
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店美工装修多少钱 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:02
unit MapFunctionEx;interfaceuses  SysUtils, Windows, ADODB, Classes, Types, Contnrs, MapFunction, ComCtrls,  StrUtils, KD_MAPBASIC;type  TKDPoint = class(TObject)  Public    X: double;    Y: double;    constructor Create(); Overload;    constructor Create(X: double; Y: double); Overload;    constructor Create(pt: TKDPoint); Overload;    function IsEqual(pt: TKDPoint): boolean; Overload;    function IsEqual(pt: TKDPoint; tolerace : double): boolean; Overload;  end;  TKDSegmentPoint = class(TObject)  Public    X: double;    Y: double;    SegmentInedex: integer;    constructor Create(); Overload;    constructor Create(pt: TKDPoint); Overload;    constructor Create(gpt: TKDSegmentPoint); Overload;    function Copy(): TKDSegmentPoint;    function ToPoint(): TKDPoint;  end;type  TKDTrackTable = class(TObject)  Private    m_TrackTableName: string;    m_FilePath: string;    m_WinID: integer;  Public    constructor Create(WinID: integer);    property TrackTableName: string Read m_TrackTableName;    procedure CreateTrack(structTable: string);    procedure ClearTrack();    procedure DropTrack();    procedure PackTrack();    function TrackLine(): string;    function TrackPolygon(): string;    function TrackPoint(): string;  end;type  /// 图形数据类型  TGrapiDataType = set of (gdtPoint, gdtPolygon, gdtLine, gdtText);type  TKDMapinfoProxy = class(TObject)  Private    MapInfo: Variant;    procedure GetOrderIntersectNodes(tagetMapinfoGeo: string; mapinfoGeo: string; intersectNodes: TObjectList);    procedure QueryNodesOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer; nodeList: TObjectList); Overload;  Public    constructor Create(oleMapinfo: Variant);    procedure AddTable(tableName: string; mapId: integer);    function TableExists(tableName: string): boolean;    function CreateMap(tableName: string; mapName: string; hwnd: integer): integer;    procedure OpenTable(tablePath: string; tableAlias: string);    procedure CloneTableStructure(sourceTabla: string; destTablePath: string);    procedure SaveTableToFile(sourceTabla: string; destTablePath: string; whereClause: string);    procedure DropTable(tabName: string);    procedure DeleteTable(tableName: string);    function QueryTableRecordCount(tableName: string): integer;    function QueryTableColumnCount(tableName: string): integer;    function QueryTableColumnName(tableName: string; colIndex: integer): string;    function QueryTableColumnIndex(tableName: string; colName: string): integer;    function QueryTableColumnType(tableName: string; colName: string): integer;    procedure CloseTable(tableName: string);    procedure ClearTable(tableName: string);    procedure SaveAllTable();    function TableIsSaved(slName: string): boolean;    procedure PackTable(tabName: string);    procedure SplitLineTable(tableName: string; splitTableName: string);    procedure RepeatPoints(tagetTable: string; repeatTable: string);    procedure SplitLineTableEx(tableName: string; splitTableName: string);    procedure SplitLineByRegion(lineTableName: string; regionTableName: string);    function QueryNodeOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer; nodeIndex: integer): TKDPoint;    function QueryPartsOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string): integer;    function QueryNodesOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer): TObjectList; Overload;    function QueryNodeCount(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer): integer; Overload;    function QueryNodeCount(mapinfoGeo: string): integer; Overload;    procedure QueryNodePoint(mapinfoGeo: string; Polygon_num, node_num: integer; var X, Y: double);    function ObjectCvtPolygon(bm1, bm2: string): string;    procedure ObjectCvtPolygonEx(sourceTable, destTable: string);    function ObjectCvtLine(bm1, bm2: string; ProBar: TProgressBar = nil): string;    function GetObjType(objName: string): integer;    function CheckTableObject(TableType: TGrapiDataType; bm: string): integer;    procedure SaveTable(tableName: string);    procedure CommitTable(tableName: string);    procedure RollbackTable(tableName: string);    procedure CopyTableData(srcTableName: string; destTableName: string; whereClause: string);    procedure CopyTableDataEx(srcTableName: string; destTableName: string; whereClause: string; fieldList: string);    procedure CopyTableGhraphData(srcTableName: string; destTableName: string; whereClause: string);    procedure EraseObjects(srcTableName: string; eraseTableName: string);    function EmnuTableColumn(tableName: string; withName: boolean = true): string;    function QuerySourceTableName(selectionName: string): string;    function QuerySelctionCount(): integer;    function QuerySelctionTableName(): string;    procedure UnitePolygon(strYTableName: string; strMBTableName: string; CurWinID: integer);    procedure SetProgressBar(bOn: boolean = true);    procedure SetTableEnable(tableName: string; bUserBrowse: boolean = true; bUserMap: boolean = true; bUserClose: boolean = true; bUserRemove: boolean = true; bUserDisplayMap: boolean = true);    procedure LineSplitPolygon(strLineTableName: string; strPolygonTableName: string);    procedure EarsureObj(strYTableName: string; strMBTableName: string; bBosom: boolean = true);    function CheckRepeatPolygon(checkedTable, errorViewTable : string; toleranceArea: double; units: string) : boolean;    function CheckPolygonState(strTableName: string; var rowId : string ): boolean;    procedure AutoSnap(tableName: string; tolerance: double; units: string; whereClause: string);    procedure SimplePLine(tableName: string; distance: double; units: string; whereClause: string);    procedure SimplePLine_2(tableName: string; bend: double; distance: double; units: string; whereClause: string);    procedure RemoveRegion(tableName: string; area: double; units: string; whereClause: string);    function GetIntersectNodes(tagetMapinfoGeo: string; mapinfoGeo: string): TObjectList;    function GetBevelRate(pt1: TKDPoint; pt2: TKDPoint; precision: integer): double;    function BetweenOnPointsX(targetPt: TKDPoint; fromPt: TKDPoint; toPt: TKDPoint): boolean;    function BetweenOnPointsY(targetPt: TKDPoint; fromPt: TKDPoint; toPt: TKDPoint): boolean;    function BetweenOnPoints(targetPt: TKDPoint; fromPt: TKDPoint; toPt: TKDPoint): boolean;    procedure ConvertPolyongToSimplePline(polyTable, polyUidField, plineTable, plineUidFiled: string);    //重新排序图层    procedure ReOrderAllLayer(CurWinID: integer; OrderNumString: string);    procedure LayerToLayerIndex(CurWinID: integer; LayerIndex, ToLayerIndex: integer);    function GetLayerCount(WinID: integer): integer;    function GetLayerIndex(WinID: integer; strTabName: string): integer;    function GetLayerName(WinID: integer; strTabIndex: integer): string;    function CheckTableObjec(X, Y: double; strTableName: string; radius: double; flag: integer): boolean;    //分解图层中的对象    procedure Disaggregate(strTableName: string; bAll: boolean);    procedure UnitePiecePolygon(strTableName: string; intArea: double = 100);    procedure UonionObject(tableName: string; whereClause: string);    procedure LineSplitPolyong_2(lineTable: string; polyTable: string);    procedure LineAntitone(strTableName: string; RowID: integer);    procedure ShowArrows(LayerName: string; bShow: boolean = true);    function GetSelectionLayerName(): string;    //将图形转换为折线对象    procedure CvtToPLine(mapinfoGeo: string);    procedure CvtToRegion(mapinfoGeo: string);    //面层分割面层    procedure SplitByPolygon(tableName: string; splitTableName: string);    procedure CvtToPLineTable(strTableName: string; strTableName2: string; CurWinID: integer); Overload;    procedure CvtToPLineTable(srcTable: string; destTable: string; whereClause: string); Overload;    procedure CvtToPLineTableEx(srcTable: string; destTable: string; whereClause: string; fieldList: string);    procedure RemoveMapInWindow(WinID: integer);    procedure CloseMapinfoTable();    procedure CloseMapinfoTempTable();    procedure CloseTempTable();    function QueryOpenedTable(): integer;    function TrackLine(): string;    function TrackPolygon(): string;    function TrackPoint(): string;    procedure DoMapinfoSql(sql: string);    {    //2006-3-27 变更图形处理函数    ma    procedure SplitLineTable(tableName : string; splitTableName : string);    procedure UnitePolygon(strYTableName:String;strMBTableName:String);    procedure LineSplitPolygon(strLineTableName:String;strPolygonTableName:String);    }  end;implementationuses  Math, BasicFunction;///------------------Type TKDPoint method------------------constructor TKDPoint.Create();begin  self.X := 0;  self.Y := 0;end;constructor TKDPoint.Create(X: double; Y: double);begin  self.X := X;  self.Y := Y;end;constructor TKDPoint.Create(pt: TKDPoint);begin  self.X := pt.X;  self.Y := pt.Y;end;function TKDPoint.IsEqual(pt: TKDPoint): boolean;begin  if (self.X = pt.X) and (self.Y = pt.Y) then    result := true  else    result := false;end;function TKDPoint.IsEqual(pt: TKDPoint; tolerace : double): boolean;begin  if (self.X + tolerace < pt.X)  and (self.X - tolerace > pt.X)  and (self.Y + tolerace < pt.Y)  and (self.Y - tolerace > pt.Y) then    result := true  else    result := false;end;///------------------Type TKDSegmentPoint method------------------constructor TKDSegmentPoint.Create();begin  self.X := 0;  self.Y := 0;  self.SegmentInedex := -1;end;constructor TKDSegmentPoint.Create(pt: TKDPoint);begin  self.X := pt.X;  self.Y := pt.Y;  self.SegmentInedex := -1;end;constructor TKDSegmentPoint.Create(gpt: TKDSegmentPoint);begin  self.X := gpt.X;  self.Y := gpt.Y;  self.SegmentInedex := gpt.SegmentInedex;end;function TKDSegmentPoint.Copy(): TKDSegmentPoint;var  point: TKDSegmentPoint;begin  point := TKDSegmentPoint.Create();  point.X := self.X;  point.Y := self.Y;  point.SegmentInedex := self.SegmentInedex;end;function TKDSegmentPoint.ToPoint(): TKDPoint;begin  result := TKDPoint.Create(self.X, self.Y);end;///------------------Type TKDTrackTable method------------------constructor TKDTrackTable.Create(WinID: integer);begin  self.m_FilePath := AppPath;  self.m_TrackTableName := 'KDTrackingTable';  self.m_WinID := WinID;end;procedure TKDTrackTable.CreateTrack(structTable: string);var  path: string;begin  path := m_FilePath + '/' + m_TrackTableName + '.TAB';  goMapinfoProxy.CloneTableStructure(structTable, path);  goMapinfoProxy.OpenTable(path, m_TrackTableName);  goMapinfoProxy.AddTable(m_TrackTableName, m_WinID);end;procedure TKDTrackTable.ClearTrack();begin  goMapinfoProxy.DeleteTable(m_TrackTableName);end;procedure TKDTrackTable.DropTrack();begin  goMapinfoProxy.DropTable(m_TrackTableName);end;procedure TKDTrackTable.PackTrack();begin  goMapinfoProxy.PackTable(m_TrackTableName);end;function TKDTrackTable.TrackLine(): string;var  mapinfoObj: string;begin  mapinfoObj := goMapinfoProxy.TrackLine();  goMapinfoProxy.DoMapinfoSql('insert into ' + m_TrackTableName + ' (obj) Values(' + mapinfoObj + ')');  goMapinfoProxy.CommitTable(m_TrackTableName);  result := mapinfoObj;end;function TKDTrackTable.TrackPolygon(): string;var  mapinfoObj: string;begin  mapinfoObj := goMapinfoProxy.TrackPolygon();  goMapinfoProxy.DoMapinfoSql('insert into ' + m_TrackTableName + ' (obj) Values(' + mapinfoObj + ')');  goMapinfoProxy.CommitTable(m_TrackTableName);  result := mapinfoObj;end;function TKDTrackTable.TrackPoint(): string;var  mapinfoObj: string;begin  mapinfoObj := goMapinfoProxy.TrackPoint();  goMapinfoProxy.DoMapinfoSql('insert into ' + m_TrackTableName + ' (obj) Values(' + mapinfoObj + ')');  goMapinfoProxy.CommitTable(m_TrackTableName);  result := mapinfoObj;end;///------------------Type TKDMapinfoProxy method------------------///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.20///@description: TKDMapinfoProxy构造函数constructor TKDMapinfoProxy.Create(oleMapinfo: Variant);begin  MapInfo := oleMapinfo;end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.04.4.9///@description: 将图形分割。