
来源:互联网 发布:帝国cms 提交表单 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 13:56





#pragma once#include "util.h"//u1,u2,u4分别代表1字节,2字节,4字节的无符号数。需要按照编译平台准确定义。//JVM规范中大量使用它们描述class文件格式。typedef unsigned int u4;typedef unsigned short u2;typedef unsigned char u1;//根据所在的编译平台,定义合适的4字节float,8字节long,8字节双精度浮点数typedef float JFLOAT;typedef long long JLONG;typedef double JDOUBLE;struct cp_info;struct field_info;struct method_info;struct attribute_info;#pragma pack(1)/* Class文件结构,参考JVM规范//class文件的结构,直接明了。//class文件中u2,u4,u8的存储都是big-endian顺序(高字节在前,低字节在后)ClassFile{u4 magic;u2 minor_verison;u2 major_version;u2 constant_pool_count; //按照JVM规范,此值cp_count等于cp_info的记录数+1cp_info constant_pool[constant_pool_count-1];u2 access_flags;u2 this_class;u2 super_class;u2 interfaces_count;u2 interfaces[interfaces_count];u2 fields_count;field_info fields[fields_count];u2 methods_count;method_info methods[methods_count];u2 attributes_count;attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];}cp_info{u1 tag;u1 info[];}CONSTANT_Class_info {u1 tag;u2 name_index;  //常量池索引,该索引处的常量项必须是一个CONSTANT_Utf8_info}CONSTANT_Fieldref_info {    u1 tag;    u2 class_index; //常量池索引,必须指向一个CONSTANT_Class_info    u2 name_and_type_index; //常量池索引,必须指向一个CONSTANT_NameAndType_info}CONSTANT_Methodref_info {    u1 tag;    u2 class_index; //常量池索引,必须指向一个CONSTANT_Class_info    u2 name_and_type_index; //常量池索引,必须指向一个CONSTANT_NameAndType_info}CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info {    u1 tag;    u2 class_index; //常量池索引,必须指向一个CONSTANT_Class_info    u2 name_and_type_index; //常量池索引,必须指向一个CONSTANT_NameAndType_info}CONSTANT_String_info {    u1 tag;    u2 string_index;    //常量池索引,必须指向一个CONSTANT_Utf8_info}CONSTANT_Integer_info {    u1 tag;    u4 bytes;   //4字节整数,高字节在前}CONSTANT_Float_info {    u1 tag;    u4 bytes;   //4字节浮点数,IEEE 754格式,高字节在前}CONSTANT_Long_info {    u1 tag;    u4 high_bytes;  //8字节整数,高字节在前    u4 low_bytes;}CONSTANT_Double_info {    u1 tag;    u4 high_bytes;  //双精度浮点数,IEEE 754格式,高字节在前    u4 low_bytes;}CONSTANT_NameAndType_info {    u1 tag;    u2 name_index;  //field或method的简单名字。该索引必须指向一个CONSTANT_Utf8_info    u2 descriptor_index;    //field或method的描述符。该索引必须指向一个CONSTANT_Utf8_info}CONSTANT_Utf8_info {    u1 tag;    u2 length;    u1 bytes[length];}attribute_info{u2 attribute_name_index;    //索引必须指向常量池的一个CONSTANT_Utf8_infou4 attribute_length;u1 info[attribute_length];}field_info{u2 access_flags;u2 name_index;  //field simple name, 索引必须指向常量池的一个CONSTANT_Utf8_infou2 descriptor_index;    //field desciptor, 索引必须指向常量池的一个CONSTANT_Utf8_infou2 attributes_count;attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];}struct method_info{u2 access_flags;u2 name_index;u2 descriptor_index;u2 attributes_count;attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];}Code_attribute{u2 attribute_name_index;u4 attribute_length;u2 max_stack;u2 max_locals;u4 code_length;u1 code[code_length];u2 exception_table_length;Exception_table exception_table[exception_table_length];u2 attributes_count;attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];};*///常量池项的一般格式//由于C语言不能准确描述可变长度,下面使用占位符的技巧,其他可变结构与此相似。struct cp_info{u1 tag;u1 info[0];  //占位符,不指明具体长度(或者指定为0),需要编译器支持};enum {    CONSTANT_Utf8 = 1,    CONSTANT_Unicode,   //not used    CONSTANT_Integer,    CONSTANT_Float,    CONSTANT_Long,    CONSTANT_Double,    CONSTANT_Class,    CONSTANT_String,    CONSTANT_Fieldref,    CONSTANT_Methodref,    CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref,    CONSTANT_NameAndType,};struct CONSTANT_Class_info{u1 tag;u2 name_index;};struct CONSTANT_Fieldref_info{u1 tag;u2 class_index;u2 name_and_type_index;};struct CONSTANT_Methodref_info{u1 tag;u2 class_index;u2 name_and_type_index;};struct CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info{u1 tag;u2 class_index;u2 name_and_type_index;};struct CONSTANT_String_info{u1 tag;u2 string_index;};struct CONSTANT_Integer_info{u1 tag;u4 ivalue;};struct CONSTANT_Float_info{u1 tag;JFLOAT fvalue;};struct CONSTANT_Long_info{u1 tag;JLONG lvalue;};struct CONSTANT_Double_info{u1 tag;JDOUBLE dvalue;};struct CONSTANT_NameAndType_info{u1 tag;u2 name_index;u2 descriptor_index;};struct CONSTANT_Utf8_info{u1 tag;u2 length;u1 bytes[0];  //[length]};//field_info内部表示//Currently, associated attributes are: ConstantValue, Synthetic, Deprecated.//Other unknown attributes will be ignored according to JVM Specification.struct FieldInfo{u2 access_flags;u2 name_index;u2 descriptor_index;u1 is_ConstantValue;u2 constantvalue_index;u1 is_Synthetic;u1 is_Deprecated;};struct Exception_table{u2 start_pc;u2 end_pc;u2 handler_pc;u2 catch_type;};struct LineNumber_table{u2 start_pc;u2 line_number;};struct LocalVariable_table{u2 start_pc;u2 length;u2 name_index;u2 descriptor_index;u2 index;};//method_info内部表示//Currently, associated attributes are: Code, Exceptions, Synthetic, Deprecated.