让source insight更好的支持中文

来源:互联网 发布:linux系统中文显示乱码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 18:54

From: http://blog.csdn.net/aylixuan/article/details/6066126


/*   * 代替SourceInsight原有的Backspace功能(希望如此)   * 增加了对双字节汉字的支持,在删除汉字的时候也能同时删除汉字的高字节而缓解半个汉字问题   * 能够对光标在汉字中间的情况进行自动修正   *   * 安装:   * ① 复制入SourceInsight安装目录;   * ② Project→Open Project,打开Base项目;   * ③ 将复制过去的SuperBackspace.em添加入Base项目;   * ④ 重启SourceInsight;   * ⑤ Options→Key Assignments,将Marco: SuperBackspace绑定到BackSpace键;   * ⑥ Enjoy!!   *   * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or   * (at your option) any later version.   *   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the   * GNU General Public License for more details.   *   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA   */  macro SuperBackspace()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  stop;   // empty buffer  // get current cursor postion  ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);  // get current line number  ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);  if ((GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "") || (GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) != GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd))) {  // sth. was selected, del selection  SetBufSelText(hbuf, " "); // stupid & buggy sourceinsight :(  // del the " "  SuperBackspace(1);  stop;  }  // copy current line  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);  // get string length  len = strlen(text);  // if the cursor is at the start of line, combine with prev line  if (ipos == 0 || len == 0) {  if (ln <= 0)  stop;   // top of file  ln = ln - 1;    // do not use "ln--" for compatibility with older versions  prevline = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);  prevlen = strlen(prevline);  // combine two lines  text = cat(prevline, text);  // del two lines  DelBufLine(hbuf, ln);  DelBufLine(hbuf, ln);  // insert the combined one  InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text);  // set the cursor position  SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, prevlen);  stop;  }  num = 1; // del one char  if (ipos >= 1) {  // process Chinese character  i = ipos;  count = 0;  while (AsciiFromChar(text[i - 1]) >= 160) {  i = i - 1;  count = count + 1;  if (i == 0)  break;  }  if (count > 0) {  // I think it might be a two-byte character  num = 2;  // This idiot does not support mod and bitwise operators  if ((count / 2 * 2 != count) && (ipos < len))  ipos = ipos + 1;    // adjust cursor position  }  }  // keeping safe  if (ipos - num < 0)  num = ipos;  // del char(s)  text = cat(strmid(text, 0, ipos - num), strmid(text, ipos, len));  DelBufLine(hbuf, ln);  InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text);  SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos - num);  stop;  }  /*   参考上面以及SourceInsight中的chm帮助文档;     有缺点:(1)移动箭头也会记录到历史操作步骤,应该能够避免这些操作被记录;(2)函数没有整理,有冗余;     2、删除键——SuperDelete.em   */macro SuperDelete()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  stop;   // empty buffer  // get current cursor postion  ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);  // get current line number  ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);  if ((GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "") || (GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) != GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd))) {  // sth. was selected, del selection  SetBufSelText(hbuf, " "); // stupid & buggy sourceinsight :(  // del the " "  SuperDelete(1);  stop;  }  // copy current line  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);  // get string length  len = strlen(text);  if (ipos == len || len == 0) {  totalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf);  lastText = GetBufLine(hBuf, totalLn-1);  lastLen = strlen(lastText);  if (ipos == lastLen)// end of file  stop;  ln = ln + 1;    // do not use "ln--" for compatibility with older versions  nextline = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);  nextlen = strlen(nextline);  // combine two lines  text = cat(text, nextline);  // del two lines  DelBufLine(hbuf, ln-1);  DelBufLine(hbuf, ln-1);  // insert the combined one  InsBufLine(hbuf, ln-1, text);  // set the cursor position  SetBufIns(hbuf, ln-1, len);  stop;  }  num = 1; // del one char  if (ipos > 0) {  // process Chinese character  i = ipos;  count = 0;  while (AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160) {  i = i - 1;  count = count + 1;  if (i == 0)  break;  }  if (count > 0) {  // I think it might be a two-byte character  num = 2;  // This idiot does not support mod and bitwise operators  if (((count / 2 * 2 != count) || count == 0) && (ipos < len-1))  ipos = ipos + 1;    // adjust cursor position  }  // keeping safe  if (ipos - num < 0)  num = ipos;  }  else {  i = ipos;  count = 0;  while(AsciiFromChar(text[i]) >= 160) {  i = i + 1;  count = count + 1;  if(i == len-1)  break;  }  if(count > 0) {  num = 2;  }  }  text = cat(strmid(text, 0, ipos), strmid(text, ipos+num, len));  DelBufLine(hbuf, ln);  InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text);  SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos);  stop;  }  //3、左移键——SuperCursorLeft.em  macro IsComplexCharacter()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  