///@para tableName: 要被分割的层// @para splitTableName: 分割层procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SplitByPolygon(tableName: string; splitTableName: string);var  colNum: integer;  i: integer;  mapinfoSql: string;  whereClause: string;  colStr: string;  Tempstr: string;  str1: string;  IntersectRow: integer;  recordCnt: integer;  RowID: string;  cutterId: string;  rowTemp: integer;begin  colNum := self.QueryTableColumnCount(tableName);  for i := 1 to colNum do  begin    str1 := self.QueryTableColumnName(tableName, i);    Tempstr := Tempstr + str1 + '=' + str1 + ',';  end;  colStr := LeftStr(Tempstr, Length(Tempstr) - 1);  whereClause := ' where obj Intersects Aobj ';  whereClause := whereClause + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select obj from ' + tableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Temp';  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + splitTableName + ' where object into Temp2');  recordCnt := self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp2');  //循环分割层  for i := 1 to recordCnt do  begin    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from Temp2');    //mapinfo.do('select * from temp2 where rowid='+inttostr(i));    MapInfo. do ('Aobj = Temp2.Obj');    RowID := MapInfo.Eval('Temp2.rowid');    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    //选中面层所有面图形 执行分解、保存    rowTemp := self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp');    if rowTemp > 0 then    begin      MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');      MapInfo. do ('select obj from Temp2 where rowid=' + RowID);      MapInfo. do ('Objects Split Into Target Data ' + colStr);    end;  end;  self.CommitTable(tableName);  //分解  self.Disaggregate(tableName, false);  self.CloseTable('Temp');  self.CloseTable('Temp2');end;/// 功能:返回选择对象有层名/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.4.9function TKDMapinfoProxy.GetSelectionLayerName(): string;begin  result := MapInfo.Eval('Selectioninfo(' + Inttostr(SEL_INFO_TABLENAME) + ')');end;/// 功能:返回地图窗口上的图层数/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.3.29/// 参数说明:strWinID->窗口IDfunction TKDMapinfoProxy.GetLayerCount(WinID: integer): integer;begin  result := MapInfo.Eval('MapperInfo(' + Inttostr(WinID)    + ', ' + Inttostr(MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS) + ')');end;/// 功能:返回地图窗口上指定层名的层索引/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.3.29/// 参数说明:strTabName->层名///WinID->窗口句柄function TKDMapinfoProxy.GetLayerIndex(WinID: integer; strTabName: string): integer;var  i, LayerCount: integer;  LayerName: string;begin  result := -1;  LayerCount := GetLayerCount(WinID);  for i := 1 to LayerCount do  begin    LayerName := MapInfo.Eval('LayerInfo(' + Inttostr(WinID)      + ', ' + Inttostr(i) + ', ' + Inttostr(LAYER_INFO_NAME) + ')');    if UpperCase(Trim(LayerName)) = UpperCase(Trim(strTabName)) then    begin      result := i;      Break;    end;  end;end;/// 功能:返回地图窗口上指定层索引的层名/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.3.29/// 参数说明:strTabIndex->层名///WinID ->窗口句柄function TKDMapinfoProxy.GetLayerName(WinID: integer; strTabIndex: integer): string;begin  result := MapInfo.Eval('LayerInfo(' + Inttostr(WinID)    + ', ' + Inttostr(strTabIndex) + ', ' + Inttostr(LAYER_INFO_NAME) + ')');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.04.28///@description: 将指定表中的对象捕捉到一起///@para tableName: 要捕捉的表名///@para tolerance: 捕捉容差///@para units: 捕捉容差的度量单位///@para whereClause: where条件procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.AutoSnap(tableName: string; tolerance: double; units: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  mapinfoSql := 'select * from ' + tableName;  if (Trim(whereClause) <> '') then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where ' + whereClause;  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0) then  begin    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Snap From Selection Tolerance Node ' + FloatToStr(tolerance) + ' Units "' + units + '"';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.04.28///@description: 去除指定表中的交叠的线对象///@para tableName: 要操作的表名///@para distance: 交叠点的容差///@para units: 容差值的度量单位///@para whereClause: where条件///@remark: 只对表中的Line和PLine对象进行操作procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SimplePLine(tableName: string; distance: double; units: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where (int(ObjectInfo(obj, 1)) = 3 or int(ObjectInfo(obj, 1)) = 4)'; // 3 : const OBJ_TYPE_LINE;  4 : OBJ_TYPE_PLINE  if (Trim(whereClause) <> '') then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and ' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0) then  begin    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Snap From Selection Thin Distance ' + FloatToStr(distance) + ' Units "' + units + '"';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.09.25///@description: 去除指定表中的交叠的线对象///@para tableName: 要操作的表名///@para distance: 交叠点的容差///@para units: 容差值的度量单位///@para whereClause: where条件///@remark: 只对表中的Line和PLine对象进行操作procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SimplePLine_2(tableName: string; bend: double; distance: double; units: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where (int(ObjectInfo(obj, 1)) = 3 or int(ObjectInfo(obj, 1)) = 4)'; // 3 : const OBJ_TYPE_LINE;  4 : OBJ_TYPE_PLINE  if (Trim(whereClause) <> '') then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and ' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0) then  begin    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Snap From Selection Thin Bend ' + FloatToStr(bend) + ' Distance ' + FloatToStr(distance) + ' Units "' + units + '"';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.04.28///@description: 删除除表中面积小于指定值的区域对象///@para tableName: 要操作的表名///@para area: 区域对象的面积上限///@para units: 面积上限的度量单位///@para whereClause: where条件procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.RemoveRegion(tableName: string; area: double; units: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;  if (Trim(whereClause) <> '') then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and ' + whereClause;  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0) then  begin    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Snap From Selection Cull Area ' + FloatToStr(area) + ' Units "' + units + '"';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.13///@description: 获取两个mapinfo对象的交点,并按顺序插入到点集intersectNodes中///@para: tagetMapinfoGeo: 目标对象///@para: mapinfoGeo: mapinfo对象///@para intersectNodes: 点集合(要求按tagetMapinfoGeo对象的方向有序排列)///@remark: (1)此函数用到了mapinfo中定义的变量'Fobj',在调用函数时会修改原'Fobj'中的值///(2) 若两条线在首尾相交,则在首尾处的交点不包含在返回的点集中procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.GetOrderIntersectNodes(tagetMapinfoGeo: string; mapinfoGeo: string; intersectNodes: TObjectList);var  mapinfoSql: string;  tempObj: string;  i, j, k: integer;  inetersectPt, fromPt, toPt: TKDPoint;  fristNode, lastNode: TKDPoint;  ptSegment: TKDSegmentPoint;  isInsert: boolean;begin  tempObj := 'FObj';  mapinfoSql := tempObj + ' = intersectNodes(' + tagetMapinfoGeo + ', ' + mapinfoGeo + ', 7)';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QueryNodeCount(tempObj) < 1) then    Exit;  fristNode := self.QueryNodeOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoGeo, 1, 1);  lastNode := self.QueryNodeOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoGeo, 1, self.QueryNodeCount(tagetMapinfoGeo, 1));  for i := 1 to self.QueryNodeCount(tempObj, 1) do  begin    inetersectPt := self.QueryNodeOfGeomety(tempObj, 1, i);    //排除交点等于首尾节点的情况    if (inetersectPt.IsEqual(fristNode) or inetersectPt.IsEqual(lastNode)) then      continue;    for j := 1 to self.QueryNodeCount(tagetMapinfoGeo, 1) - 1 do    begin      fromPt := self.QueryNodeOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoGeo, 1, j);      toPt := self.QueryNodeOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoGeo, 1, j + 1);      {      //排除交点与与原有节点重合的情况      if (inetersectPt.IsEqual(fromPt) or inetersectPt.IsEqual(toPt)) then        break;      }      //判断交点是否在线段上      if (BetweenOnPoints(inetersectPt, fromPt, toPt) = true) then      begin        ptSegment := TKDSegmentPoint.Create(inetersectPt);        ptSegment.SegmentInedex := j;        //按次序插入交点集        isInsert := false;        for k := 0 to intersectNodes.Count - 1 do        begin          if (ptSegment.SegmentInedex = TKDSegmentPoint(intersectNodes.Items[k]).SegmentInedex) then          begin            if (BetweenOnPoints(ptSegment.ToPoint(), fromPt, TKDSegmentPoint(intersectNodes.Items[k]).ToPoint())) then            begin              intersectNodes.Insert(k, ptSegment);              isInsert := true;            end;          end;          if (ptSegment.SegmentInedex < TKDSegmentPoint(intersectNodes.Items[k]).SegmentInedex) then          begin            intersectNodes.Insert(k, ptSegment);            isInsert := true;          end;          if (isInsert = true) then            Break;        end; // for k := 0 to intersectNodes.Count - 1 do        //未定位到相应的索引位置则加入到最后一个位置        if (isInsert = false) then          intersectNodes.Add(ptSegment);        // 找到交点所在的线段时,应该退出循环        Break;      end; // if (BetweenOnPoints(inetersectPt, fromPt, toPt)) then    end; // for j := 1 to self.QueryNodeCount(tagetMapinfoGeo, 1) do  end; // for i := 1 to self.QueryNodeCount(tempObj, 1) doend;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.13///@description: 获取两个mapinfo对象的交点///@para: tagetMapinfoGeo: 目标对象///@para: mapinfoGeo: mapinfo对象///@remark: 此函数用到了mapinfo中定义的变量'Fobj',在调用函数时会修改原'Fobj'中的值function TKDMapinfoProxy.GetIntersectNodes(tagetMapinfoGeo: string; mapinfoGeo: string): TObjectList;var  intersectNodes: TObjectList;begin  intersectNodes := TObjectList.Create();  self.GetOrderIntersectNodes(tagetMapinfoGeo, mapinfoGeo, intersectNodes);  result := intersectNodes;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.13///@description: 获取两个点构成直线的斜率///@para: pt1, pt2: 计算斜率的两点///@para: precision: 斜率的精度(即保留小数的位数)function TKDMapinfoProxy.GetBevelRate(pt1: TKDPoint; pt2: TKDPoint; precision: integer): double;var  bevelRate: double;begin  if (abs(pt1.X - pt2.X) < 5E-100) then  begin    bevelRate := Infinity;  end  else  begin    precision := 0 - precision;    bevelRate := abs((pt1.Y - pt2.Y) / (pt1.X - pt2.X));    bevelRate := RoundTo(bevelRate, precision);  end;  result := bevelRate;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.15///@description: 判断一个点按X方向是否在另外两点之间function TKDMapinfoProxy.BetweenOnPointsX(targetPt: TKDPoint; fromPt: TKDPoint; toPt: TKDPoint): boolean;var  fromX, toX: double;begin  if (fromPt.X <= toPt.X) then  begin    fromX := fromPt.X;    toX := toPt.X;  end  else  begin    fromX := toPt.X;    toX := fromPt.X;  end;  if ((targetPt.X >= fromX) and (targetPt.X <= toX)) then    result := true  else    result := false;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.15///@description: 判断一个点按Y方向是否在另外两点之间function TKDMapinfoProxy.BetweenOnPointsY(targetPt: TKDPoint; fromPt: TKDPoint; toPt: TKDPoint): boolean;var  fromY, toY: double;begin  if (fromPt.Y <= toPt.Y) then  begin    fromY := fromPt.Y;    toY := toPt.Y;  end  else  begin    fromY := toPt.Y;    toY := fromPt.Y;  end;  if ((targetPt.Y >= fromY) and (targetPt.Y <= toY)) then    result := true  else    result := false;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.15///@description: 判断一个点是否在另外两点所构成的线段上function TKDMapinfoProxy.BetweenOnPoints(targetPt: TKDPoint; fromPt: