
来源:互联网 发布:手机安全支付软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 01:02

A lot of people, especially when starting out in PHP, ask me “what blogs should I read?” There are a lot of great PHP blogs (you can see a nearly complete list of them at Planet PHP) but there are a few that I read on a regular basis and I feel are important.
Here’s my list in no particular order:

  • Matthew Weier O’Phinney Matthew is one of the people I respect the most in the PHP world. He’s incredibly talented and is the chief architect of the Zend Framework.
    Matthew Weier O’Phinney, 对于Matthew ,在php领域,他是我仰慕的一个,他很聪明当让现在也是Zend Framework的技术总监。
  • Cal Evans Cal has been a member of the PHP community far longer than I have. He blogs less on PHP topics and more on developer topics, which is fantastic since a good PHP developer should always be a developer first.
    在我注册成为php community之前Cal Evans便先声夺人的成为上面的会员了,他很少写一些关于php本事的话题而更多的是关于开发者本事——这点也是很吸引人的,要想成为一名真正的php开发者那首先就得成为一个优秀的开发者.
  • Chris Hartjes I may not agree with Chris on every topic but he’s a really smart guy and a great advocate of testing your code.
  • Lorna Jane Mitchell Lorna Jane has a knack for taking the complex and making it seem simple. She’s an absolutely brilliant writer and well worth reading. And since she’s always doing something new, she’s always writing about neat things
    Lorna Jane在对于复杂的代码上倒是有着自己的一套,能让复杂的简单化。同时她也是一个不错的作家,她的作品也是值得一看的。她喜欢做一些新怡的事,所以她也总会写一些很新怡优雅的东西。
  • Laura Thomson A bit of a disclaimer: Laura is my boss. I’m honored to work with her and I really do think she’s fantastic. Laura has been doing software for longer than I’ve been using a computer. Laura doesn’t post on many PHP topics but she did cowrite the book on the subject and what she does write is well worth reading.
    对于Laura Thomso,首先我要说明的是她是我的老板,我也很荣幸能跟她一起工作,我觉得她真的很棒。她从事软件的工作甚至比我接触电脑的时间都要多。她很少写一些php有关的话题,而是合著书籍,那些书籍也值得去看。
  • Paul M. Jones A word of warning about Paul: his blog isn’t all about PHP, but contains PHP intermixed with his libertarian writings. That being said, he’s the developer of the Aura framework and a very talented PHP developer. I’ve linked to his PHP category, and I strongly recommend reading it. His libertarian writings are totally up to you, though.
  • Anthony Ferarra If you like learning about the interals of PHP or want a chance to get some of the nitty gritty details, this is a great blog to read. I enjoy reading and watching Anthony’s videos on PHP programming topics. You’ll never come away empty handed if you want to learn something new!
  • PHP Master The PHP Master blog is a collection of posts from members of the community that are high quality, timely and on important subjects. It’s a great resource to follow to learn what’s happening in the PHP world on a regular basis.
  • PHPDeveloper.org Looking for a comprehensive list of the best in PHP blogging? This blog is curated by Chris Cornutt, and he posts only the best in PHP content. It’s a great place to get a quick summary of what’s new in the PHP world, and you can click through to the stuff that’s interesting to you.
    丁你是不是在找一个综合性的php博客?那么Chris Cornutt创建的这个博客就只发布php中重要的信息,在这里你可以了解到php领域的最新发展动态,通过点击进去你就可以到详细的资料。

Who do you feel is indispensable for reading online?

