
来源:互联网 发布:mysql数据库主键类型 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 22:21



ULONG GetModuleBase(PCHAR szModuleName){    ULONG uSize = 0x10000;    PVOID pModuleInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,                                             uSize,                                             'GetB');    if (pModuleInfo == NULL)    {        KdPrint(("ExAllocatePoolWithTag failed\n"));        return 0;    }    RtlZeroMemory(pModuleInfo, uSize);    NTSTATUS status = ZwQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation,         pModuleInfo,         uSize,         NULL);    if(!NT_SUCCESS(status))    {        KdPrint(("FindModuleByAddress query failed\n"));        KdPrint(("FindModuleByAddress status: 0x%x\n", status));        if (pModuleInfo != NULL)        {            ExFreePool(pModuleInfo);            pModuleInfo = NULL;        }        return 0;    }    ULONG uNumberOfModules = *(PULONG)pModuleInfo;    if (uNumberOfModules == 0)    {        return 0;    }    PRTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION pStart =         (PRTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION)((ULONG)pModuleInfo + sizeof(ULONG));    for (ULONG uCount = 0; uCount < uNumberOfModules; uCount++)    {        PUCHAR pszFullPathName = (PUCHAR)pStart->FullPathName;        ULONG uOffsetName = pStart->OffsetToFileName;        PUCHAR pszName = (PUCHAR)(pszFullPathName + uOffsetName);        if (_stricmp((const char *)pszName, szModuleName) == 0)        {            ULONG uImageBase = (ULONG)pStart->ImageBase;            if (pModuleInfo != NULL)            {                ExFreePool(pModuleInfo);                pModuleInfo = NULL;            }            return uImageBase;        }        pStart++;    }        if (pModuleInfo != NULL)    {        ExFreePool(pModuleInfo);        pModuleInfo = NULL;    }    return 0;}



NTSTATUS WINAPI ZwQuerySystemInformation(  _In_       SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass,  _Inout_    PVOID SystemInformation,  _In_       ULONG SystemInformationLength,  _Out_opt_  PULONG ReturnLength);