TKDPoint; toPt: TKDPoint): boolean;var  rate1, rate2: double;  rateEqual: boolean;begin  rate1 := self.GetBevelRate(fromPt, toPt, 5);  rate2 := self.GetBevelRate(fromPt, targetPt, 5);  if ((rate1 = Infinity) or (rate2 = Infinity)) then  begin    if ((rate1 = Infinity) and (rate2 = Infinity)) then      rateEqual := true    else      rateEqual := false;  end  else  begin    if abs(rate1 - rate2) < 1E-4 then      rateEqual := true    else      rateEqual := false;  end;  if (rateEqual = true)    and (self.BetweenOnPointsX(targetPt, fromPt, toPt) = true)    and (self.BetweenOnPointsY(targetPt, fromPt, toPt) = true) then    result := true  else    result := false;  {   if (abs(self.GetBevelRate(fromPt, ToPt, 3) - self.GetBevelRate(fromPt, targetPt, 3)) < 0.01)    and (self.BetweenOnPointsX(targetPt, fromPt, toPt) = true)     and (self.BetweenOnPointsY(targetPt, fromPt, toPt) = true)  then   begin    result := true;   end   else   begin    result := false;   end;  }end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.09.27///@description: 此函数算法有问题,未经过测试procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.ConvertPolyongToSimplePline(polyTable, polyUidField, plineTable, plineUidFiled: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;  i: integer;  RowID, tempID: string;  tagetIdList: string;begin  self.CvtToPLineTable(polyTable, plineTable, '');  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select polyTable.polyUidField "polyUid", plineTable.plineUidFiled "plineUid"';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' from polyTable, plineTable';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where polyTable.obj intersects plineTable.obj';  //mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and int(ObjectInfo(plineTable.obj, 20)) = int(ObjectInfo(IntersectNodes(plineTable.obj, polyTable.obj, 6), 20)) + 1';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and int(ObjectInfo(plineTable.obj, 20)) = int(ObjectInfo(polyTable.obj, 20))';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into kd_line_temp_table';  mapinfoSql := StringReplace(mapinfoSql, 'polyTable', polyTable, [rfReplaceAll]);  mapinfoSql := StringReplace(mapinfoSql, 'polyUidField', polyUidField, [rfReplaceAll]);  mapinfoSql := StringReplace(mapinfoSql, 'plineTable', plineTable, [rfReplaceAll]);  mapinfoSql := StringReplace(mapinfoSql, 'plineUidFiled', plineUidFiled, [rfReplaceAll]);  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  mapinfoSql := 'update kd_line_temp_table set plineUid = polyUid';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  self.CloseTable('kd_line_temp_table');  self.Disaggregate(plineTable, true);  for i := 1 to self.QueryTableRecordCount(polyTable) do  begin    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from ' + polyTable);    RowID := MapInfo.Eval(polyTable + '.rowid');    if (tagetIdList <> '') then      tagetIdList := tagetIdList + ',' + RowID    else      tagetIdList := RowID;    mapinfoSql := ' select * from ' + polyTable + ' where rowid = ' + RowID + 'into kd_poly_temp_table';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    mapinfoSql := '';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + plineTable;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where ' + plineUidFiled + ' not in (' + tagetIdList + ')';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into kd_line_temp_table';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    self.EraseObjects('kd_line_temp_table', 'kd_poly_temp_table');    self.CloseTable('kd_poly_temp_table');    self.CloseTable('kd_line_temp_table');  end;  //whereCluase := polyUidField + ' in (' + tagetIdList + ')';  //self.CvtToPLineTable(polyTable, plineTable, whereCluase);  self.Disaggregate(plineTable, true);  //self.SaveTable(plineTable);  //self.SplitLineTableEx(plineTable, plineTable);end;procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.RemoveMapInWindow(WinID: integer);var  i: integer;begin  for i := 1 to GetLayerCount(WinID) do    MapInfo. do ('Remove Map Window ' + Inttostr(WinID) + ' Layer ' + GetLayerName(WinID, i) + ' Interactive');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.06.14///@description: 关闭MapInfo中所有打开的表procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CloseMapinfoTable();begin  MapInfo. do ('Close All');end;{var  mapinfoSql, tableName: string;  tables : TStringList;  i: integer;begin tables := TStringList.Create();  for i := 1 to self.QueryOpenedTable() do  begin    tableName := MapInfo.Eval('TABLEINFO(' + Inttostr(i) + ',' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_NAME) + ')');  tables.Add(tableName);  end;  for i := 0 to tables.Count - 1 do   self.CloseTable(tables.Strings[i]);end;}///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.5.8///@description: 关闭由MapInfo产生的临时表procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CloseMapinfoTempTable();var  mapinfoSql, tableName: string;  tables: TStringList;  i: integer;begin  tables := TStringList.Create();  for i := 1 to self.QueryOpenedTable() do  begin    tableName := MapInfo.Eval('TABLEINFO(' + Inttostr(i) + ',' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_NAME) + ')');    if Pos('_', tableName) <= 0 then    begin      if MapInfo.Eval('TableInfo(' + tableName + ',' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_TEMP) + ')') = 'T' then        tables.Add(tableName);    end;  end;  for i := 0 to tables.Count - 1 do    self.CloseTable(tables.Strings[i]);end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.5.8///@description: 关闭由MapInfo产生的以Query开头的临时表procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CloseTempTable();var  mapinfoSql, tableName: string;  i: integer;  tmpStrList: TStringList;begin  try    tmpStrList := TStringList.Create;    for i := 1 to self.QueryOpenedTable() do    begin      tableName := MapInfo.Eval('TABLEINFO(' + Inttostr(i) + ',' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_NAME) + ')');      //记录临时表      if UpperCase(LeftStr(tableName, 5)) = 'QUERY' then        tmpStrList.Add(tableName);    end;    //关闭临时表    for i := 0 to tmpStrList.Count - 1 do      self.CloseTable(tmpStrList.Strings[i]);  finally    tmpStrList.Free;  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.5.8///@description: 查询在所有MapInfo中打开的表的个数///@return: 表的个数function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryOpenedTable(): integer;begin  result := MapInfo.Eval('NumTables()');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.07.03///@description: 用户鼠标坐标输入创建一条折线///@return: Mapinfo线对象///@remark: ***************未实现******************function TKDMapinfoProxy.TrackLine(): string;begin  {    Mapinfo. do ('Run Menu Command ID 2065');  }  result := 'PLineTrackerObj';end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.07.03///@description: 用户鼠标坐标输入创建一个面///@return: Mapinfo面对象///@remark: ***************未实现******************function TKDMapinfoProxy.TrackPolygon(): string;begin  {   Mapinfo. do ('Run Menu Command ID 2066');  }  result := 'PolygonTrackerObj';end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.07.03///@description: 用户鼠标坐标输入创建一个点///@return: Mapinfo点对象///@remark: ***************未实现******************function TKDMapinfoProxy.TrackPoint(): string;begin  {   Mapinfo. do ('Run Menu Command ID 2067');  }  result := 'PointTrackerObj';end;/// 功能:重新排序图层/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.3.29/// 参数说明:OrderNumString->层索引字符串如('2, 3, 4, 1, 5')///WinID    ->窗口句柄procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.ReOrderAllLayer(CurWinID: integer; OrderNumString: string);var  dSql: string;begin  if OrderNumString <> '' then  begin    dSql := 'Set Map window ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' order '      + OrderNumString;    MapInfo. do (dSql);  end;end;/// 功能:把指定序号的层放到指定序号上/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.3.29/// 参数说明:LayerIndex    ->层索引///ToLayerIndex->目标层索引///WinID    ->窗口句柄procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.LayerToLayerIndex(CurWinID: integer; LayerIndex, ToLayerIndex: integer);var  OrderNumStr: string;  i: integer;begin  for i := 1 to GetLayerCount(CurWinID) do  begin    if (i <> LayerIndex) and (i <> ToLayerIndex) then      OrderNumStr := OrderNumStr + ',' + Inttostr(i)    else    begin      if i = ToLayerIndex then      begin        OrderNumStr := OrderNumStr + ',' + Inttostr(ToLayerIndex);        OrderNumStr := OrderNumStr + ',' + Inttostr(LayerIndex);      end;    end;  end;  OrderNumStr := RightStr(OrderNumStr, Length(OrderNumStr) - 1);  ReOrderAllLayer(CurWinID, OrderNumStr);end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 添加表到地图窗口///@para tableName: 添加的表名///@para mapId: 地图窗口IDprocedure TKDMapinfoProxy.AddTable(tableName: string; mapId: integer);begin  if not TableExists(tableName) then  begin    //raise Exception.Create('"' + tableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  MapInfo. do ('Add Map Window ' + Inttostr(mapId) + 'Layer ' + tableName);  //如果是变更图斑层则显示样式  if RightStr(tableName, 5) = 'BGTBP' then  begin    MapInfo. do ('Set Map Layer ' + tableName + ' Label Font ("Arial",288,8,16711680,16776960) With DLDM Auto On');    MapInfo. do ('Set Map Layer ' + tableName + ' Label Position Center');  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 判断表是否已经打开///@para tableName: tab表名///@return: 返回true表示已经打开,反之。function TKDMapinfoProxy.TableExists(tableName: string): boolean;begin  result := EXISTTABLEs(tableName);end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 创建地图窗口///@para tableName: 初始表名///@para mapName: 地图窗口名称///@para hwnd: 地图窗口绑定的hwnd///@return: 返回地图窗口IDfunction TKDMapinfoProxy.CreateMap(tableName: string; mapName: string; hwnd: integer): integer;var  mapId: integer;begin  mapId := 0;  MapInfo. do ('Set Next Document Parent ' + Inttostr(hwnd) + ' Style 1');  MapInfo. do ('Map From ' + tableName);  mapId := StrToInt(MapInfo.Eval('FrontWindow()'));  MapInfo. do ('set window frontwindow() title "' + mapName + '"');  MapInfo. do ('set paper units "cm"');  MapInfo. do ('set distance units "m"');  MapInfo. do ('SET MAP CoordSys  Table ' + tableName);  result := mapId;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 打开一个tab表///@para tablePath: 表的路径///@para tableAlias: 打开表的别名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.OpenTable(tablePath: string; tableAlias: string);begin  MapInfo. do ('Open Table "' + tablePath + '" As ' + tableAlias);end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.19///@description: 将表另存为table文件///@para tablePath: 源表表名///@para destTablePath: 文件名及其路径///@para whereClause: where条件 procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SaveTableToFile(sourceTabla: string; destTablePath: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + sourceTabla;  if (Trim(whereClause) <> '') then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where ' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into TempTableCopy';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  MapInfo. do ('Commit Table TempTableCopy as "' + destTablePath + '"');  MapInfo. do ('Close table TempTableCopy');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 复制表结构///@para tablePath: 源表表名///@para destTablePath: 目标表的路径procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CloneTableStructure(sourceTabla: string; destTablePath: string);begin  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + sourceTabla + ' into TempTableStructure where 1 <> 1');  MapInfo. do ('Commit Table TempTableStructure as "' + destTablePath + '"');  MapInfo. do ('Close table TempTableStructure');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 查询表中的记录数///@para tableName: tab表名///@return: 表中的记录数function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryTableRecordCount(tableName: string): integer;begin//if tableName<>'' thenresult := StrToInt(MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo(' + tableName + ',' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_NROWS) + ')'));end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 查询表中的记录数///@para tableName: tab表名///@return: 表中的字段数function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryTableColumnCount(tableName: string): integer;begin  result := StrToInt(MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo("' + tableName + '",' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_NCOLS) + ')'));end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.16///@description: 查询表中指定索引的字段名///@para tableName: tab表名///@para colIndex: 字段索引///@return: 指定索引的字段名,为空表示未找到。