android 4.0硬件加速下渲染过程中如何调整页面大小适应屏幕

来源:互联网 发布:官方软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 07:07





– Layers Sync

– Layers Draw to BackingStore

– Compositing Backing Store to Window byWebView


一,LayerSync(Layer 更新)





二,Layers Draw to Backing Store



后端存储有两种。一种是BaseLayerAndroid类的PictureSet,一种是LayerAndroid类的SkPicture。SkPicture记录了一系列的绘制命令,而PictureSet是SkPicture的集合。它们的实现步骤也不相同。写到BaseLayerAndroid的PictureSet的步骤称为Page Backing Store,而写到LayerAndroid则称为Layer Backing Store。我们只介绍PageBacking Store的实现过程。

PageBacking Store该过程可以从android::WebViewCore::webkitDraw开始看起(这个在java层)。下面给出一个精简的调用堆栈(省略了一些中间步骤):(webkitDrawjava层源码)

private void webkitDraw() {//java层函数        mDrawIsScheduled = false;        DrawData draw = new DrawData();        if (DebugFlags.WEB_VIEW_CORE) Log.v(LOGTAG, "webkitDraw start");        draw.mBaseLayer = nativeRecordContent(draw.mInvalRegion, draw.mContentSize);/*nativeRecordContent在c层注册为recordContent*/        if (draw.mBaseLayer == 0) {            if (mWebView != null && !mWebView.isPaused()) {                if (DebugFlags.WEB_VIEW_CORE) Log.v(LOGTAG, "webkitDraw abort, resending draw message");                mEventHub.sendMessage(Message.obtain(null, EventHub.WEBKIT_DRAW));            } else {                if (DebugFlags.WEB_VIEW_CORE) Log.v(LOGTAG, "webkitDraw abort, webview paused");            }            return;        }        mLastDrawData = draw;        webkitDraw(draw);/*在获取到详细参数后开始调用底层函数画出需要显示的内容*/    }




BaseLayerAndroid* WebViewCore::recordContent(SkRegion* region, SkIPoint* point){    DBG_SET_LOG("start recordContent");    // If there is a pending style recalculation, just return.    if (m_mainFrame->document()->isPendingStyleRecalc()) {        DBG_SET_LOG("recordContent: pending style recalc, ignoring.");        return 0;    }    float progress = (float) m_mainFrame->page()->progress()->estimatedProgress();    m_progressDone = progress <= 0.0f || progress >= 1.0f;    recordPictureSet(&m_content);//从这个函数调用函数recordPictureSet,从而遍历整个树frame->tree    if (!m_progressDone && m_content.isEmpty()) {        DBG_SET_LOGD("empty (progress=%g)", progress);        return 0;    }    region->set(m_addInval);    m_addInval.setEmpty();#if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING)#else    region->op(m_rebuildInval, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);#endif    m_rebuildInval.setEmpty();    point->fX = m_content.width();    point->fY = m_content.height();    DBG_SET_LOGD("region={%d,%d,r=%d,b=%d}", region->getBounds().fLeft,        region->getBounds().fTop, region->getBounds().fRight,        region->getBounds().fBottom);    DBG_SET_LOG("end");    return createBaseLayer(region);}