//Other unknown attributes will be ignored according to JVM Specification.struct MethodInfo{u2 access_flags;u2 name_index;u2 descriptor_index;u1 has_Code;u2 max_stack;u2 max_locals;u4 code_length;u1 *code;u2 exception_table_length;Exception_table *exception_table;//Currently,the possible attributes that associated with Code attribute are: //LineNumberTable and LocalVariableTable. Both of each store debugging information.int total_line_number_table;LineNumber_table *line_number_table;int total_local_variable_table;LocalVariable_table *local_variable_table;u2 number_of_exceptions;    //方法可能抛出的已检查异常的数量u2 *exception_index_table;  //指出每个异常的类名(每个索引指向CONSTANT_Class_info)u1 has_Exceptions;u1 is_Synthetic;u1 is_Deprecated;};#pragma pack()class ClassBufferInput;class ClassFileParser{public:ClassFileParser(const u1 *classInBuffer, int length);virtual ~ClassFileParser(void);//解析class文件的时候,根据格式,只能按照次序解析,//依次是magic, version, constant pool, ..., etc.void parseClassFile() throw (Exception);//releaseResource用于解析失败时,释放已分配的资源void releaseResource();void printSummary();private:const u1 * _class_buffer;int _buffer_length;ClassBufferInput *_classInput;bool valid_cp_index(int index, int cp_count) {    return (index >= 1 && index < cp_count);}bool valid_cp_index(int index) {    return (index >= 1 && index < _cp_count);}bool is_supported_version(u2 majorVersion, u2 minorVersion);bool check_utf8_string(const u1 *bytes, int length);void parseConstantPool() throw (Exception);void saveConstantPool() throw (Exception);void check_this_class(u2 this_class) throw (Exception);void check_access_flags(u2 access_flags) throw (Exception);void check_super_class(u2 super_class) throw (Exception);const cp_info * get_cp_info(int index) throw (Exception);u1 get_cp_tag(int index) throw (Exception);const u1 * get_cp_utf8(int index, u2 & length) throw (Exception);void parseInterfaces() throw (Exception);void parseFields() throw (Exception);void parseMethods() throw (Exception);void init_method_info(MethodInfo *minfo);u4 parseCodeAttribute(MethodInfo *minfo) throw (Exception);void releaseMethods();private:u2 _major_version;u2 _minor_version;int _cp_count;//用两个数组存储运行时常量池,一个为索引数组,一个为常量池数据cp_info ** _cp_index;u1 * _constant_pool;int _cp_length;u1 _tag_0;u2 _access_flags;u2 _this_class;u2 _super_class;int _interfaces_count;u1 * _interfaces;int _fields_count;FieldInfo *_fields;int _methods_count;MethodInfo *_methods;};class ClassBufferInput{public:ClassBufferInput(const u1* buffer, int length);const u1* buffer() const { return _buffer_start; }int length() const { return _buffer_end - _buffer_start; }const u1* current() const { return _current; }u1 read_u1() throw (Exception);u2 read_u2() throw (Exception);u4 read_u4() throw (Exception);void read_bytes(u1 *buf, int size) throw (Exception);void skip_u1() throw (Exception);void skip_u2() throw (Exception);void skip_u4() throw (Exception);void skip_bytes(int size) throw (Exception);void mark();void reset();static u2 read_java_u2(const u1 *buffer);static u4 read_java_u4(const u1 *buffer);private:const u1* _buffer_start;const u1* _buffer_end;const u1* _current;const u1* _marked;void guarantee_size(int size) throw (Exception);};



#include "ClassFileParser.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#define CLASS_FILE_MAGIC_U4 0xCAFEBABEClassFileParser::ClassFileParser(const u1 *classInBuffer, int length){    _class_buffer = classInBuffer;    _buffer_length = length;    _classInput = new ClassBufferInput(_class_buffer, _buffer_length);    _major_version = 0;    _minor_version = 0;    _cp_count = 0;    _cp_length = -1;    _constant_pool = NULL;    _cp_index = NULL;    _tag_0 = 0;    _interfaces = NULL;    _fields = NULL;}ClassFileParser::~ClassFileParser(void){    if (_classInput != NULL) {        delete _classInput;    }    //Todo: 解析失败的情况下,需要释放已经分配的资源;解析成功的情况下,需要保留资源    //if (_constant_pool != NULL) {    //    delete [] _constant_pool;    //}}bool ClassFileParser::is_supported_version(u2 major, u2 minor){    //实际的Java虚拟机的版本,如SUN的Hotspot,令人费解    //比如1.5版本,推测major=1,minor=5,可是SUN的Hotspot虚拟机却不认    //查看Hotspot源代码,最小版本竟从45开始    if (major > 45 && major <= 51)        return true;    return false;}bool ClassFileParser::check_utf8_string(const u1 *bytes, int length){    //Todo: check utf8 string    return true;}const cp_info * ClassFileParser::get_cp_info(int index) throw (Exception){    assert_exception(valid_cp_index(index), "cp index out of cp range");    cp_info * p = _cp_index[index - 1];    return p;}u1 ClassFileParser::get_cp_tag(int index) throw (Exception){    const cp_info *p = get_cp_info(index);    u1 tag = p->tag;    return tag;}const u1 * ClassFileParser::get_cp_utf8(int index, u2 & length) throw (Exception){    const cp_info *p = get_cp_info(index);    u1 tag = p->tag;    assert_exception(tag == CONSTANT_Utf8, "cp indexed is not CONSTANT_Utf8");    const CONSTANT_Utf8_info *pUtf8 = (const CONSTANT_Utf8_info *)p;    length = pUtf8->length;    return pUtf8->bytes;}void ClassFileParser::saveConstantPool() throw (Exception){    ClassBufferInput *in = _classInput;    //现在已知常量池的长度,保存到一个数组中(目前运行时常量池与原始常量池的长度相同!)    //另用一个数组保存各个常量项的索引    _constant_pool = new u1  [_cp_length];    assert_exception(_constant_pool != NULL, "out of memory");    _cp_index = new cp_info * [_cp_count - 1];    assert_exception(_cp_index != NULL, "out of memory");    cp_info * current = (cp_info *)_constant_pool;    for (int index = 0; index < _cp_count - 1; index++)    {        u1 tag = in->read_u1();        switch (tag)        {        case CONSTANT_Utf8:            {                CONSTANT_Utf8_info *pUtf8 = (CONSTANT_Utf8_info *)current;                u2 length = in->read_u2();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pUtf8->tag = tag;                pUtf8->length = length;                in->read_bytes(pUtf8->bytes, length);                current += (sizeof(CONSTANT_Utf8_info) + length);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Integer:            {                CONSTANT_Integer_info *pInteger = (CONSTANT_Integer_info *)current;                u4 bytes = in->read_u4();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pInteger->tag = tag;                pInteger->ivalue = bytes;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_Integer_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Float:            {                CONSTANT_Float_info *pFloat = (CONSTANT_Float_info *)current;                u4 bytes = in->read_u4();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pFloat->tag = tag;                union {                    JFLOAT f;                    u4 bytes;                } u;                u.bytes = bytes;                pFloat->fvalue = u.f;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_Float_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Long:            {                CONSTANT_Long_info *pLong = (CONSTANT_Long_info *)current;                u4 high_bytes = in->read_u4();                u4 low_bytes = in->read_u4();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pLong->tag = tag;                pLong->lvalue = (JLONG)high_bytes << 32 | (JLONG)low_bytes;                index++;    //JVM规范:8字节的常量池项在计数上占两个                _cp_index[index] = (cp_info *)&_tag_0;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_Long_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Double:            {                CONSTANT_Double_info *pDouble = (CONSTANT_Double_info *)current;                u4 high_bytes = in->read_u4();                u4 low_bytes = in->read_u4();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pDouble->tag = tag;                union {                    JDOUBLE d;                    JLONG l;                } u;                JLONG l = (JLONG)high_bytes << 32 | (JLONG)low_bytes;                u.l = l;                pDouble->dvalue = u.d;                index++;    //JVM规范:8字节的常量池项在计数上占两个                _cp_index[index] = (cp_info *)&_tag_0;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_Double_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Class:            {                CONSTANT_Class_info *pClass = (CONSTANT_Class_info *)current;                u2 name_index = in->read_u2();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pClass->tag = tag;                pClass->name_index = name_index;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_Class_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_String:            {                CONSTANT_String_info *pString = (CONSTANT_String_info *)current;                u2 string_index = in->read_u2();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pString->tag = tag;                pString->string_index = string_index;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_String_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Fieldref:            {                CONSTANT_Fieldref_info *pFieldref                     = (CONSTANT_Fieldref_info *)current;                u2 class_index = in->read_u2();                u2 name_and_type_index = in->read_u2();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pFieldref->tag = tag;                pFieldref->class_index = class_index;                pFieldref->name_and_type_index = name_and_type_index;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_Fieldref_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Methodref:            {                CONSTANT_Methodref_info *pMethodref                     = (CONSTANT_Methodref_info *)current;                u2 class_index = in->read_u2();                u2 name_and_type_index = in->read_u2();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pMethodref->tag = tag;                pMethodref->class_index = class_index;                pMethodref->name_and_type_index = name_and_type_index;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_Methodref_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:            {                CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info *pInterfaceMethodref                     = (CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info *)current;                u2 class_index = in->read_u2();                u2 name_and_type_index = in->read_u2();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pInterfaceMethodref->tag = tag;                pInterfaceMethodref->class_index = class_index;                pInterfaceMethodref->name_and_type_index = name_and_type_index;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info);            }            break;        case CONSTANT_NameAndType:            {                CONSTANT_NameAndType_info *pNameAndType                    = (CONSTANT_NameAndType_info *)current;                u2 name_index = in->read_u2();                u2 descriptor_index = in->read_u2();                _cp_index[index] = current;                pNameAndType->tag = tag;                pNameAndType->name_index = name_index;                pNameAndType->descriptor_index = descriptor_index;                current += sizeof(CONSTANT_NameAndType_info);            }            break;        default:            {                char msg[30];                sprintf(msg, "unknown tag: %d", tag);                assert_exception(false, msg);            }            break;        }    }    //验证相等(目前必定不相等,因为已经从big-endian顺序转化为本机顺序)    //int magic_version_length = sizeof(u4) + sizeof(u2) + sizeof(u2);    //const u1 * p1 = _class_buffer + magic_version_length + 2;    //int cmp = memcmp(p1, _constant_pool, _cp_length);    //检查常量项相互之间的引用是否正确    for (int index = 1; index < _cp_count; index++)    {        cp_info * current = _cp_index[index - 1];        u1 tag = current->tag;        switch (tag)        {        case CONSTANT_Utf8:            break;        case