function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryTableColumnName(tableName: string; colIndex: integer): string;begin  if (colIndex < 1) or (colIndex > self.QueryTableColumnCount(tableName)) then    result := ''  else    result := Trim(MapInfo.Eval('ColumnInfo("' + tableName + '","col' + Inttostr(colIndex) + '",' + Inttostr(COL_INFO_NAME) + ')'));end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.4.10///@description: 查询表中指定字段名的索引值///@para tableName: tab表名///@para colIndex: 字段名///@return: 指定字段名的索引值,未找到时返回0。function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryTableColumnIndex(tableName: string; colName: string): integer;var  i: integer;  temp: string;begin  result := 0;  colName := UpperCase(Trim(colName));  for i := 1 to self.QueryTableColumnCount(tableName) do  begin    temp := Trim(self.QueryTableColumnName(tableName, i));    if UpperCase(temp) = colName then    begin      result := i;      Exit;    end;  end;end;function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryTableColumnType(tableName: string; colName: string): integer;var  i: integer;begin  result := -1;  for i := 1 to QueryTableColumnCount(tableName) do  begin    if UpperCase(Trim(QueryTableColumnName(tableName, i))) = UpperCase(colName) then    begin      result := MapInfo.Eval('ColumnInfo(' + tableName + ', ' + colName + ', ' + Inttostr(COL_INFO_TYPE) + ')');    end;  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.17///@description: 关闭已打开的表///@para tableName: tab表名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CloseTable(tableName: string);begin  if TableExists(tableName) then    MapInfo. do ('Close table ' + tableName);end;procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SaveAllTable();var  i, lCount: integer;  slName: string;begin  lCount := MapInfo.Eval('NumTables()');  for i := 1 to lCount do  begin    slName := MapInfo.Eval('TableInfo(' + Inttostr(i) + ', ' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_NAME) + ')');    if not TableIsSaved(slName) then      CommitTable(slName);  end;  self.CloseMapinfoTempTable();end;function TKDMapinfoProxy.TableIsSaved(slName: string): boolean;var  tS: string;begin  result := true;  if TableExists(slName) then  begin    if Pos('_', slName) <= 0 then    begin      tS := MapInfo.Eval('TableInfo(' + slName + ', ' + Inttostr(TAB_INFO_EDITED) + ')');      if Trim(tS) = 'T' then        result := false      else        result := true;    end;  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.27///@description: 删除指定层中的所有记录,并压缩表后提交///@para tableName: tab表名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.ClearTable(tableName: string);begin  if TableExists(tableName) and (self.QueryTableRecordCount(tableName) > 0) then  begin    self.DeleteTable(tableName);    self.CommitTable(tableName);    self.PackTable(tableName);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.4.2///@description: 删除指定层中的所有记录///@para tableName: tab表名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.DeleteTable(tableName: string);begin  if TableExists(tableName) then    MapInfo. do ('delete from ' + tableName);end;procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.DropTable(tabName: string);begin  if TableExists(tabName) then    MapInfo. do ('Drop Table ' + tabName);end;procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.PackTable(tabName: string);begin  if TableExists(tabName) then    MapInfo. do ('Pack Table ' + tabName + ' Graphic Data');end;{///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.17///@description: 打断将线层中的对象全部打断,并删除原来的对象///@para tableName: 被打断的tab表名///@para splitTableName: 用于打断操作的tab表名///@remark: (1)不支持自相交的线对象;/// (2)不支持对mapinfo中临时表的操作;/// (3)不能对两条线共线进行打断procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SplitLineTable(tableName : string; splitTableName : string);var    sourceNodesList, dirtyNodesList : TObjectList;    pt : TKDPoint;    recordCnt : integer;    i, j, k : integer;    rowId : string;    newRowId : integer;    mapinfoSql : string;    SplitObjsId : TStringList;    tagetMapinfoObj, resultMapinfoObj : string;    whereClause : string;begin    tagetMapinfoObj := 'aobj';    resultMapinfoObj := 'bobj';    if not TableExists(tableName) then        begin        raise Exception.Create('"' + tableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');        Exit;    end;  try    sourceNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    dirtyNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    SplitObjsId := TStringList.Create();    recordCnt := QueryTableRecordCount(tableName);    newRowId := recordCnt + 1;    for i := 1 to recordCnt do    begin        Mapinfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from ' + tableName);        rowId := Mapinfo.Eval(tableName + '.rowid');        //选择当前线对象        mapinfoSql := '';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + rowId;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';        Mapinfo.do (mapinfoSql);        //设置为目标        Mapinfo.do (tagetMapinfoObj + ' = Selection.Obj');        Mapinfo.do ('Set Target On');        //查询节点        QueryNodesOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoObj, 1, sourceNodesList);        //选取相交的线对象        if trim(tableName) = trim(splitTableName) then        begin            //选择自相交            mapinfoSql := '';            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid <> ' + rowId;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and rowid <= ' + IntToStr(recordCnt);            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';        end        else        begin            //选择与其它层相交            mapinfoSql := '';            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';        end;        Mapinfo.do (mapinfoSql);        if QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then        begin            Mapinfo.do ('Objects Overlay Into Target');            //加入交点后的源线对象            mapinfoSql := '';            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + rowId;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';            Mapinfo.do (mapinfoSql);            Mapinfo.do (tagetMapinfoObj + ' = Selection.Obj');            //查询节点            QueryNodesOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoObj, 1, dirtyNodesList);            if sourceNodesList.Count < dirtyNodesList.Count then            begin                //创建Pline对象                mapinfoSql := 'Create pline into variable ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' 0 ';                Mapinfo.do (mapinfoSql);                k := 0;                j := 0;                while (j < sourceNodesList.Count) and (k < dirtyNodesList.Count) do                begin                    pt := TKDPoint(dirtyNodesList.Items[k]);                    if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[j])) then                        begin                            //加入节点                            mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) +  ')';                            Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                            inc(k);                            inc(j);                        end                    else                        begin                            //加入节点                            mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) +  ')';                            Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                            //复制加入交点后的源线对象                            mapinfoSql := '';                            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;                            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';                            Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                            //修改为断后的线对象                            mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + IntToStr(newRowId);                            Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                            inc(newRowId);                            //创建Pline对象                            mapinfoSql := 'Create pline into variable ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' 0';                            Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                            //加入节点                            mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) +  ')';                            Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                            inc(k);                        end; // end if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[k]))                end; // end while j < sourceNodesList.Count                //复制源线对象                mapinfoSql := '';                mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;                mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';                Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                //修改为断后的线对象                mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + IntToStr(newRowId);                Mapinfo. do (mapinfoSql);                inc(newRowId);                //记录被打断的源线对象                SplitObjsId.Add(rowId);            end; // sourceNodesList.Count < dirtyNodesList.Coun        end; // end if QuerySelctionCount() > 0        //清除为目标        Mapinfo.do ('Set Target Off');    end;    //删除被打断的源线对象    if SplitObjsId.Count > 0 then    begin        for i := 0 to SplitObjsId.Count - 1 do        begin            mapinfoSql := 'delete from ' + tableName + ' where rowid = ' + SplitObjsId.Strings[i];            Mapinfo.do (mapinfoSql);        end;    end;    //提交结果    self.SaveTable(tableName);  finally    begin        sourceNodesList.Free();        dirtyNodesList.Free();        SplitObjsId.Free();    end;  end;end;}///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.17///@description: 查询mapinfo图形对象所包含的点。///@para tableName: mapinfo图形对象名称///@para partIndex: mapinfo图形对象的片断索引///@para nodeList:  存放返回的点的列表procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryNodesOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer; nodeList: TObjectList);var  pt: TKDPoint;  i, nodesCnt: integer;begin  nodesCnt := QueryNodeCount(mapinfoGeo, partIndex);  nodeList.clear();  for i := 1 to nodesCnt do  begin    pt := self.QueryNodeOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo, partIndex, 1);    nodeList.Add(pt);  end;end;function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryNodesOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer): TObjectList;var  nodeList: TObjectList;begin  nodeList := TObjectList.Create();  self.QueryNodesOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo, partIndex, nodeList);  result := nodeList;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.17///@description: 查询mapinfo图形对象所包含的指定索引位置的点。