Nintex Workflow 2007 – 2010 Upgrade Instructions

来源:互联网 发布:阿富汗知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:05



1      Preparation

1.1       SharePoint State:

1.1.1       SharePoint 2010 installed and configured.

1.1.2       The web application that will host the WSS3.0 content DB has been created.

1.1.3       WSS 3.0 preupgrade check finished and solved any finding.

1.1.4       WSS 3.0 content databases not yet attached.


1.2       Install Nintex 2010 in SharePoint 2010.

Follow NW2010_Installation_Guide_English.pdf 1.1 – 3.3 (without 2.2), available from


1.3       Nintex State:

1.3.1       Nintex 2010 installed

1.3.2       License imported

1.3.3       Nintex Config DB created

1.3.4       Web Application Activated

1.3.5       Allowed actions configured

1.3.6       Email Settings configured.


1.4       Run Pre Update Check Tool for Nintex

Run the “Nintex Workflow 2007 to Nintex Workflow 2010 Pre Update Check Tool”, available from:

Results would be displayed if any incompatible issue.


1.5       Warning: during upgrading, all “in progress” workflow may get error.

Please make sure there’s no “in progress” workflow, or notify site owners to avoid that.

The way to check the workflow status could be:

1.5.1       In WSS 3 SQL Server, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Open a new query and input below script (update the DB name in red accordingly)


FROM [WSS_NINTEX_HK].[dbo].[WorkflowInstance]

where [State] = '2'

1.5.2       All in progress workflow would be displayed, check the siteID field to identify them.

1.5.3       If there is any in-completed workflow after migration, workflow initiator would receive an error letter of the workflow.


1.6       Note:

This document is an instruction for upgrading Nintex/ SharePoint by Web Application. During each batch of the upgrading, one Web App is upgraded. Thus,we assume that the existing Nintex 2007 uses a separate content DB for each web application.


If your SharePoint farm in not in this case, you may need to split the Nintex jobs to another Nintex Content DB. Follow 1.7.

1.7       Split Nintex data to another Nintex DB (no impact for in-progress Nintex jobs)

1.7.1       Create a new Nintex Content DB in Central Admin.

1.7.2       Stop IIS Web Site of which SharePoint site is related in all WFE servers.

1.7.3       Stop SharePoint Timer Service in all WFE.

1.7.4       Access the server where Nintex is installed.

1.7.5       Run a cmd window as administrator.

1.7.6       Go to the folder where Nintex is installed

1.7.7       Run below command to move Nintex data:

NWAdmin.exe -o MoveData –url <SiteCollection Url>

1.7.8       in the cmd window, Choose which Nintex DB to move to.

1.7.9       After done, restart IIS Web Site, Run IISRESET. Restart SharePoint Timer Job Service.

Refer to NWAdmin guide for further details when running the moveData command:

2      Nintex Upgrade Approach (for each batch)

2.1       Disable workflow Timer Job in Both Farms

For WSS 3.0, in the timer job definition, disable the workflow job.

For SharePoint 2010:

2.1.1       Browse to "Central Administration" -> "Monitoring".

2.1.2       In the “Timer Jobs” section, click "Review job definitions".

2.1.3       Click on the job called "Workflow" (it may not be listed on the first page).

2.1.4       Click "Disable".

NOTE: Ensure this is done for ALL servers in your farm. Click on the Server dropdown control on the job definition page to disable this service on all servers.


2.2       Stop all SharePoint Timer Services in both farms

Run Services.msc, and stop all SharePoint Timer Services in all WFE.


2.3       Stop all web applications except central administration in both farms

For WSS 3.0, disable it in IIS.

For SharePoint 2010:

2.3.1       Open IIS and stop ALL SharePoint Web Applications to move with the exception of Central Administration.

NOTE: Ensure you perform this step on all servers in your SharePoint farm.


2.4       Move Nintex DataBase

2.4.1       Detach Nintex Content DataBase from WSS 3.0 SQL Server

2.4.2       Copy to SharePoint 2010 SQL Server

2.4.3       Attach to SharePoint 2010 SQL Server.


2.5       Update the SQL connection string(s) in SharePoint 2010 SQL

2.5.1       Open the Nintex Workflow configuration database in SQL Management Studio.

2.5.2       Open a new query, input below script to add an entry and execute, which would quote the attached Nintex Conte DB into Nintex Config DB. Reference to below example, update the DB names and values accordingly (the ones in red).

INSERT INTO [WSS_NINTEX_CONF_2010].[dbo].[Databases]





           ('WSS_NINTEX_CONTENT_HK','hkvm9mty0005\publishing', 'true')

2.6       Verify the Nintex Config DB

2.6.1       In SharePoint 2010 SQL, Unfold Nintex Config DB  ---> Tables

2.6.2       Right click on the table “dbo.Databases” and click “Edit top 200 rows”.

2.6.3       You will see the Nintex content database details listed. Make sure the ServerName andDatabaseName columns are correctly pointed to.


2.7       Verify Nintex DB in SharePoint 2010 CA

2.7.1       In Central Administration, open the Nintex Workflow Management tab.

2.7.2       Choose Database Setup. You should see the following screen:

2.7.3       Make sure all Nintex DB are correctly setup.

3      Follow up (for each batch)

3.1       Start Moving WSS 3.0 Content DB to SharePoint 2010 Farm (takes a long time, could move WSS content DB and Nintex DB at the same time)

3.2       After WSS 3 Content DB attached, Map SharePoint Content DB with Nintex Content DB

In Central Admin -> Nintex Workflow Management -> DataBase Setup -> Manage Database Mappings

3.3       Restart WorkflowTimer jobin CA

3.4       Reset IIS, Restart IIS web sites and Restart SharePoint Timer Service

3.5       Deactivate and Re-activate Nintex in site level

3.6       Upgrade Nintex DataBase version

3.6.1       In SharePoint 2010 Farm, access the server where Nintex is installed

3.6.2       Run a cmd window as administrator

3.6.3       Go to the folder where Nintex is installed

3.6.4       Run following command to force the Nintex content databases to upgrade:

NWAdmin.exe -o UpgradeDatabases -force

Full NWAdmin documentation is available from:

3.7       Confirmation

3.7.1       In Central Administration, open the Nintex Workflow Management tab.

3.7.2       Choose Database Setup. Click on View database mappings.

3.7.3       Confirm the sites are linked to the right Workflow DB

3.8       Map FQDN of the Web App to the new farm

