来源:互联网 发布:软件研发是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/28 11:51

The first milestone of Spring Framework 4.0 provided server-side support for SockJS, the best and the most comprehensive WebSocket browser fallback options. You will need fallback options in browsers that don't support WebSocket and in situations where network proxies prevent its use. Simply put SockJS enables you to build WebSocket applications today and rely on transparent fallback options when necessary.

The second milestone of Spring Framework 4.0 enables the use of higher-level messaging protocols over WebSocket. To demonstrate this we've put together a sample application.

Messaging Support For Spring Applications
For a long time Spring Integration has provided first-class abstractions for the well-known Enterprise Integration patterns as well as lightweight messagings. While working on this milestone we realized the latter was exactly what we needed to build on.
As a result I'm pleased to announce we've moved a selection of Spring Integration types to the Spring Framework into a new module predictably called spring-messaging. Besides core abstractions such as Message, MessageChannel, MessageHandler, and others, the new module contains all the annotations and classes to support the new features described in this post.