///@para tableName: mapinfo图形对象名称///@para partIndex: mapinfo图形对象的片断索引///@para nodeIndex:  要查询点的索引位置function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryNodeOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer; nodeIndex: integer): TKDPoint;var  point: TKDPoint;  floatX, floatY, intX, intY: double;begin  CvtToPLine(mapinfoGeo);  MapInfo. do ('xx=objectnodex(' + mapinfoGeo + ',' + Inttostr(partIndex) + ',' + Inttostr(nodeIndex) + ')');  MapInfo. do ('yy=objectnodey(' + mapinfoGeo + ',' + Inttostr(partIndex) + ',' + Inttostr(nodeIndex) + ')');  floatX := MapInfo.Eval('Format$((xx-fix(xx)),"##.######")');  floatY := MapInfo.Eval('Format$((yy-fix(yy)),"##.######")');  intX := MapInfo.Eval('fix(xx)');  intY := MapInfo.Eval('fix(yy)');  point := TKDPoint.Create();  point.X := intX + floatX;  point.Y := intY + floatY;  { point := TKDPoint.Create();  point.X := MapInfo.Eval('objectnodex(' + mapinfoGeo + ',' + Inttostr(partIndex) + ',' + Inttostr(nodeIndex) + ')');  point.Y := MapInfo.Eval('objectnodey(' + mapinfoGeo + ',' + Inttostr(partIndex) + ',' + Inttostr(nodeIndex) + ')');  }  result := point;end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.04.21///@description: 查询mapinfo图形对象所包含的片断数。///@para mapinfoGeo: mapinfo图形对象名称///@return: 片断个数function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryPartsOfGeomety(mapinfoGeo: string): integer;var  info: string;begin  info := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPOLYGONS) + ')');  if (Trim(info) = '') then    result := 1  else    result := StrToInt(info);end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.04.4.9///@description: 查询mapinfo图形对象的某个片断所包含的节点的个数。///@para mapinfoGeo: mapinfo图形对象名称///@para partIndex: mapinfo图形对象的片断索引///@return: 节点的个数function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryNodeCount(mapinfoGeo: string; partIndex: integer): integer;var  geoType: integer;begin  geoType := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ',  ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_TYPE) + ')');  case geoType of    OBJ_TYPE_POINT: //point      begin        result := 1;      end;    OBJ_TYPE_TEXT: //text      begin        result := 0;      end;    OBJ_TYPE_PLINE, OBJ_TYPE_REGION: //pline regetion      begin        //try        result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPOLYGONS + partIndex) + ')');        //except         //result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) + ')');          //WarningBox(Inttostr(result));        //end;      end;    OBJ_TYPE_LINE, OBJ_TYPE_ARC: //Line, arc      begin        CvtToPLine(mapinfoGeo);        result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPOLYGONS + partIndex) + ')');      end; +    OBJ_TYPE_ELLIPSE, OBJ_TYPE_RECT, OBJ_TYPE_ROUNDRECT: //ellipse, rectangle, amphitheatral      begin        CvtToRegion(mapinfoGeo);        result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPOLYGONS + partIndex) + ')');      end;  end;end;procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryNodePoint(mapinfoGeo: string; Polygon_num, node_num: integer; var X, Y: double);begin  X := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectNodeX(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(Polygon_num) + ', ' + Inttostr(node_num) + ')');  Y := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectNodeY(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(Polygon_num) + ', ' + Inttostr(node_num) + ')');end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.04.4.9///@description: 查询mapinfo图形对象所包含的节点的个数。///@para mapinfoGeo: mapinfo图形对象名称///@return: 节点的个数function TKDMapinfoProxy.QueryNodeCount(mapinfoGeo: string): integer;var  geoType: integer;begin  geoType := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ',  ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_TYPE) + ')');  case geoType of    OBJ_TYPE_POINT: //point      begin        result := 1;      end;    OBJ_TYPE_TEXT: //text      begin        result := 0;      end;    OBJ_TYPE_PLINE, OBJ_TYPE_REGION: //pline regetion      begin        result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) + ')');      end;    OBJ_TYPE_LINE, OBJ_TYPE_ARC: //Line, arc      begin        CvtToPLine(mapinfoGeo);        result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) + ')');      end;    OBJ_TYPE_ELLIPSE, OBJ_TYPE_RECT, OBJ_TYPE_ROUNDRECT: //ellipse, rectangle, amphitheatral      begin        CvtToRegion(mapinfoGeo);        result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) + ')');      end;  end;  {    geoType := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ',  ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_TYPE) + ')');    case geoType of      OBJ_TYPE_POINT:        begin          result := 1; //point          Exit;        end;      OBJ_TYPE_TEXT:        begin          result := 0; //text          Exit;        end;      OBJ_TYPE_PLINE, OBJ_TYPE_REGION: MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ' + mapinfoGeo + ''); //pline regetion      OBJ_TYPE_LINE: MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')'); //Line      OBJ_TYPE_ARC: MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')'); //arc      OBJ_TYPE_ELLIPSE: MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')'); //ellipse      OBJ_TYPE_RECT: MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')'); //rectangle      OBJ_TYPE_ROUNDRECT: MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')'); //amphitheatral    end;    result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(Bobj, ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) + ')');    }end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.04.4.9///@description: 将图形转换为折线对象。///@para mapinfoGeo: mapinfo图形对象名称procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CvtToPLine(mapinfoGeo: string);var  geoType: integer;begin  geoType := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ',  ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_TYPE) + ')');  if (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_POINT) and (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_TEXT) and (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_PLINE) then    MapInfo. do (mapinfoGeo + ' = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')');  {  if (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_POINT) and (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_TEXT) then   raise Exception.Create('不能将点和文本对象转换成折线对象!');  if (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_PLINE) then    MapInfo. do (mapinfoGeo + ' = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')');  }end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.04.21///@description: 将图形转换为区域对象。///@para mapinfoGeo: mapinfo图形对象名称procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CvtToRegion(mapinfoGeo: string);var  geoType: integer;begin  geoType := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + mapinfoGeo + ',  ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_TYPE) + ')');  if (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_LINE) then    CvtToPLine(mapinfoGeo);  if (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_POINT) and (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_TEXT) then    MapInfo. do (mapinfoGeo + ' = ConvertToRegion(' + mapinfoGeo + ')');  { if (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_POINT) and (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_TEXT) then  raise Exception.Create('不能将点和文本对象转换成区域对象!');  if (geoType <> OBJ_TYPE_LINE) then   CvtToPLine(mapinfoGeo);  MapInfo. do (mapinfoGeo + ' = ConvertToPline(' + mapinfoGeo + ')');  }end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.4.6///@description: 将线层中的线转节点反序///@para strTableName: 图层名称///@para rowID: 折线图形ID  (注:不能是复合线)procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.LineAntitone(strTableName: string; RowID: integer);var  sourceNodesList: TObjectList;  mapinfoSql: string;  pt: TKDPoint;  pLastIndex: integer;  k: integer;begin  sourceNodesList := TObjectList.Create();  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + strTableName + ' where object and rowid=' + Inttostr(RowID) + ' into Temp');  if self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp') >= 1 then  begin    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec 1 from Temp');    MapInfo. do ('Aobj = Temp.Obj');    //查询节点    QueryNodesOfGeomety('Aobj', 1, sourceNodesList);    pLastIndex := sourceNodesList.IndexOf(sourceNodesList.Last()); //Mapinfo.EVAL('ObjectInfo(Aobj, 20)')-1;    k := 1;    while (pLastIndex >= 0) do    begin      pt := TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[pLastIndex]);      //修改节点      mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object Aobj Node Set Position 1,' + Inttostr(k) + '(' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) + ')';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      pLastIndex := pLastIndex - 1;      k := k + 1;    end;    MapInfo. do ('update Temp set obj=Aobj where rowid=' + Inttostr(RowID));    self.CommitTable(strTableName);  end;  self.CloseTable('Temp');end;function TKDMapinfoProxy.GetObjType(objName: string): integer;begin  result := MapInfo.Eval('ObjectInfo(' + objName + ', ' + Inttostr(OBJ_INFO_TYPE) + ')');end;///@author: yx///@date:///@description: 折线转换为区域。///@para bm1: 源表///@para bm2: 目标表function TKDMapinfoProxy.ObjectCvtLine(bm1, bm2: string; ProBar: TProgressBar = nil): string;var  i, RecNum: Longint;begin  MapInfo. do ('SELECT * FROM ' + bm1);  MapInfo. do ('SELECT * FROM ' + bm1 + ' INTO TmpTable'); // + ' WHERE 1<>1');  RecNum := self.QueryTableRecordCount(bm1);  if ProBar <> nil then  begin    ProBar.Min := 0;    ProBar.Max := RecNum;  end;  for i := 1 to RecNum do  begin    if ProBar <> nil then      ProBar.Position := i;    MapInfo. do ('Fetch Rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' From TmpTable');    MapInfo. do ('Bobj = TmpTable.Obj');    //MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ConvertToPline(Bobj)');    CvtToPLine('BObj');    MapInfo. do ('Insert Into ' + bm2 + '(Obj) Values (Bobj)');  end;  //MapInfo. do ('select * from TmpTable where Str$(Obj)="Line" or Str$(Obj)="Polyline" or Str$(Obj)="Arc" into selection');  //MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + bm2 + ' (obj) select obj from selection');  //MapInfo.do('select * from TmpTable where Str$(Obj)="Line" or Str$(Obj)="Polyline" or Str$(Obj)="Arc" into ' + bm2);  result := '';end;///@author: yx///@date:///@description: 折线转换为区域。///@para bm1: 源表///@para bm2: 目标表function TKDMapinfoProxy.ObjectCvtPolygon(bm1, bm2: string): string;begin  //MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + bm1);  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + bm1 + ' into TmpTable');  if self.QuerySelctionCount() < 1 then    Exit;  MapInfo. do ('Objects Enclose Into Table TmpTable');  MapInfo. do ('select * from TmpTable Where Str$(Obj)="Region" or Str$(Obj)="Ellpse" or Str$(Obj)="Rectangle" or Str$(Obj)="Rounded Rectangle" into selection');  MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + bm2 + ' (obj) select obj from selection');  self.CloseTable('TmpTable');  //MapInfo.do('select * from TmpTable Where Str$(Obj)="Region" or Str$(Obj)="Ellpse" or Str$(Obj)="Rectangle" or Str$(Obj)="Rounded Rectangle" into ' + bm2);  //MapInfo.do('Rollback Table ' + bm1);  result := '';end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.06.02///@description: 用源层中的线构面放入目标层中。