
来源:互联网 发布:珠海seo推广 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 22:59


The join method allows one thread to wait for the completion of another. If t is a Thread object whose thread is currently executing,


causes the current thread to pause execution until t's thread terminates. Overloads of join allow the programmer to specify a waiting period. However, as with sleepjoin is dependent on the OS for timing, so you should not assume thatjoin will wait exactly as long as you specify.

Like sleepjoin responds to an interrupt by exiting with an InterruptedException.






The SimpleThreads Example

The following example brings together some of the concepts of this section. SimpleThreads consists of two threads. The first is the main thread that every Java application has. The main thread creates a new thread from the Runnable object,MessageLoop, and waits for it to finish. If the MessageLoop thread takes too long to finish, the main thread interrupts it.

The MessageLoop thread prints out a series of messages. If interrupted before it has printed all its messages, theMessageLoop thread prints a message and exits.

public class SimpleThreads {    // Display a message, preceded by    // the name of the current thread    static void threadMessage(String message) {        String threadName =            Thread.currentThread().getName();        System.out.format("%s: %s%n",                          threadName,                          message);    }    private static class MessageLoop        implements Runnable {        public void run() {            String importantInfo[] = {                "Mares eat oats",                "Does eat oats",                "Little lambs eat ivy",                "A kid will eat ivy too"            };            try {                for (int i = 0;                     i < importantInfo.length;                     i++) {                    // Pause for 4 seconds                    Thread.sleep(4000);                    // Print a message                    threadMessage(importantInfo[i]);                }            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                threadMessage("I wasn't done!");            }        }    }    public static void main(String args[])        throws InterruptedException {        // Delay, in milliseconds before        // we interrupt MessageLoop        // thread (default one hour).        long patience = 1000 * 60 * 60;        // If command line argument        // present, gives patience        // in seconds.        if (args.length > 0) {            try {                patience = Long.parseLong(args[0]) * 1000;            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                System.err.println("Argument must be an integer.");                System.exit(1);            }        }        threadMessage("Starting MessageLoop thread");        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        Thread t = new Thread(new MessageLoop());        t.start();        threadMessage("Waiting for MessageLoop thread to finish");        // loop until MessageLoop        // thread exits        while (t.isAlive()) {            threadMessage("Still waiting...");            // Wait maximum of 1 second            // for MessageLoop thread            // to finish.            t.join(1000);            if (((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > patience)                  && t.isAlive()) {                threadMessage("Tired of waiting!");                t.interrupt();                // Shouldn't be long now                // -- wait indefinitely                t.join();            }        }        threadMessage("Finally!");    }}
 1 public class SimpleThreads { 2  3     // Display a message, preceded by 4     // the name of the current thread 5     static void threadMessage(String message) { 6         String threadName = 7             Thread.currentThread().getName(); 8         System.out.format("%s: %s%n", 9                           threadName,10                           message);11     }12 13     private static class MessageLoop14         implements Runnable {15         public void run() {16             String importantInfo[] = {17                 "Mares eat oats",18                 "Does eat oats",19                 "Little lambs eat ivy",20                 "A kid will eat ivy too"21             };22             try {23                 for (int i = 0;24                      i < importantInfo.length;25                      i++) {26                     // Pause for 4 seconds27                     Thread.sleep(4000);28                     // Print a message29                     threadMessage(importantInfo[i]);30                 }31             } catch (InterruptedException e) {32                 threadMessage("I wasn't done!");33             }34         }35     }36 37     public static void main(String args[])38         throws InterruptedException {39 40         // Delay, in milliseconds before41         // we interrupt MessageLoop42         // thread (default one hour).43         long patience = 1000 * 60 * 60;44 45         // If command line argument46         // present, gives patience47         // in seconds.48         if (args.length > 0) {49             try {50                 patience = Long.parseLong(args[0]) * 1000;51             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {52                 System.err.println("Argument must be an integer.");53                 System.exit(1);54             }55         }56 57         threadMessage("Starting MessageLoop thread");58         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();59         Thread t = new Thread(new MessageLoop());60         t.start();61 62         threadMessage("Waiting for MessageLoop thread to finish");63         // loop until MessageLoop64         // thread exits65         while (t.isAlive()) {66             threadMessage("Still waiting...");67             // Wait maximum of 1 second68             // for MessageLoop thread69             // to finish.70             t.join(1000);71             if (((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > patience)72                   && t.isAlive()) {73                 threadMessage("Tired of waiting!");74                 t.interrupt();75                 // Shouldn't be long now76                 // -- wait indefinitely77                 t.join();78             }79         }80         threadMessage("Finally!");81     }82 }



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