return 0;  //当前位置  pos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);  //当前行数  ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);  //得到当前行  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);  //得到当前行长度  len = strlen(text);  //从头计算汉字字符的个数  if(pos > 0)  {  i=pos;  count=0;  while(AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160)  {    i = i - 1;  count = count+1;  if(i == 0)    break;  }  if((count/2)*2==count|| count==0)  return 0;  else  return 1;  }  return 0;  }  macro moveleft()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  stop;   // empty buffer  ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);  ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);  if(GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "" || (ipos == 0 && ln == 0))   // 第0行或者是选中文字,则不移动  {  SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos);  stop;  }  if(ipos == 0)  {  preLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln-1);  SetBufIns(hBuf, ln-1, strlen(preLine)-1);  }  else  {  SetBufIns(hBuf, ln, ipos-1);  }  }  macro SuperCursorLeft()  {  moveleft();  if(IsComplexCharacter())  moveleft();  }  //4、右移键——SuperCursorRight.em  macro moveRight()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  stop;   // empty buffer  ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);  ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);  totalLn = GetBufLineCount(hbuf);  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);    if(GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "")   //选中文字  {  ipos = GetWndSelIchLim(hwnd);  ln = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd);  SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos);  stop;  }  if(ipos == strlen(text)-1 && ln == totalLn-1) // 末行  stop;        if(ipos == strlen(text))  {  SetBufIns(hBuf, ln+1, 0);  }  else  {  SetBufIns(hBuf, ln, ipos+1);  }  }  macro SuperCursorRight()  {  moveRight();  if(IsComplexCharacter()) // defined in SuperCursorLeft.em  moveRight();  }  //5、shift+右移键——ShiftCursorRight.em  macro IsShiftRightComplexCharacter()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  return 0;  selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd);  pos = selRec.ichLim;  ln = selRec.lnLast;  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);  len = strlen(text);  if(len == 0 || len < pos)  return 1;  //Msg("@len@;@pos@;");  if(pos > 0)  {  i=pos;  count=0;    while(AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160)  {    i = i - 1;  count = count+1;     if(i == 0)    break;      }  if((count/2)*2==count|| count==0)  return 0;  else  return 1;  }  return 0;  }  macro shiftMoveRight()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  stop;    ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);  ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);  totalLn = GetBufLineCount(hbuf);  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);    selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd);     curLen = GetBufLineLength(hbuf, selRec.lnLast);  if(selRec.ichLim == curLen+1 || curLen == 0)  {    if(selRec.lnLast == totalLn -1)  stop;  selRec.lnLast = selRec.lnLast + 1;    selRec.ichLim = 1;  SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec);  if(IsShiftRightComplexCharacter())  shiftMoveRight();  stop;  }  selRec.ichLim = selRec.ichLim+1;  SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec);  }  macro SuperShiftCursorRight()  {         if(IsComplexCharacter())  SuperCursorRight();  shiftMoveRight();  if(IsShiftRightComplexCharacter())  shiftMoveRight();  }  6、shift+左移键——ShiftCursorLeft.em  macro IsShiftLeftComplexCharacter()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  return 0;  selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd);  pos = selRec.ichFirst;  ln = selRec.lnFirst;  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);  len = strlen(text);  if(len == 0 || len < pos)  return 1;  //Msg("@len@;@pos@;");  if(pos > 0)  {  i=pos;  count=0;    while(AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160)  {    i = i - 1;  count = count+1;     if(i == 0)    break;      }  if((count/2)*2==count|| count==0)  return 0;  else  return 1;  }  return 0;  }  macro shiftMoveLeft()  {  hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();  hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();  if (hbuf == 0)  stop;    ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);  ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);  totalLn = GetBufLineCount(hbuf);  text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);    selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd);     //curLen = GetBufLineLength(hbuf, selRec.lnFirst);  //Msg("@curLen@;@selRec@");  if(selRec.ichFirst == 0)  {    if(selRec.lnFirst == 0)  stop;  selRec.lnFirst = selRec.lnFirst - 1;  selRec.ichFirst = GetBufLineLength(hbuf, selRec.lnFirst)-1;  SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec);  if(IsShiftLeftComplexCharacter())  shiftMoveLeft();  stop;  }  selRec.ichFirst = selRec.ichFirst-1;  SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec);  }  macro SuperShiftCursorLeft()  {  if(IsComplexCharacter())  SuperCursorLeft();  shiftMoveLeft();  if(IsShiftLeftComplexCharacter())  shiftMoveLeft();  } 