void WebViewCore::recordPictureSet(PictureSet* content){    // if there is no document yet, just return    if (!m_mainFrame->document()) {        DBG_SET_LOG("!m_mainFrame->document()");        return;    }    if (m_addInval.isEmpty()) {        DBG_SET_LOG("m_addInval.isEmpty()");        return;    }    // Call layout to ensure that the contentWidth and contentHeight are correct    // it's fine for layout to gather invalidates, but defeat sending a message    // back to java to call webkitDraw, since we're already in the middle of    // doing that    /*调用布局,以确保contentWidth和contentHeight是正确适宜的布局,收集无效内容,    如果没有失败就发送回一个消息到java层调用webkitDraw,此时我们已经在java层做相应的操作。*/    m_skipContentDraw = true;    bool success = layoutIfNeededRecursive(m_mainFrame);    m_skipContentDraw = false;    // We may be mid-layout and thus cannot draw.如果此时正在布局就不能draw    if (!success)        return;    {   // collect WebViewCoreRecordTimeCounter after layoutIfNeededRecursive#ifdef ANDROID_INSTRUMENT    TimeCounterAuto counter(TimeCounter::WebViewCoreRecordTimeCounter);#endif    // if the webkit page dimensions changed, discard the pictureset and redraw.    /*如果webkit页面的体积改变,就丢掉原来的pictureset并且重画*/    WebCore::FrameView* view = m_mainFrame->view();    int width = view->contentsWidth();    int height = view->contentsHeight();    // Use the contents width and height as a starting point.用页面内容的宽和高作为起始点    SkIRect contentRect;    contentRect.set(0, 0, width, height);    SkIRect total(contentRect);    // Traverse all the frames and add their sizes if they are in the visible    // rectangle.    /*遍历所有的frames,如果他们的尺寸大小在可视矩形之内就添加他们 */    for (WebCore::Frame* frame = m_mainFrame->tree()->traverseNext(); frame;            frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) {        // If the frame doesn't have an owner then it is the top frame and the        // view size is the frame size.        /*如果一个frame没有owner那么他就是top frame而且它的可视大小就是frame的大小*/        WebCore::RenderPart* owner = frame->ownerRenderer();        if (owner && owner->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {            int x = owner->x();            int y = owner->y();            // Traverse the tree up to the parent to find the absolute position            // of this frame.            /*遍历树直到根节点找到其绝对位置的frame*/            WebCore::Frame* parent = frame->tree()->parent();            while (parent) {                WebCore::RenderPart* parentOwner = parent->ownerRenderer();                if (parentOwner) {                    x += parentOwner->x();                    y += parentOwner->y();        }                parent = parent->tree()->parent();            }            // Use the owner dimensions so that padding and border are            // included.            /*使用owner的大小以便填充的边界被包含进去*/            int right = x + owner->width();            int bottom = y + owner->height();            SkIRect frameRect = {x, y, right, bottom};            // Ignore a width or height that is smaller than 1. Some iframes            // have small dimensions in order to be hidden. The iframe            // expansion code does not expand in that case so we should ignore            // them here.            /*忽略掉宽或者高小于1的。一些iframes拥有较小的尺寸以便于隐藏。这些iframe扩展时不需再加入代码,所以此处我们忽略他们*/            if (frameRect.width() > 1 && frameRect.height() > 1                    && SkIRect::Intersects(total, frameRect))/*Returns true if total and frameRect are not empty, and they intersect */            total.join(x, y, right, bottom);        }    }    // If the new total is larger than the content, resize the view to include    // all the content.    /*如果新的total比content较大,调整view的大小以便包含所有的内容*/    if (!contentRect.contains(total)) {        // Resize the view to change the overflow clip.        /*调整view的大小裁剪并改变溢出*/    view->resize(total.fRight, total.fBottom);        // We have to force a layout in order for the clip to change.        /*我们需要推出一个布局,以适应裁剪修改后的尺寸*/        m_mainFrame->contentRenderer()->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc();        view->forceLayout();        // Relayout similar to above 重布局,与上面相似        m_skipContentDraw = true;        bool success = layoutIfNeededRecursive(m_mainFrame);        m_skipContentDraw = false;        if (!success)            return;        // Set the computed content width 设定计算出的内容宽高        width = view->contentsWidth();        height = view->contentsHeight();    }/***we need add start***/{if((height<800)&&(height>720))//yake add{height=720;}if((width<=1300)&&(width>=1280)){width=1280;}}/***we need add end***/    if (cacheBuilder().pictureSetDisabled())        content->clear();#if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING)//使用硬件加速    // Detects if the content size has changed 监听内容的大小是否发生变化    bool contentSizeChanged = false;    if (content->width() != width || content->height() != height)        contentSizeChanged = true;#endif    content->setDimensions(width, height, &m_addInval);    // Add the current inval rects to the PictureSet, and rebuild it.    /*把当前获取的矩形加入PictureSet,并且重建它*/    content->add(m_addInval, 0, 0, false);    // If we have too many invalidations, just get the area bounds    /*如果有太多的失效区域,只获取区域边界*/    SkRegion::Iterator iterator(m_addInval);    int nbInvals = 0;    while (!iterator.done()) {;        nbInvals++;        if (nbInvals > MAX_INVALIDATIONS)            break;    }    if (nbInvals > MAX_INVALIDATIONS) {        SkIRect r = m_addInval.getBounds();        m_addInval.setRect(r);    }    // Rebuild the pictureset (webkit repaint)    /*重建图层集,webkit重画。此函数会调用到rebuildPicture*/    rebuildPictureSet(content);#if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING)    // We repainted the pictureset, but the invals are not always correct when    // the content size did change. For now, let's just reset the    // inval we will pass to the UI so that it invalidates the entire    // content -- tiles will be marked dirty and will have to be repainted.    // FIXME: the webkit invals ought to have been enough...    /*重画图层集,由于获取区域并不一直都刚好包含这些尺寸改变。现在,我们将通过UI重置inval,    以便于将整个内容瓷砖将标志为脏,并且被重画。FIXME:webkit invals应该已经足够……*/    if (contentSizeChanged) {        SkIRect r;        r.fLeft = 0;        r.fTop = 0;        r.fRight = width;        r.fBottom = height;        m_addInval.setRect(r);    }#endif    } // WebViewCoreRecordTimeCounter//............后面的就省略了,我们暂时不做讨论    }



如上我们在we need add start至we need add end之间添加的代码,上面只是一个实例他的意思是,把高度为720至800之间的高度均容忍为高度720,把宽度在1280至1300之间均容忍为1280。这只是一个特例,我们可以根据自己的实际情况把相应的内容修改即可。

这就完成了整个PageBacking Store的过程。



 三,CompositingBacking Store to Window