// DeepInNativeApi.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.///** For x86/EWindows XP SP1 & VC 7      Win7 32bit&VC9* cl listmodule.c /Os /G6 /W3** Usage: listmodule*//*************************************************************************                                                                      **                               Head File                              **                                                                      *************************************************************************/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <windows.h>/*************************************************************************                                                                      **                               Macro                                  **                                                                      *************************************************************************/#pragma comment( linker, “/subsystem:console” )typedef LONG NTSTATUS;#define NT_SUCCESS(status)      ((NTSTATUS)(status)>=0)/*************************************************************************** <<Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference>> by Gary Nebbett*//** 虽然本程序用不到这么多枚举值,还是列出一份最完整的。这个程序本身不求完* 美,尽可能多地保留一些未文档化的参考资料。*/typedef enum _SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS     //    Q S{    SystemBasicInformation,                // 00 Y N    SystemProcessorInformation,            // 01 Y N    SystemPerformanceInformation,          // 02 Y N    SystemTimeOfDayInformation,            // 03 Y N    SystemNotImplemented1,                 // 04 Y N    SystemProcessesAndThreadsInformation,  // 05 Y N    SystemCallCounts,                      // 06 Y N    SystemConfigurationInformation,        // 07 Y N    SystemProcessorTimes,                  // 08 Y N    SystemGlobalFlag,                      // 09 Y Y    SystemNotImplemented2,                 // 10 Y N    SystemModuleInformation,               // 11 Y N    SystemLockInformation,                 // 12 Y N    SystemNotImplemented3,                 // 13 Y N    SystemNotImplemented4,                 // 14 Y N    SystemNotImplemented5,                 // 15 Y N    SystemHandleInformation,               // 16 Y N    SystemObjectInformation,               // 17 Y N    SystemPagefileInformation,             // 18 Y N    SystemInstructionEmulationCounts,      // 19 Y N    SystemInvalidInfoClass1,               // 20    SystemCacheInformation,                // 21 Y Y    SystemPoolTagInformation,              // 22 Y N    SystemProcessorStatistics,             // 23 Y N    SystemDpcInformation,                  // 24 Y Y    SystemNotImplemented6,                 // 25 Y N    SystemLoadImage,                       // 26 N Y    SystemUnloadImage,                     // 27 N Y    SystemTimeAdjustment,                  // 28 Y Y    SystemNotImplemented7,                 // 29 Y N    SystemNotImplemented8,                 // 30 Y N    SystemNotImplemented9,                 // 31 Y N    SystemCrashDumpInformation,            // 32 Y N    SystemExceptionInformation,            // 33 Y N    SystemCrashDumpStateInformation,       // 34 Y Y/N    SystemKernelDebuggerInformation,       // 35 Y N    SystemContextSwitchInformation,        // 36 Y N    SystemRegistryQuotaInformation,        // 37 Y Y    SystemLoadAndCallImage,                // 38 N Y    SystemPrioritySeparation,              // 39 N Y    SystemNotImplemented10,                // 40 Y N    SystemNotImplemented11,                // 41 Y N    SystemInvalidInfoClass2,               // 42    SystemInvalidInfoClass3,               // 43    SystemTimeZoneInformation,             // 44 Y N    SystemLookasideInformation,            // 45 Y N    SystemSetTimeSlipEvent,                // 46 N Y    SystemCreateSession,                   // 47 N Y    SystemDeleteSession,                   // 48 N Y    SystemInvalidInfoClass4,               // 49    SystemRangeStartInformation,           // 50 Y N    SystemVerifierInformation,             // 51 Y Y    SystemAddVerifier,                     // 52 N Y    SystemSessionProcessesInformation      // 53 Y N} SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS;typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION  // Information Class 11{    ULONG  Reserved[2];    PVOID  Base;    ULONG  Size;    ULONG  Flags;    USHORT Index;    USHORT Unknown;    USHORT LoadCount;    USHORT ModuleNameOffset;    CHAR   ImageName[256];} SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION;/** <<Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference>> by Gary Nebbett**************************************************************************//** 参看DDK文档以及<<Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference>> by Gary Nebbett* 这些Native API由ntdll.dll输出*/typedef NTSTATUS ( __stdcall *ZWQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION ) ( IN SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, IN OUT PVOID SystemInformation, IN ULONG SystemInformationLength, OUT PULONG ReturnLength OPTIONAL );typedef ULONG    ( __stdcall *RTLNTSTATUSTODOSERROR    ) ( IN NTSTATUS Status );/*************************************************************************                                                                      **                            Function Prototype                        **                                                                      *************************************************************************/static void    ListModule         ( void );static BOOLEAN LocateNtdllEntry   ( void );static void    PrintWin32Error    ( char *message, DWORD dwMessageId );static void    PrintZwError       ( char *message, NTSTATUS status );static PVOID   PrivateFindModule  ( const char *ModuleName );/*************************************************************************                                                                      **                            Static Global Var                         **                                                                      *************************************************************************//** 由ntdll.dll输出的Native API函数指针*/static ZWQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION ZwQuerySystemInformation = NULL;static RTLNTSTATUSTODOSERROR    RtlNtStatusToDosError    = NULL;/************************************************************************/static void ListModule ( void ){    NTSTATUS                    status;    PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION  module = NULL;    ULONG                       n      = 0;    ULONG                       i      = 0;    void                       *buf    = NULL;    ZwQuerySystemInformation( SystemModuleInformation, &n, 0, &n );    if ( NULL == ( buf = calloc( ( size_t )n, 1 ) ) )    {        fprintf( stderr, "calloc() failed\n" );        goto ListModule_return;    }    /*     * <<Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference>> by Gary Nebbett所给的例子     * 1.3以及A.2对第二、三形参理解有误,下面才是正确的用法。     */    status = ZwQuerySystemInformation( SystemModuleInformation, buf, n, NULL );    if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) )    {        PrintZwError( "ZwQuerySystemInformation() failed", status );        goto ListModule_return;    }    module = ( PSYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION )( ( PULONG )buf + 1 );    n      = *( ( PULONG )buf );    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )    {        printf( "0x%08X %s\n", module[i].Base, module[i].ImageName + module[i].ModuleNameOffset );    }ListModule_return:    if ( buf != NULL )    {        free( buf );        buf = NULL;    }    return;}  /* end of ListModule *//** ntdll.dll输出了所有的Native API*/static BOOLEAN LocateNtdllEntry ( void ){    BOOLEAN boolean_ret = FALSE;    char    NTDLL_DLL[] = "ntdll.dll";    HMODULE ntdll_dll   = NULL;    /*     * returns a handle to a mapped module without incrementing its     * reference count     */    if ( ( ntdll_dll = GetModuleHandle( NTDLL_DLL ) ) == NULL )    {        PrintWin32Error( "GetModuleHandle() failed", GetLastError() );        return( FALSE );    }    if ( !( ZwQuerySystemInformation = ( ZWQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION )GetProcAddress( ntdll_dll,         "ZwQuerySystemInformation" ) ) )    {        goto LocateNtdllEntry_return;    }    if ( !( RtlNtStatusToDosError = ( RTLNTSTATUSTODOSERROR )GetProcAddress( ntdll_dll,         "RtlNtStatusToDosError" ) ) )    {        goto LocateNtdllEntry_return;    }    boolean_ret = TRUE;LocateNtdllEntry_return:    if ( FALSE == boolean_ret )    {        PrintWin32Error( "GetProcAddress() failed", GetLastError() );    }    ntdll_dll = NULL;    return( boolean_ret );}  /* end of LocateNtdllEntry */static void PrintWin32Error ( char *message, DWORD dwMessageId ){    char *errMsg;    FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL,                   dwMessageId,                   MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ),                   ( LPTSTR )&errMsg, 0, NULL );    fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s", message, errMsg );    LocalFree( errMsg );    return;}  /* end of PrintWin32Error */static void PrintZwError ( char *message, NTSTATUS status ){    char *errMsg;    FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL,                   RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ),                   MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ),                   ( LPTSTR )&errMsg, 0, NULL );    fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s", message, errMsg );    LocalFree( errMsg );    return;}  /* end of PrintZwError */int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ){    if ( FALSE == LocateNtdllEntry() )    {        fprintf( stderr, "LocateNtdllEntry() failed\n" );        return( EXIT_FAILURE );    }    ListModule();system("pause");    return( EXIT_SUCCESS );}  /* end of main *//************************************************************************/


typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION  // Information Class 11
    ULONG  Reserved[2]; //未了解用途
    PVOID  Base;      //进程基址
    ULONG  Size;
    ULONG  Flags;
    USHORT Index;
    USHORT Unknown;
    USHORT LoadCount;
    USHORT ModuleNameOffset;  //进程名字偏移
    CHAR   ImageName[256];      //进程映像全路径