CONSTANT_Integer:            break;        case CONSTANT_Float:            break;        case CONSTANT_Long:            {                index++;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Double:            {                index++;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Class:            {                CONSTANT_Class_info *pClass = (CONSTANT_Class_info *)current;                u1 ref_tag = get_cp_tag(pClass->name_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag == CONSTANT_Utf8,                     "name_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");            }            break;        case CONSTANT_String:            {                CONSTANT_String_info *pString = (CONSTANT_String_info *)current;                u1 ref_tag = get_cp_tag(pString->string_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag == CONSTANT_Utf8,                    "string_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Fieldref:            {                CONSTANT_Fieldref_info *pFieldref                     = (CONSTANT_Fieldref_info *)current;                u1 ref_tag1 = get_cp_tag(pFieldref->class_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag1 == CONSTANT_Class,                    "class_index refered is not CONSTANT_Class");                u1 ref_tag2 = get_cp_tag(pFieldref->name_and_type_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag2 == CONSTANT_NameAndType,                    "name_and_type_index refered is not CONSTANT_NameAndType");            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Methodref:            {                CONSTANT_Methodref_info *pMethodref                     = (CONSTANT_Methodref_info *)current;                u1 ref_tag1 = get_cp_tag(pMethodref->class_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag1 == CONSTANT_Class,                    "class_index refered is not CONSTANT_Class");                u1 ref_tag2 = get_cp_tag(pMethodref->name_and_type_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag2 == CONSTANT_NameAndType,                    "name_and_type_index refered is not CONSTANT_NameAndType");            }            break;        case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:            {                CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info *pInterfaceMethodref                     = (CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info *)current;                u1 ref_tag1 = get_cp_tag(pInterfaceMethodref->class_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag1 == CONSTANT_Class,                    "class_index refered is not CONSTANT_Class");                u1 ref_tag2 = get_cp_tag(pInterfaceMethodref->name_and_type_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag2 == CONSTANT_NameAndType,                    "name_and_type_index refered is not CONSTANT_NameAndType");            }            break;        case CONSTANT_NameAndType:            {                CONSTANT_NameAndType_info *pNameAndType                     = (CONSTANT_NameAndType_info *)current;                u1 ref_tag1 = get_cp_tag(pNameAndType->name_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag1 == CONSTANT_Utf8,                    "name_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");                u1 ref_tag2 = get_cp_tag(pNameAndType->descriptor_index);                assert_exception(ref_tag2 == CONSTANT_Utf8,                    "descriptor_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");            }            break;        }    }}void ClassFileParser::parseConstantPool() throw (Exception){    ClassBufferInput *in = _classInput;    u2 cp_count = in->read_u2();  //常量池项目数 + 1    assert_exception(cp_count >= 1, "bad constant pool size");    //下面遍历一遍常量池,为了统计常量池的长度(字节数),顺便执行一些检查    in->mark(); //第二遍将重读常量池,所以先标记一下    int cp_length = 0;    int cp_info_length;    for (int index = 1; index < cp_count; index++)    {        cp_info_length = -1;        u1 tag = in->read_u1();        printf("index:%d, tag: %d, ", index, tag);        switch (tag)        {        case CONSTANT_Utf8:            {                u2 length = in->read_u2();                //检查utf8字符串                bool isUtf8 = check_utf8_string(in->current(), length);                assert_exception(isUtf8, "bad utf8 string");                in->skip_bytes(length);                cp_info_length = 2 + length;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Integer:            {                in->skip_u4();                cp_info_length = 4;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Float:            {                in->skip_u4();                cp_info_length = 4;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Long:            {                in->skip_bytes(8);                cp_info_length = 8;                index++;    //JVM规范:8字节的常量池项在计数上占两个            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Double:            {                in->skip_bytes(8);                cp_info_length = 8;                index++;    //JVM规范:8字节的常量池项在计数上占两个            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Class:            {                u2 name_index = in->read_u2();                assert_exception(valid_cp_index(name_index, cp_count),                     "bad constant pool index");                cp_info_length = 2;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_String:            {                u2 string_index = in->read_u2();                assert_exception(valid_cp_index(string_index, cp_count),                     "bad constant pool index");                cp_info_length = 2;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_Fieldref:        case CONSTANT_Methodref:        case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:            {                u2 class_index = in->read_u2();                u2 name_and_type_index = in->read_u2();                assert_exception(valid_cp_index(class_index, cp_count),                    "bad constant pool index");                assert_exception(valid_cp_index(name_and_type_index, cp_count),                    "bad constant pool index");                cp_info_length = 4;            }            break;        case CONSTANT_NameAndType:            {                u2 name_index = in->read_u2();                u2 descriptor_index = in->read_u2();                assert_exception(valid_cp_index(name_index, cp_count),                    "bad constant pool index");                assert_exception(valid_cp_index(descriptor_index, cp_count),                    "bad constant pool index");                cp_info_length = 4;            }            break;        default:            {                char msg[30];                sprintf(msg, "unknown tag: %d", tag);                assert_exception(false, msg);            }            break;        }        assert_exception(cp_info_length != -1, "internal error");        printf("length: %d\n", cp_info_length);        cp_length += (cp_info_length + 1);    }    _cp_count = cp_count;    _cp_length = cp_length;    in->reset();    //重读常量池(第二遍)    saveConstantPool();}void ClassFileParser::check_access_flags(u2 access_flags) throw (Exception){    //Todo:}void ClassFileParser::check_this_class(u2 this_class) throw (Exception){    assert_exception(valid_cp_index(this_class),         "this_class out of cp range");    u1 tag  = get_cp_tag(this_class);    assert_exception(tag == CONSTANT_Class,         "this_class refered is not CONSTANT_Class");}void ClassFileParser::check_super_class(u2 super_class) throw (Exception){    assert_exception(valid_cp_index(super_class),         "super_class out of cp range");    u1 tag  = get_cp_tag(super_class);    assert_exception(tag == CONSTANT_Class,         "super_class refered is not CONSTANT_Class");}void ClassFileParser::parseInterfaces() throw (Exception){    ClassBufferInput *in = _classInput;    u2 interface_count = in->read_u2();    const u1 * interfaces = in->current();    for (int index = 0; index < interface_count; index++)    {        u2 this_interface = in->read_u2();        assert_exception(valid_cp_index(this_interface),             "interface index out of cp range");        u1 tag  = get_cp_tag(this_interface);        assert_exception(tag == CONSTANT_Class,             "interface refered is not CONSTANT_Class");    }    _interfaces_count = interface_count;    int length = interface_count * sizeof(u2);    _interfaces = new u1 [length];    memcpy(_interfaces, interfaces, length);}void ClassFileParser::parseFields() throw (Exception){    const char *ConstantValue = "ConstantValue";    const char *Synthetic = "Synthetic";    const char *Deprecated = "Deprecated";    int ConstantValue_length = strlen(ConstantValue);    int Synthetic_length = strlen(Synthetic);    int Deprecated_length = strlen(Deprecated);    ClassBufferInput *in = _classInput;    u2 fields_count = in->read_u2();    FieldInfo *fields = new FieldInfo [fields_count];    assert_exception(fields != NULL, "out of memory");    _fields_count = fields_count;    _fields = fields;    for (int index = 0; index < fields_count; index++)    {        u2 access_flags = in->read_u2();        u2 name_index = in->read_u2();        u1 tag1 = get_cp_tag(name_index);        assert_exception(tag1 == CONSTANT_Utf8,             "field name_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");        u2 descriptor_index = in->read_u2();        u1 tag2 = get_cp_tag(descriptor_index);        assert_exception(tag2 == CONSTANT_Utf8,            "field descriptor_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");        u1 is_ConstantValue = 0;        u1 is_Synthetic = 0;        u1 is_Deprecated = 0;        u2 constantvalue_index = 0;        u2 attributes_count = in->read_u2();        for (int attr_index = 0; attr_index < attributes_count; attr_index++)        {            u2 attribute_name_index = in->read_u2();            u4 attribute_length = in->read_u4();            u2 length;            const u1 * name = get_cp_utf8(attribute_name_index, length);            if (length == ConstantValue_length                && (memcmp(ConstantValue, name, length)) == 0)             {                assert_exception(is_ConstantValue == 0,                     "no more than one  ConstantValue attribute");                is_ConstantValue = 1;                assert_exception(attribute_length == 2,                     "bad ConstantValue attribute length");                constantvalue_index = in->read_u2();            } else if (length == Synthetic_length                && (memcmp(Synthetic, name, length)) == 0)             {                is_Synthetic = 1;                assert_exception(attribute_length == 0,                    "bad Synthetic attribute length");            } else if (length == Deprecated_length                && (memcmp(Deprecated, name, length)) == 0)            {                is_Deprecated = 1;                assert_exception(attribute_length == 0,                    "bad Deprecated attribute length");            } else {                //Ignore any attribute that does not recongnize                in->skip_bytes(attribute_length);            }        }        fields[index].access_flags = access_flags;        fields[index].name_index = name_index;        fields[index].descriptor_index = descriptor_index;        fields[index].is_ConstantValue = is_ConstantValue;        fields[index].is_Synthetic = is_Synthetic;        fields[index].is_Deprecated = is_Deprecated;        fields[index].constantvalue_index = constantvalue_index;    }}void ClassFileParser::init_method_info(MethodInfo *minfo){    minfo->has_Code = 0;    minfo->code_length = 0;    minfo->code = NULL;    minfo->exception_table_length = 0;    minfo->exception_table = NULL;    minfo->total_line_number_table = 0;    minfo->line_number_table = NULL;    minfo->total_local_variable_table = 0;    minfo->local_variable_table = NULL;    minfo->number_of_exceptions = 0;    minfo->exception_index_table = NULL;}u4 ClassFileParser::parseCodeAttribute(MethodInfo *minfo) throw (Exception){    u2 max_stack = 0, max_locals = 0;    u4 code_length = 0;    u1 *code = NULL;    u2 exception_table_length;    Exception_table *exception_table = NULL;    int total_line_number_table = 0;    LineNumber_table *line_number_table = NULL;    int total_local_variable_table = 0;    LocalVariable_table *local_variable_table = NULL;    ClassBufferInput *in = _classInput;    const u1 * start = in->current();    try {        max_stack = in->read_u2();        max_locals = in->read_u2();        code_length = in->read_u4();        if (code_length > 0) {            code = new u1 [code_length];            assert_exception(code != NULL, "out of memory");            in->read_bytes(code, code_length);        }        exception_table_length = in->read_u2();        if (exception_table_length > 0) {            exception_table = new Exception_table [exception_table_length];            assert_exception(exception_table != NULL, "out of memory");        }        for (int except_index = 0; except_index < exception_table_length;             except_index++) {                exception_table[except_index].start_pc = in->read_u2();                exception_table[except_index].end_pc = in->read_u2();                exception_table[except_index].handler_pc = in->read_u2();                exception_table[except_index].catch_type = in->read_u2();        }        //读取与Code attribute关联的属性(目前只有LineNumberTable和LocalVariableTable)        //扫描两遍,第一遍统计LineNumber_table或LocalVariable_table的数量        const char *LineNumberTable = "LineNumberTable";        const char *LocalVariableTable = "LocalVariableTable";        int LineNumberTable_length = strlen(LineNumberTable);        int LocalVariableTable_length = strlen(LocalVariableTable);        int attributes_count = in->read_u2();        in->mark();        for (int attr_index = 0; attr_index < attributes_count; attr_index++)        {            u2 attribute_name_index = in->read_u2();            u4 attribute_length = in->read_u4();            u2 length;            const u1 * name = get_cp_utf8(attribute_name_index, length);            if (length == LineNumberTable_length                && (memcmp(LineNumberTable, name, length)) == 0)             {                u2 line_number_table_length = in->read_u2();                in->skip_bytes(line_number_table_length * sizeof(LineNumber_table));                total_line_number_table += line_number_table_length;            } else if (length == LocalVariableTable_length                && (memcmp(LocalVariableTable, name, length)) == 0)             {                u2 local_variable_table_length = in->read_u2();                in->skip_bytes(local_variable_table_length * sizeof(LocalVariable_table));                total_local_variable_table += local_variable_table_length;            } else {                //Ignore any attribute that does not recongnize                in->skip_bytes(attribute_length);            }        }        if (total_line_number_table > 0) {            line_number_table = new LineNumber_table [total_line_number_table];            assert_exception(line_number_table != NULL, "out of memory");        }        if (total_local_variable_table > 0) {            local_variable_table = new LocalVariable_table [total_local_variable_table];            assert_exception(local_variable_table != NULL, "out of memory");        }        in->reset();        int line_number_pos = 0;        int local_variable_pos = 0;        for (int attr_index = 0; attr_index < attributes_count; attr_index++)        {            u2 attribute_name_index = in->read_u2();            u4 attribute_length = in->read_u4();            u2 length;            const u1 * name = get_cp_utf8(attribute_name_index, length);            if (length == LineNumberTable_length                && (memcmp(LineNumberTable, name, length)) == 0)             {                u2 line_number_table_length = in->read_u2();                for (int i = line_number_pos;                     i < (line_number_pos + line_number_table_length); i++) {                    line_number_table[i].start_pc = in->read_u2();                    line_number_table[i].line_number = in->read_u2();                }                line_number_pos += line_number_table_length;            } else if (length == LocalVariableTable_length                && (memcmp(LocalVariableTable, name, length)) == 0)             {                u2 local_variable_table_length = in->read_u2();                for (int i = local_variable_pos;                     i < (local_variable_pos + local_variable_table_length); i++) {                    local_variable_table[i].start_pc = in->read_u2();                    local_variable_table[i].length = in->read_u2();                    local_variable_table[i].name_index = in->read_u2();                    local_variable_table[i].descriptor_index = in->read_u2();                    local_variable_table[i].index = in->read_u2();                }                local_variable_pos += local_variable_table_length;            } else {                //Ignore any attribute that does not recongnize                in->skip_bytes(attribute_length);            }        }        minfo->max_stack = max_stack;        minfo->max_locals = max_locals;        minfo->code_length = code_length;        minfo->code = code;        minfo->exception_table_length = exception_table_length;        minfo->exception_table = exception_table;        minfo->total_line_number_table = total_line_number_table;        minfo->line_number_table = line_number_table;        minfo->total_local_variable_table = total_local_variable_table;        minfo->local_variable_table = local_variable_table;        const u1 *end = in->current();        u4 code_attr_length = end - start;        return code_attr_length;    } catch (Exception e) {        if (code != NULL) {            delete [] code;        }        if (exception_table != NULL) {            delete [] exception_table;        }        if (line_number_table != NULL) {            delete [] line_number_table;        }        if (local_variable_table != NULL) {            delete [] local_variable_table;        }        throw e;    }    return 0;}void ClassFileParser::parseMethods() throw (Exception){    const char *Code = "Code";    const char *Exceptions = "Exceptions";    const char *Synthetic = "Synthetic";    const char *Deprecated = "Deprecated";    int Code_length = strlen(Code);    int Exceptions_length = strlen(Exceptions);    int Synthetic_length = strlen(Synthetic);    int Deprecated_length = strlen(Deprecated);    ClassBufferInput *in = _classInput;    u2 methods_count = in->read_u2();    MethodInfo *methods = new MethodInfo [methods_count];    assert_exception(methods != NULL, "out of memory");    _methods_count = methods_count;    _methods = methods;    //初始化methods,当解析失败,可以释放已申请的资源    MethodInfo minfo;    init_method_info(&minfo);    for (int i = 0; i < methods_count; i++) {        methods[i] = minfo;    }    for (int index = 0; index < methods_count; index++)    {        u2 access_flags = in->read_u2();        u2 name_index = in->read_u2();        u1 tag1 = get_cp_tag(name_index);        assert_exception(tag1 == CONSTANT_Utf8,             "method name_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");        u2 descriptor_index = in->read_u2();        u1 tag2 = get_cp_tag(descriptor_index);        assert_exception(tag2 == CONSTANT_Utf8,            "method descriptor_index refered is not CONSTANT_Utf8");        u1 has_Code = 0;        u1 has_Exceptions = 0;        u1 is_Synthetic = 0;        u1 is_Deprecated = 0;        u2 number_of_exceptions = 0;        u2 *exception_index_table = NULL;        u2 attributes_count = in->read_u2();        for (int attr_index = 0; attr_index < attributes_count; attr_index++)        {            u2 attribute_name_index = in->read_u2();            u4 attribute_length = in->read_u4();            u2 length;            const u1 * name = get_cp_utf8(attribute_name_index, length);            if (length == Code_length                 && (memcmp(Code, name, length)) == 0)             {                assert_exception(has_Code == 0,                     "no more than one Code attribute");                has_Code = 1;                u4 code_attr_length = parseCodeAttribute(&methods[index]);                assert_exception(attribute_length == code_attr_length,                    "bad Code attribute length");            } else if (length == Exceptions_length                && (memcmp(Exceptions, name, length)) == 0)             {                assert_exception(has_Exceptions == 0,                    "no more than one Exceptions attribute");                has_Exceptions = 1;                number_of_exceptions = in->read_u2();                if (number_of_exceptions > 0) {                    exception_index_table = new u2 [number_of_exceptions];                    assert_exception(exception_index_table != NULL, "out of memory");                }                for (int i = 0; i < number_of_exceptions; i++) {                    exception_index_table[i] = in->read_u2();                }                u4 exceptions_attr_length = 2 + (number_of_exceptions * 2);                assert_exception(attribute_length == exceptions_attr_length,                    "bad Exceptions attribute length");            } else if (length == Synthetic_length                && (memcmp(Synthetic, name, length)) == 0)             {                is_Synthetic = 1;                assert_exception(attribute_length == 0,                    "bad Synthetic attribute length");            } else if (length == Deprecated_length                && (memcmp(Deprecated, name, length)) == 0)             {                is_Deprecated = 1;                assert_exception(attribute_length == 0,                    "bad Deprecated attribute length");            } else {                //Ignore any attribute that does not recongnize                in->skip_bytes(attribute_length);            }        }        methods[index].access_flags = access_flags;        