
来源:互联网 发布:网络品牌男衬衫 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 14:50

//retrieves the feature associated to the BodyOUT

 CATISpecObject_var FeatureSolid = shapefeat->GetResultOUT();

 if ( NULL_var ==FeatureSolid )


   cout <<"Error, the Feature Solid is NULL" <<endl;

   return 1;




 //6 - 2 retrieving its associated geometry



 CATIMfGeometryAccess_var geoAccess = FeatureSolid;

 if (NULL_var ==geoAccess)


   cout <<"Error, the geometry access is NULL" <<endl;

   return 1;



 //6 - 3 retrieving BRepAccess from geometry



 int nbfaces =geoAccess -> GetBReps(breps);

 if (0 == nbfaces)


   cout<<"Error, there is no face associated to the geometry"<<endl;

   return 1;




   CATIBRepAccess * Brep = NULL;

 CATBaseUnknown * Unk = NULL;


   for(intcompt = 1; compt <=nbfaces; compt++)


      Unk = breps[compt];

   Brep = (CATIBRepAccess * )Unk;

   if (NULL !=Brep)







 nbfaces = ListBreps.Size();

 if (0 == nbfaces)


   cout<<"Error, there is no face in the BRepAccess List"<<endl;

   return 1;




   cout<<"There is(are) "<<nbfaces<<" face(s) on the part"<<endl;




 //7 - retrieving and displaying current faces colors



 cout<<"Retrieving current colors"<<endl;

 CATListOfInt retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue;


 rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::GetColorsOnFaces(ListBreps, retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue);

 if (E_FAIL ==rc )


   cout<<"Error, an error occured while retrieving current part colors"<<endl;

   return 1;



 for (compt =1;compt<=nbfaces;compt++)


   cout<<"for the "<<compt<<" face, associated color components are : R "<<retrieveRed[compt]<<" G "<<retrieveGreen[compt]<<" B "<<retrieveBlue[compt]<<endl;



2. o Access to hierarchy of features within part,

Part1//                    filtering on fillets

Part2//      o Access to topology associated to features

//                  o Graphical modification of this topology


 // 6-1 Gets the fillet features



 CATIDescendants *pPartAsDescendant =NULL;

 rc = spPart->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDescendants, (void**)&pPartAsDescendant) ;

 if( FAILED(rc) )


     cout <<" The MechanicalPart does not implement CATIDescendant" <<endl;

     return 1;





 for(intcurrentFillet=1; currentFillet<=filletFeatures.Size();currentFillet++)


    const CATISpecObject_var&currentfilletFeature = filletFeatures[currentFillet];

    if ( NULL_var !=currentfilletFeature )



       // 6-2 Gets the BRep associated with the fillet


       CATIMfGeometryAccess *pFilletAsGeomAccess =NULL;

       if (NULL_var !=currentfilletFeature)

          rc= currentfilletFeature->QueryInterface(IID_CATIMfGeometryAccess,

                                                     (void**)&pFilletAsGeomAccess) ;


          rc = E_FAIL;


       if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )





          // 6-3 Colorizes BRep

          for(intcurrentBRep=1; currentBRep<=filletBReps.Size();currentBRep++)


             CATIVisProperties *pFilletBrepAsGraphics = 0;

             const CATBaseUnknown_var&currentfilletBRep = filletBReps[currentBRep];

             if (NULL_var !=currentfilletBRep)


                                                             (void**)&pFilletBrepAsGraphics) ;


                rc = E_FAIL;


             if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )


                CATVisPropertiesValues color;

                 color.SetColor(0, 255, 0);// green

                 pFilletBrepAsGraphics->SetPropertiesAtt(color,CATVPColor, CATVPMesh);



                 pFilletBrepAsGraphics = NULL ;




          pFilletAsGeomAccess = NULL ;





   pPartAsDescendant = NULL ;




  // 7-5 Gets all two dimensional topo cells representing the Part body



  spPartTopoBody->GetAllCells(cells, 2);




  // 7-6 Processes the two dimensional topo cells


  for(intcurrentCell=1; currentCell<=cells.Size();currentCell++)


     CATCell_var pCell ( cells[currentCell] );

     if ( NULL_var !=pCell )


        CATGeometry *pGeometry =pCell->GetGeometry();


        if ( (NULL !=pGeometry) && (pGeometry->IsATypeOf(CATPlaneType)) )


           CATIBRepAccess_var spBRepAccess ( CATBRepDecode(pCell,spFeatureResultGeomElem) );

           if( NULL_var!=spBRepAccess )



              // 7-7 Colorizes BRep


              CATIVisProperties *pBRepAccessAsGraphics = 0;

              rc= spBRepAccess->QueryInterface(IID_CATIVisProperties,

                                            (void**)&pBRepAccessAsGraphics) ;

              if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )


                 CATVisPropertiesValues color;

                 color.SetColor(0, 0, 255);// Blue

                 pBRepAccessAsGraphics->SetPropertiesAtt(color,CATVPColor, CATVPMesh);



                 pBRepAccessAsGraphics = NULL ;






1.       通过BRep feature询问CATIMfBRep接口




   //// -------------------------------------------------

   for(intobjId = 1; objId <=TargetFace.Size();objId++)



      CATIMfBRep* pFaceAsBrep = NULL;


      if ( NULL !=pFaceAsBrep )



          // 6-2 Gets the BRep associated with the Face


          HRESULT rc= S_OK;




          selectFaceBreps = pFaceAsBrep->GetBRep( TargetFace[objId]);//Returns the selecting objects associated with the BRep feature

          for(intcurrentBRep=1; currentBRep<=selectFaceBreps.Size();currentBRep++)


             CATIVisProperties *pFilletBrepAsGraphics = 0;

             const CATBaseUnknown_var&currentselectFaceBRep = selectFaceBreps[currentBRep];

             if (NULL_var !=currentselectFaceBRep)


                 (void**)&pFilletBrepAsGraphics) ;


                 rc = E_FAIL;


             if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) )


                 CATVisPropertiesValues color;

                 color.SetColor(ired,igreen, iblue);// set color

                 pFilletBrepAsGraphics->SetPropertiesAtt(color,CATVPColor, CATVPMesh);



                 pFilletBrepAsGraphics = NULL ;


                 //CATIModelEvents *piME = NULL;

                 //rc = currentselectFaceBRep->QueryInterface( IID_CATIModelEvents,(void **) &piME);

                 //if( FAILED(rc) || piME == NULL ) return rc;

                 //CATModifyVisProperties notif(currentselectFaceBRep, CATPathElement(currentselectFaceBRep), CATVPGlobalType,CATVPColor,color);



                 //piME= NULL ;





          //HRESULT hr = ::CAAGsiObjectUpdate(TargetFace[objId]);



          //  ::Send_message("Failed to update current select face!");

          //  return E_FAIL;







   return S_OK;


//刷新Update ,更新视图

for(int bodyId = 1; bodyId <= listTargetBody.Size(); bodyId++)
   CATVisPropertiesValues color;
   color.SetColor(ired, igreen, iblue);
   CATIModelEvents *piME = NULL;
   HRESULT rc = listTargetBody[bodyId]->QueryInterface( IID_CATIModelEvents,(void **) &piME);
   if( FAILED(rc) || piME == NULL ) continue;
   CATModifyVisProperties notif(listTargetBody[bodyId], CATPathElement(listTargetBody[bodyId]), CATVPGlobalType,CATVPColor,color);
   piME= NULL ;   