///@para sourceTable: 源表///@para destTable: 目标表procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.ObjectCvtPolygonEx(sourceTable, destTable: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  mapinfoSql := 'select * from ' + sourceTable + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0) then  begin    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Enclose Into Table ' + destTable;    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;/// 功能:返回点、线、面、文本层中不属于本层的对象个数/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.3.29/// 参数说明:TableType ->检查类型///bm2->表名function TKDMapinfoProxy.CheckTableObject(TableType: TGrapiDataType; bm: string): integer;//var//  RecNum: integer;begin  if TableType = [gdtPoint] then    MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + bm + ' Where Str$(Obj)<>"Point" into TmpTable')  else    if TableType = [gdtLine] then      MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + bm + ' Where Str$(Obj)<>"Line" and Str$(Obj)<>"Polyline" and Str$(Obj)<>"Arc" into TmpTable')    else      if TableType = [gdtPolygon] then        MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + bm + ' where Str$(Obj)<>"Region" and Str$(Obj)<>"Ellpse" and Str$(Obj)<>"Rectangle" and Str$(Obj)<>"Rounded Rectangle" into TmpTable')      else        if TableType = [gdtText] then          MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + bm + ' Where Str$(Obj)<>"Text" into TmpTable');  //RecNum := MapInfo.Eval('TableInfo(TmpTable, 8)');  result := self.QueryTableRecordCount('TmpTable');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.21///@description: 提交对mapinfo表的修改并紧缩表///@para tableName: tab表名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SaveTable(tableName: string);begin  if TableExists(tableName) then  begin    self.CommitTable(tableName);    MapInfo. do ('Pack Table ' + tableName + ' Graphic Data');  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.27///@description: 提交对mapinfo表的修改///@para tableName: tab表名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CommitTable(tableName: string);begin  if TableExists(tableName) then    MapInfo. do ('commit table ' + tableName);end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.4.5///@description: 放弃对mapinfo表的修改///@para tableName: tab表名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.RollbackTable(tableName: string);begin  if TableExists(tableName) then    MapInfo. do ('Rollback table ' + tableName);end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.4.25///@description: 将源表中除文本、点外的图形转换为折线放入目标表///@para srcTableName: 源表名///@para destTableName: 目标表名///@para whereClause: where条件///@fieldList: 要保留的属性字段列表(此参数要求两源表和目标表都包含此参数中的属性)procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CopyTableDataEx(srcTableName: string; destTableName: string; whereClause: string; fieldList: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  if QuerySourceTableName(srcTableName) = QuerySourceTableName(destTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('不能对同一张表进行复制操作!' + srcTableName + ' <> ' + destTableName);    Exit;  end;  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select *';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' from ' + srcTableName;  if Trim(whereClause) <> '' then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    mapinfoSql := '';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + destTableName;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' (obj';    if Trim(fieldList) <> '' then      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ', ' + fieldList;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' )';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select obj';    if Trim(fieldList) <> '' then      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ', ' + fieldList;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' from selection';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.22///@description: 根据条件复制源表中的数据到目标表///@para srcTableName: 源表///@para destTableName: 目标表///@para whereClause: where条件///@remark: 要求源表和目标表有相同的表结构procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CopyTableData(srcTableName: string; destTableName: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  if QuerySourceTableName(srcTableName) = QuerySourceTableName(destTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('不能对同一张表进行复制操作!' + srcTableName + ' <> ' + destTableName);    Exit;  end;  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + srcTableName;  if (Trim(whereClause) <> '') then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where ' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    mapinfoSql := 'insert into ' + destTableName;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from selection';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;  {  srcCols := self.EmnuTableColumn(srcTableName, false);  destCols := self.EmnuTableColumn(destTableName, false);  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select ' + srcCols + ' from ' + srcTableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  Mapinfo.do(mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin      srcCols := self.EmnuTableColumn('selection', false);      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + destTableName + ' (' + destCols + ')';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select ' + srcCols + ' from selection';      Mapinfo.do(mapinfoSql);  end;  }end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.23///@description: 根据条件复制源表中的图形数据到目标表///@para srcTableName: 源表///@para destTableName: 目标表///@para whereClause: where条件procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CopyTableGhraphData(srcTableName: string; destTableName: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  if QuerySourceTableName(srcTableName) = QuerySourceTableName(destTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('不能对同一张表进行复制操作!' + srcTableName + ' <> ' + destTableName);    Exit;  end;  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select obj from ' + srcTableName;  if Trim(whereClause) <> '' then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    mapinfoSql := '';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + destTableName + '(obj)';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select obj from selection';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.23///@description: 用指定层中的对象擦除源表中的对象(内部擦除)///@para srcTableName: 源表名 (不能是临时表)///@para eraseTableName: 用于擦除操作的表名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.EraseObjects(srcTableName: string; eraseTableName: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;  cols, Tempstr: string;  i: integer;begin  if QuerySourceTableName(srcTableName) = QuerySourceTableName(eraseTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('不能对同一张表进行擦除操作!');    Exit;  end;  //源表上没有对象  if (self.QueryTableRecordCount(srcTableName) < 1) then    Exit;  //选择源对象  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + srcTableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');  //擦除源对象  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + eraseTableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    //选择全部的列    for i := 1 to self.QueryTableColumnCount(srcTableName) do    begin      Tempstr := self.QueryTableColumnName(srcTableName, i); //MapInfo.Eval('ColumnInfo (' + srcTableName + ',"COL' + Inttostr(i) + '",1)');      cols := cols + Tempstr + '=' + Tempstr + ',';    end;    cols := LeftStr(cols, Length(cols) - 1);    //擦除源对象    MapInfo. do ('Objects Erase Into Target Data ' + cols);    MapInfo. do ('Set Target Off');  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.27///@description: 枚举指定表中的所有字段///@para tableName: tab表名///@para withName: 枚举时是否用表名作前缀function TKDMapinfoProxy.EmnuTableColumn(tableName: string; withName: boolean = true): string;var  Columns: string;  i: integer;begin  for i := 1 to self.QueryTableColumnCount(tableName) do  begin    if withName then      Columns := Columns + ',' + tableName + '.' + Trim(self.QueryTableColumnName(tableName, i)) {MapInfo.Eval('ColumnInfo("' + tableName + '","col' + Inttostr(i) + '",1)'))}    else      Columns := Columns + ',' + Trim(self.QueryTableColumnName(tableName, i)); //MapInfo.Eval('ColumnInfo("' + tableName + '","col' + Inttostr(i) + '",1)'))  end;  result := Copy(Columns, 2, Length(Columns));end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.27///@description: 获取临时表的源表名///@para tableName: mapinfo临时表名///@return: 源tab表名function TKDMapinfoProxy.QuerySourceTableName(selectionName: string): string;var  srcName: string;begin  //srcName := trim(Mapinfo.EVAL('SelectionInfo(1)'));  if (srcName = '') then    srcName := selectionName;  result := srcName;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.27///@description: 查询mapinfo当前选择集中的记录数///@return: 记录数function TKDMapinfoProxy.QuerySelctionTableName(): string;begin  result := Trim(MapInfo.Eval('SelectionInfo(1)'));end;function TKDMapinfoProxy.QuerySelctionCount(): integer;begin  result := StrToIntDef(MapInfo.Eval('SelectionInfo(' + Inttostr(SEL_INFO_NROWS) + ')'), -1);end;/// 功能:设置层编辑、浏览等属性/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.4.9/// 参数说明:tableName->表名///bUserBrowse->浏览///bUserMap        ->///bUserClose      ->关闭///bUserRemove     ->移除///bUserDisplayMap->显示procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SetTableEnable(tableName: string; bUserBrowse: boolean = true; bUserMap: boolean = true; bUserClose: boolean = true; bUserRemove: boolean = true; bUserDisplayMap: boolean = true);var  sUserBrowse, sUserClose, sUserMap, sUserRemoveMap, sUserDisplayMap: string;begin  sUserBrowse := 'ON';  sUserClose := sUserBrowse;  sUserMap := sUserBrowse;  sUserRemoveMap := sUserBrowse;  sUserDisplayMap := sUserBrowse;  if not bUserBrowse then    sUserBrowse := 'OFF';  if not bUserMap then    sUserClose := 'OFF';  if not bUserClose then    sUserMap := 'OFF';  if not bUserRemove then    sUserRemoveMap := 'OFF';  if not bUserDisplayMap then    sUserDisplayMap := 'OFF';  MapInfo. do ('Set Table ' + tableName + ' UserBrowse ' + sUserBrowse    + ' UserMap ' + sUserMap + ' UserClose ' + sUserClose + ' UserRemoveMap '    + sUserRemoveMap + ' UserDisplayMap ' + sUserDisplayMap)end;/// 功能:设置进度条是否显示/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.4.9/// 参数说明:bOn->进度条是否显示procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SetProgressBar(bOn: boolean = true);begin  if bOn then    MapInfo. do ('Set ProgressBars On')  else    MapInfo. do ('Set ProgressBars Off');end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.3.27///@description: 将多个相邻的面合并成一个对象///@para strYTableName: 提供原有区域的图层///@para strMBTableName: 目标图层procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.UnitePolygon(strYTableName: string; strMBTableName: string; CurWinID: integer);var  colNum: integer;  colStr: string;  Tempstr: string;  str1: string;  recordCnt: integer;  i, j, k: integer;  RowID: string;  newRowId: integer;  mapinfoSql: string;  whereClause: string;  BgStr3: string;  IntersectRow: integer;  whereClause2: string;  Notouch: integer;  rowTest: integer;begin  if not TableExists(strYTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + strYTableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  if not TableExists(strMBTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + strMBTableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  //原图层另存为  YTabTemp  self.CloseTable('YTabTemp');  self.CloseTable('YTabTemp2');  self.CloseTable('YTabTemp3');  BgStr3 := 'C:/YTabTemp.TAB';  MapInfo. do ('Commit Table ' + strYTableName + ' As "' + BgStr3 + '"');  MapInfo. do ('Open Table  "' + BgStr3 + '" AS YTabTemp');  MapInfo. do ('Add Map Window ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' Layer YTabTemp');  MapInfo. do ('Alter Table YTabTemp (Add HandFlag Smallint)');  BgStr3 := 'C:/YTabTemp2.TAB';  MapInfo. do ('Commit Table ' + strYTableName + ' As "' + BgStr3 + '"');  MapInfo. do ('Open Table  "' + BgStr3 + '" AS YTabTemp2');  MapInfo. do ('delete from YTabTemp2'); //清除中间层  BgStr3 := 'C:/YTabTemp3.TAB';  MapInfo. do ('Commit Table ' + strYTableName + ' As "' + BgStr3 + '"');  MapInfo. do ('Open Table  "' + BgStr3 + '" AS YTabTemp3');  