methods[index].name_index = name_index;        methods[index].descriptor_index = descriptor_index;        methods[index].has_Code = has_Code;        methods[index].has_Exceptions = has_Exceptions;        methods[index].is_Synthetic = is_Synthetic;        methods[index].is_Deprecated = is_Deprecated;        methods[index].number_of_exceptions = number_of_exceptions;        methods[index].exception_index_table = exception_index_table;    }}void ClassFileParser::parseClassFile() throw (Exception){    //parse class magic, version    ClassBufferInput *in = _classInput;    u4 magic = in->read_u4();    assert_exception(magic == CLASS_FILE_MAGIC_U4, "bad magic value");    u2 minorVersion = in->read_u2();    u2 majorVersion = in->read_u2();    assert_exception(is_supported_version(majorVersion, minorVersion),         "unsupported class version");    _major_version = majorVersion;    _minor_version = minorVersion;    //parse constant pool    parseConstantPool();    //parse access_flags, this_clsss, super_class    _access_flags = in->read_u2();    //Todo: need check now?    check_access_flags(_access_flags);    _this_class = in->read_u2();    check_this_class(_this_class);    _super_class = in->read_u2();    check_super_class(_super_class);    //parse interfaces    parseInterfaces();    //parse fields    parseFields();    //parse methods    parseMethods();}void ClassFileParser::releaseMethods(){    for (int i = 0; i < _methods_count; i++)     {        u1 *code = _methods[i].code;        Exception_table *exception_table = _methods[i].exception_table;        LineNumber_table *line_number_table = _methods[i].line_number_table;        LocalVariable_table *local_variable_table = _methods[i].local_variable_table;        u2 *exception_index_table = _methods[i].exception_index_table;        if (code != NULL) {            delete [] code;        }        if (exception_table != NULL) {            delete [] exception_table;        }        if (line_number_table != NULL) {            delete [] line_number_table;        }        if (local_variable_table != NULL) {            delete [] local_variable_table;        }        if (exception_index_table != NULL) {            delete [] exception_index_table;        }    }}void ClassFileParser::releaseResource(){    if (_cp_index != NULL) {        delete [] _cp_index;    }    if (_constant_pool != NULL) {        delete [] _constant_pool;    }    if (_interfaces != NULL) {        delete [] _interfaces;    }    if (_fields != NULL) {        delete [] _fields;    }    if (_methods != NULL) {        releaseMethods();    }}void ClassFileParser::printSummary(){    printf("class version: %d.%d, cp count: %d, cp length: %d\n \           interface count: %d, field count: %d, method count: %d\n",        _major_version, _minor_version, _cp_count, _cp_length,        _interfaces_count, _fields_count, _methods_count);}//ClassBufferInputClassBufferInput::ClassBufferInput(const u1* buffer, int length){    _buffer_start = buffer;    _buffer_end = buffer + length;    _current = buffer;    _marked = buffer;}void ClassBufferInput::guarantee_size(int size) throw (Exception){    if (size > (_buffer_end - _buffer_start)) {        throw Exception("unexpected end of file");    }}u1 ClassBufferInput::read_u1() throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(1);    u1 c = *_current++;    return c;}u2 ClassBufferInput::read_u2() throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(2);    u2 result = read_java_u2(_current);    _current += 2;    return result;}u4 ClassBufferInput::read_u4() throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(4);    u4 result = read_java_u4(_current);    _current += 4;    return result;}void ClassBufferInput::read_bytes(u1 *buf, int size) throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(size);    memcpy(buf, _current, size);    _current += size;}u2 ClassBufferInput::read_java_u2(const u1 *buffer){    u1 c1 = buffer[0];    u1 c2 = buffer[1];    u2 result = (u2)c1 << 8 | (u2)c2;    return result;}u4 ClassBufferInput::read_java_u4(const u1 *buffer){    u1 c1 = buffer[0];    u1 c2 = buffer[1];    u1 c3 = buffer[2];    u1 c4 = buffer[3];    u4 result = (u4)c1 << 24 | (u4)c2 << 16 | (u4)c3 << 8 | (u4)c4;    return result;}void ClassBufferInput::skip_u1() throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(1);    _current++;}void ClassBufferInput::skip_u2() throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(2);    _current += 2;}void ClassBufferInput::skip_u4() throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(4);    _current += 4;}void ClassBufferInput::skip_bytes(int size) throw (Exception){    guarantee_size(size);    _current += size;}void ClassBufferInput::mark(){    _marked = _current;}void ClassBufferInput::reset(){    _current = _marked;}



int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    printf("JVM Test, JVM Utilities test...\n");    if (argc < 2) {        printf("Usage: JVMTest classfile\n");        return 0;    }    const char *classFileName = argv[1];    int bufferLength;    char *classBuffer = loadClassToBuffer(classFileName, &bufferLength);    if (classBuffer == NULL) {        printf("\nload class file failed");        return -1;    }    ClassFileParser parser((const u1 *)classBuffer, bufferLength);    try {        parser.parseClassFile();        parser.printSummary();    } catch (Exception e) {        printf("parse class file failed: %s", e.getMessage());        parser.releaseResource();    }    //test    //Exception e("abcdef");    return 0;}



