC数据库的内部结构


        猪脚(cvu)就像田径跑道上的发令员,各运动员(各node)起步要一致,才算本次发令成功,如果谁抢跑,抢跑那个要么给你次机会大家依然同一起跑(新节点重新配置和其他节点一致),不然你就得滚粗这个队伍(Cluster)___(oracle rac 的node也是一个道理)。