MapInfo. do ('delete from YTabTemp3'); //清除中间层  recordCnt := QueryTableRecordCount('YTabTemp');  //逐一判断面层对象  whereClause := ' where obj Intersects Aobj ';  whereClause := whereClause + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select obj from YTabTemp ';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Temp';  whereClause2 := ' where (YTabTemp.obj Intersects Aobj) and not(YTabTemp.obj Entirely Within Aobj) and YTabTemp.HandFlag<>1';  whereClause2 := whereClause2 + ' and (str$(YTabTemp.obj)<>"Point" and str$(YTabTemp.obj)<>"Text")';  for i := 1 to recordCnt do  begin    Notouch := 1;    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from YTabTemp');    MapInfo. do ('Aobj = YTabTemp.Obj');    RowID := MapInfo.Eval('YTabTemp.rowid');    MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp3 where obj Intersects Aobj into Temp');    IntersectRow := self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp'); //MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo(Temp,8)');    //判断是否是已经合并过的图形对象,如是则不在处理此图形    if IntersectRow = 1 then      continue;    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    IntersectRow := self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp'); //MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo(Temp,8)');    //没有相邻的则直接插入到结果层,有则直接插入到结果层再合并,插入到结果层    if IntersectRow = 1 then    begin      MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + strMBTableName + '(obj) select obj from Temp');      MapInfo. do ('update YTabTemp set HandFlag=1 where rowid=' + RowID);    end    else      if IntersectRow > 1 then      begin        MapInfo. do ('insert into YTabTemp2(obj) select obj from Temp');        while (Notouch = 1) do        begin          goMapinfoProxy.SaveTable('YTabTemp2');          MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp2');          if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 1 then          begin            MapInfo. do ('Objects Combine');          end;          self.SaveTable('YTabTemp2');          MapInfo. do ('Add Map Window ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' Layer YTabTemp2');          MapInfo. do ('select obj from YTabTemp2');          MapInfo. do ('fetch rec 1 from YTabTemp2');          //MapInfo. do ('Aobj = YTabTemp2.Obj');          //Mapinfo.do ('select YTabTemp.obj from YTabTemp,YTabTemp2 '+ whereClause2 +' into Temp2');          MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp' + whereClause2 + ' into Temp2');          MapInfo. do ('update Temp2 set HandFlag=1');          rowTest := self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp2'); //MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo(Temp2,8)');          if rowTest = 0 then //连续的区域已搜索完毕            Notouch := 0;          MapInfo. do ('insert into YTabTemp2(obj) select obj from Temp2');          MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + strMBTableName + '(obj) select obj from YTabTemp2');          MapInfo. do ('insert into  YTabTemp3(obj)  select obj from YTabTemp2');          MapInfo. do ('delete from YTabTemp2'); //清除中间层        end;      end;    //fenjie    MapInfo. do ('commit Table ' + strMBTableName);    self.Disaggregate(strMBTableName, false);    self.CloseTable('Temp');    self.CloseTable('Temp2');  end;  MapInfo. do ('Drop Table YTabTemp3');  MapInfo. do ('Drop Table YTabTemp2');  MapInfo. do ('Drop Table YTabTemp');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.9.22///@description: 线层分割面层///@para lineTable: 线图层///@para polyTable: 面图层procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.LineSplitPolyong_2(lineTable: string; polyTable: string);var  tempTable: string;  mapinfoSql: string;  redCnt, newRowId, i, j, k: integer;  RowID: string;  colStr: string;  str1, Tempstr, strFields: string;  fPoint: TKDPoint;  lPoint: TKDPoint;begin  if not self.TableExists(lineTable) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + lineTable + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  if not self.TableExists(polyTable) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + polyTable + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  tempTable := 'ApplicationTempTable';  if (not self.TableExists(tempTable)) then  begin    self.CloneTableStructure(polyTable, AppPath + 'ApplicationTempTable.Tab');    self.OpenTable(AppPath + 'ApplicationTempTable.Tab', 'ApplicationTempTable');  end;  //self.AddTable(tempTable, CurWinID);  //MapInfo. do ('Set Map Window  ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' Layer ' + tempTable + ' Editable On');  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + lineTable + ' where str$(obj)="Polyline" into Temp');  //循环线层  redCnt := self.QuerySelctionCount();  newRowId := redCnt + 1;  for i := 1 to redCnt do  begin    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from Temp');    MapInfo. do ('Aobj = Temp.Obj');    fPoint := goMapinfoProxy.QueryNodeOfGeomety('Aobj', 1, 1);    lPoint := goMapinfoProxy.QueryNodeOfGeomety('Aobj', 1, goMapinfoProxy.QueryNodeCount('Aobj', 1));    mapinfoSql := ' select * from RegionTable';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where RegionTable.obj Intersects Aobj ';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(RegionTable.obj)<>"Point" and str$(RegionTable.obj)<>"Text")';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and not (Buffer(RegionTable.obj, 100, -0.6, "M") contains CreatePoint(' + FloatToStr(fPoint.X) + ', ' + FloatToStr(fPoint.Y) + '))';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and not (Buffer(RegionTable.obj, 100, -0.6, "M") contains CreatePoint(' + FloatToStr(lPoint.X) + ', ' + FloatToStr(lPoint.Y) + '))';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (ObjectLen(Overlap(RegionTable.obj, Aobj), "M") > 0.01)';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and int(objectinfo(IntersectNodes(Buffer(RegionTable.obj, 100, -0.6, "M"), Aobj, 7), 20)) > 1';    //    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and int(objectinfo(IntersectNodes(ExtractNodes(RegionTable.obj, 1, 1, 1, 1), Aobj, 7), 20)) > 1';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into tbp_temp_table';    mapinfoSql := StringReplace(mapinfoSql, 'RegionTable', polyTable, [rfReplaceAll]);    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    for k := 1 to self.QuerySelctionCount() do    begin      MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(k) + ' from tbp_temp_table');      self.DeleteTable(tempTable);      RowID := MapInfo.Eval('tbp_temp_table.rowid');      MapInfo. do ('Bobj = ConvertToPLine(tbp_temp_table.obj)');      MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + tempTable + ' (obj) values(Bobj)');      MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + tempTable + ' (obj) values(Aobj)');      //可能会变形(产生拓扑问题)      self.AutoSnap(tempTable, 1E-2, 'm', '');      self.ObjectCvtPolygonEx(tempTable, tempTable);      //Mapinfo. do ('select * from ' + tempTable + ' Objects Enclose Into Table' + tempTable);      MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + tempTable + ' where str$(obj)="Polyline"');      MapInfo. do ('delete from selection');      for j := 1 to self.QueryTableColumnCount(tempTable) do      begin        str1 := self.QueryTableColumnName(tempTable, j);        if (self.QueryTableColumnType(tempTable, str1) = COL_INFO_NAME) then          Tempstr := Tempstr + str1 + '="' + MapInfo.Eval('tbp_temp_table.' + str1) + '",'        else          Tempstr := Tempstr + str1 + '=' + MapInfo.Eval('tbp_temp_table.' + str1) + ',';      end;      colStr := LeftStr(Tempstr, Length(Tempstr) - 1);      MapInfo. do ('update ' + tempTable + ' set ' + colStr);      MapInfo. do ('Bobj = tbp_temp_table.obj');      self.CopyTableData(tempTable, polyTable, ' (obj Intersects Bobj) and Area(Overlap(obj, Bobj), "sq m") > 0.1');      MapInfo. do ('select * from tbp_temp_table where rowid = ' + RowID);      MapInfo. do ('delete from selection');    end;  end;  self.DropTable(tempTable);end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.3.27///@description: 线层分割面层///@para strLineTableName: 线图层///@para strPolygonTableName: 面图层procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.LineSplitPolygon(strLineTableName: string; strPolygonTableName: string);var  colNum: integer;  i: integer;  mapinfoSql: string;  whereClause: string;  colStr: string;  str1, Tempstr: string;  RowID: string;  redCnt: integer;  cutterId: integer;begin  if not TableExists(strLineTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + strLineTableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  if not TableExists(strPolygonTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + strPolygonTableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  for i := 1 to self.QueryTableColumnCount(strPolygonTableName) do  begin    str1 := self.QueryTableColumnName(strPolygonTableName, i);    Tempstr := Tempstr + str1 + '=' + str1 + ',';  end;  colStr := LeftStr(Tempstr, Length(Tempstr) - 1);  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select obj from RegionTable';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where RegionTable.obj Intersects Aobj ';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(RegionTable.obj)<>"Point" and str$(RegionTable.obj)<>"Text")';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (ObjectLen(Overlap(RegionTable.obj, Aobj), "M") > 0.01)';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and int(objectinfo(IntersectNodes(ExtractNodes(RegionTable.obj, 1, 1, 1, 1), Aobj, 7), 20)) > 1';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  mapinfoSql := StringReplace(mapinfoSql, 'RegionTable', strPolygonTableName, [rfReplaceAll]);  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + strLineTableName + ' where str$(obj)="Polyline" into Temp');  //循环线层  redCnt := self.QuerySelctionCount();  for i := 1 to redCnt do  begin    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from Temp');    MapInfo. do ('Aobj = Temp.Obj');    RowID := MapInfo.Eval('Temp.rowid');    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0) then    begin      MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');      MapInfo. do ('select obj from Temp where rowid=' + RowID + ' into selection');      MapInfo. do ('Create Cutter Into Target');      cutterId := self.QueryTableRecordCount(strPolygonTableName);      MapInfo. do ('Objects Split Into Target Data ' + colStr);      MapInfo. do ('delete from ' + strPolygonTableName + ' where rowid = ' + Inttostr(cutterId));    end;  end;  //分解对象  Disaggregate(strPolygonTableName, false);  goMapinfoProxy.CloseTable('Temp');end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.3.29///@description: 用源层中的对象擦除目标层中的对象,以参数传递的方式指出是内部还是外部擦除///@para strYTableName: 面图层(擦除图层)///@para strMBTableName: 目标层(被擦除图层)///@para bBosom: 默认檫除内部procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.EarsureObj(strYTableName: string; strMBTableName: string; bBosom: boolean = true);var  whereClause: string;  colNum: integer;  i: integer;  str1: string;  Tempstr: string;  colStr: string;begin  colNum := self.QueryTableColumnCount(strMBTableName);  for i := 1 to colNum do  begin    str1 := self.QueryTableColumnName(strMBTableName, i);    Tempstr := Tempstr + str1 + '=' + str1 + ',';  end;  colStr := LeftStr(Tempstr, Length(Tempstr) - 1);  whereClause := ' where str$(obj)<>"Line"  and str$(obj)<>"Polyline" ';  whereClause := whereClause + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';  //选中要檫除的图层所有图形,设为目标  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + strMBTableName);  MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');  //选择檫除图形  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + strYTableName + whereClause);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    //执行檫除,保存目标层    if bBosom then      MapInfo. do ('Objects Erase Into Target Data ' + colStr)    else      MapInfo. do ('Objects Intersect Into Target Data ' + colStr);  end;  //分解  self.CommitTable(strMBTableName);  self.Disaggregate(strMBTableName, false);end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.10.08///@description: 检查一个层上是否有面相重合的情况///@para strTableName: 被检查的层///@para errorViewTable: 错误显示层///@para toleranceArea: 可容忍的重复部分的面积///@para units: 容差面积的单位///@return: 返回真则为有重面情况,反之。