GoAsm [command line switches] filename[.ext]

来源:互联网 发布:数控车床g73编程实例 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 06:38

Starting GoAsm

The command line syntax is:-

GoAsm [command line switches] filename[.ext]


filename is the name of the source file

Command-line Switches 
/b beep on error  ;有错beep一声

/c always put output file in current directory  ;总是在当前目录输出目标文件

/d define a word (eg. /d WINVER=0x400)  ;定义一个字,

/e empty output file allowed 允许空的输出文件

/fo specify output path/file eg. /fo asm\myprog.obj ;指定输出路径

/gl retain leading underscore in external "C" library calls ;在外部C约定调用call前保留_
/h or /? help 
/l create listing output file  ;输出列表文件
/ms decorate for mslinker  ;输出的目标文件煎容mslinker
/ne no error messages  ;不提示错误信息
/ni no information messages  ;不提示信息消息
/nw no warning messages  ;不提示警告信息
/no no output messages at all  ;一点输出信息都没有
/sh share header files (header files may be opened by other programs during assembly) 共享头文件
/x64=assemble for AMD64 or EM64T 
/x86=assemble 64-bit source in 32-bit compatibility mode

If no extension is given for the inputfile, GoAsm looks for the file without any extension. If that file is not found than GoAsm looks for the file with an assumed .asm extension. 
If no path is given for the input file it is assumed to be in the current directory. 
If no filename is given for the output file an object file with the same name as the inputfile is created. For example MyAsm.asm will create a file called MyAsm.obj.

The directory which receives the output file is as follows:-

  • the path given if /fo is specified, or if it is not specified:
  • the current directory if /c specified, or if it is not specified:
  • the path given for the input file, or if no path given:
  • the current directory 
    If no extension is given for the output file, .obj is created by default. The listing file is given the same name as the output file with the extension .lst and is created in the same directory as the output file.
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