
来源:互联网 发布:学霸有多努力知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 08:03
//包含头文件#include"cocos-ext.h"USING_NS_CC_EXT;  //使用命名空间extension//在init函数中加入//_pSliderLabel为CCLabelTTF类型,用来显示滑块滑动时候的数字_pSliderLabel = CCLabelTTF::create("", "", 30);_pSliderLabel->setPosition(ccp(200,200));addChild(_pSliderLabel); //创建CCControlSlider空间,参数为背景图片,进度条图片,滑块图片CCControlSlider *pSlider = CCControlSlider::create("sliderTrack.png", "sliderProgress.png", "sliderThumb.png");//设置最大最小值pSlider->setMinimumValue(0.0f);pSlider->setMaximumValue(10.0f);pSlider->setPosition(ccp(size.width/3, size.height/3)); // 添加回调函数,当滑块被拖动时被调用pSlider->addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, cccontrol_selector(HelloWorld::changeValue), CCControlEventValueChanged);/*参数三:Kinds of possible events for the control objects. CCControlEventTouchDown           = 1 << 0,    // A touch-down event in the control. CCControlEventTouchDragInside     = 1 << 1,    // An event where a finger is draggedinside the bounds of the control. CCControlEventTouchDragOutside    = 1 << 2,    // An event where a finger is draggedjust outside the bounds of the control. CCControlEventTouchDragEnter      = 1 << 3,    // An event where a finger is draggedinto the bounds of the control. CCControlEventTouchDragExit       = 1 << 4,    // An event where a finger is draggedfrom within a control to outside its bounds. CCControlEventTouchUpInside       = 1 << 5,    // A touch-up event in the controlwhere the finger is inside the bounds of the control. CCControlEventTouchUpOutside      = 1 << 6,    // A touch-up event in the controlwhere the finger is outside the bounds of the control. CCControlEventTouchCancel         = 1 << 7,    // A system event canceling thecurrent touches for the control. CCControlEventValueChanged        = 1 << 8      // A touch dragging or otherwisemanipulating a control, causing it to emit a series of different values.*/addChild(pSlider);//添加回调函数void HelloWorld::changeValue(CCObject *sender, CCControlEvent controlEvent){    CCControlSlider *pSlider = (CCControlSlider *)sender;    //通过获取值来设置label的值    _pSliderLabel->setString(CCString::createWithFormat("value = %f", pSlider->getValue())->getCString());}//编译连接,发现链接出错,无法解析的外部符号,汗啊。//百度一下吧:原来是没有找到连接的文件//解决办法://右键项目属性->配置属性->链接器里面的附加依赖项,加上libCocosDenshion.lib和libExtensions.lib//搞定,哈哈。