function TKDMapinfoProxy.CheckRepeatPolygon(checkedTable, errorViewTable : string; toleranceArea: double; units: string) : boolean;var    mapinfoSql: string;begin    self.ClearTable(errorViewTable);    mapinfoSql := 'select * from ' + checkedTable + ' where str$(obj)="Region"';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    if self.QuerySelctionCount > 0 then    begin        try            mapinfoSql := 'Objects Check From Selection Into Table ' + errorViewTable + ' Overlap Gap ' + FloatToStr(toleranceArea) + ' Units "' + units + '" Pen (1,2,0)  Brush (2,16776960,0)';            MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);        except        end;    end;    if self.QueryTableRecordCount(errorViewTable) > 0 then        result := true    else        result := false;end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.3.29///@description: 检查一个层上是否有面相离、相重合的情况///@para strTableName: 面图层///@para bIntersect: 检查标志///@para bBosom:返回真 则为有重合面(不包括共边)function TKDMapinfoProxy.CheckPolygonState(strTableName: string; var rowId : string ): boolean;var  isOverLap: boolean;  whereClause: string;  mapinfoSql: string;  objType: string;  recordCnt: integer;  i: integer;  queryCnt : integer;  test : double;begin  if not TableExists(strTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + strTableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  whereClause := ' where obj Intersects Aobj and Area(Overlap(obj,Aobj), "sq m") > 0.1 ';  whereClause := whereClause + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';  recordCnt := QueryTableRecordCount(strTableName);  isOverLap := false;  for i := 1 to recordCnt do  begin      MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from ' + strTableName);      rowId := MapInfo.Eval(strTableName + '.rowid');      MapInfo. do ('Aobj = ' + strTableName + '.Obj');      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select Area(Overlap(obj,Aobj), "sq m") "TT" from ' + strTableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + whereClause;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and RowId <> ' + rowId;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Temp';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      test := MapInfo.Eval('temp.TT');      queryCnt := self.QuerySelctionCount();      if queryCnt > 1 then      begin        isOverLap := true;        Break;      end;  end;  goMapinfoProxy.CloseTable('Temp');  result := isOverLap;end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.3.29///@description: 将一个面层中小于指定面积的面与其相邻的大面进行合并///@para strTableName: 面图层///@para intArea: 给定的面积///注意:procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.UnitePiecePolygon(strTableName: string; intArea: double = 100);var  recordCnt: integer;  i: integer;  whereClause: string;  mapinfoSql: string;  RowID: string;  whereClause2: string;  rowIdStr: string;  BgStr3: string;  oneOver: integer;  colNum: integer;  str1: string;  Tempstr: string;  colStr: string;  handFlag: integer;begin  if not TableExists(strTableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + strTableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  goMapinfoProxy.CloseTable('YTabTemp');  goMapinfoProxy.CloseTable('YTabTemp3');  BgStr3 := 'C:/YTabTemp.TAB';  MapInfo. do ('Commit Table ' + strTableName + ' As "' + BgStr3 + '"');  MapInfo. do ('Open Table  "' + BgStr3 + '" AS YTabTemp');  MapInfo. do ('delete from YTabTemp'); //清除中间层  BgStr3 := 'C:/YTabTemp3.TAB';  MapInfo. do ('Commit Table ' + strTableName + ' As "' + BgStr3 + '"');  MapInfo. do ('Open Table  "' + BgStr3 + '" AS YTabTemp3');  MapInfo. do ('Alter Table YTabTemp3 (Add HandFlag Smallint)');  whereClause := ' where obj Intersects Aobj and proportionoverlap(Aobj,obj)<>1  and handFlag<>1 and';  whereClause := whereClause + ' Area(obj, "sq m") in any(select max(Area(obj, "sq m")) ';  whereClause := whereClause + ' from YTabTemp3  where obj Intersects Aobj and proportionoverlap(Aobj,obj)<>1  and handFlag<>1 )';  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from YTabTemp3';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Temp2';  //找到面积小于100 的面集合  MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp3 where HandFlag<>1 and Area(obj, "sq m")<' + FloatToStr(intArea) + ' into Temp');  recordCnt := MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo(Temp,8)');  if recordCnt = 0 then  begin    Exit;  end;  while (recordCnt <> 0) do  begin    for i := 1 to recordCnt do    begin      MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from Temp');      MapInfo. do ('Aobj = Temp.Obj');      RowID := MapInfo.Eval('Temp.rowid');      //找到与其相邻的最大的面      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      MapInfo. do ('insert into YTabTemp(Obj) values(Aobj)'); //插入到中间层      MapInfo. do ('update Temp set HandFlag=1 where rowid=' + RowID);      if self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp2') < 1 then        continue      else      begin        MapInfo. do ('insert into YTabTemp(obj) select obj from Temp2'); //插入到中间层        MapInfo. do ('update Temp2 set HandFlag=1'); //   set hand flag        //combin        MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp where object');        if self.QuerySelctionCount > 1 then          MapInfo. do ('Objects Combine');        MapInfo. do ('insert into YTabTemp3(obj) select obj from YTabTemp');        MapInfo. do ('delete from YTabTemp');      end;    end;    MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp3 where HandFlag<>1 and Area(obj, "sq m")<' + FloatToStr(intArea) + ' into Temp');    recordCnt := MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo(Temp,8)');  end;  //删除重叠的小面  MapInfo. do ('commit table YTabTemp3');  MapInfo. do ('Pack Table  YTabTemp3 Graphic Data');  MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp3 into Temp');  recordCnt := MapInfo.Eval('tableinfo(Temp,8)');  for i := 1 to recordCnt do  begin    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from Temp');    MapInfo. do ('Aobj = Temp.Obj');    MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp3 where obj intersects Aobj and proportionoverlap(obj,Aobj)=1  and Area(obj, "sq m")<>(Area(Aobj, "sq m"))  into Temp2');    if self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp') >= 1 then      MapInfo. do ('update Temp2 set HandFlag=2')  end;  MapInfo. do ('select * from YTabTemp3 where HandFlag=2 into Temp');  MapInfo. do ('Delete from Temp');  //更新结果层  MapInfo. do ('delete from ' + strTableName);  MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + strTableName + '(obj) select obj from YTabTemp3');  MapInfo. do ('commit table ' + strTableName);  Disaggregate(strTableName, false);  MapInfo. do ('Drop Table YTabTemp3');  MapInfo. do ('Drop Table YTabTemp');  goMapinfoProxy.CloseTable('Temp');  goMapinfoProxy.CloseTable('Temp2');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.18///@description: 合并图层中指定的对象///@para strTableName: 表名称///@para whereClause: where条件procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.UonionObject(tableName: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;  Tempstr, cols: string;  i: integer;begin  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' Where Str$(obj) <> "Text"';  if (Trim(whereClause) <> '') then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and ' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 1) then  begin    //选择全部的列    for i := 1 to self.QueryTableColumnCount(tableName) do    begin      Tempstr := self.QueryTableColumnName(tableName, i);      cols := cols + Tempstr + '=' + Tempstr + ',';    end;    cols := LeftStr(cols, Length(cols) - 1);    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Combine Data ' + cols;    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  end;end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.3.30///@description: 分解图形///@para strTableName: 图层名称procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.Disaggregate(strTableName: string; bAll: boolean);var  colNum: integer; //列数  str1: string; //列名  Tempstr, ba: string; //  colStr: string; //  i: integer; //增量begin  colNum := self.QueryTableColumnCount(strTableName);  for i := 1 to colNum do  begin    str1 := self.QueryTableColumnName(strTableName, i);    Tempstr := Tempstr + str1 + '=' + str1 + ',';  end;  if bAll then    ba := 'All'  else    ba := '';  colStr := LeftStr(Tempstr, Length(Tempstr) - 1);  // 分解  MapInfo. do ('Select * From ' + strTableName + ' Where Str$(obj) <> "Text" into selection');  if self.QuerySelctionCount > 0 then    MapInfo. do ('Objects Disaggregate ' + ba + ' Into Table ' + strTableName + ' Data ' + colStr);  self.CommitTable(strTableName);end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.4.3///@description: 新添加的点是按一定范围检索,在此范围内不能有其他点、线,并且不能有图斑边界///@para strTableName: 图层名称///@para X,Y: 缓冲区中心///@para radius: 缓冲区半径///@para flag: 图层类型 1点、2线、3面///返回为真则存在不符和条件的function TKDMapinfoProxy.CheckTableObjec(X, Y: double; strTableName: string; radius: double; flag: integer): boolean;var  mapinfoSql: string;  whereClause: string;begin  case flag of    //点、线、面    1: whereClause := ' where obj Entirely Within Bobj ';    2: whereClause := ' where ObjectLen(overlap(obj,Bobj),"M" )>0 ';    3: whereClause := ' where proportionoverlap(obj,Bobj)>0 ';  end;  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + strTableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Temp';  MapInfo. do ('Create Point Into  Variable  Aobj(' + FloatToStr(X) + ',  ' + FloatToStr(Y) + ')');  MapInfo. do ('Bobj= Buffer( Aobj, 100, ' + FloatToStr(radius) + ', "m")');  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QueryTableRecordCount('Temp') >= 1 then    result := true  else    result := false;  goMapinfoProxy.CloseTable('Temp');end;{///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.17///@description: 打断将线层中的对象全部打断,并删除原来的对象///@para tableName: 被打断的tab表名///@para splitTableName: 用于打断操作的tab表名///@remark: (1)不支持自相交的线对象;/// (2)不支持对mapinfo中临时表的操作;/// (3)不能对两条线共线进行打断procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SplitLineTable(tableName: string; splitTableName: string);var  sourceNodesList, dirtyNodesList, tempNodesList: TObjectList;  pt: TKDPoint;  recordCnt: integer;  i, j, k: integer;  rowID: string;  newRowId: integer;  mapinfoSql: string;  SplitObjsId: TStringList;  tagetMapinfoObj, resultMapinfoObj: string;  whereClause: string;begin  tagetMapinfoObj := 'aobj';  resultMapinfoObj := 'bobj';  if not TableExists(tableName) then  begin    raise Exception.Create('"' + tableName + '"没有打开,请先打开后再做相关操作!');    Exit;  end;  try    sourceNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    dirtyNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    tempNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    SplitObjsId := TStringList.Create();    //    recordCnt := QueryTableRecordCount(tableName);    newRowId := recordCnt + 1;    for i := 1 to recordCnt do    begin      MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + IntToStr(i) + ' from ' + tableName);      rowID := MapInfo.Eval(tableName + '.rowid');      //选择当前线对象      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + rowID;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      //设置为目标      MapInfo. do (tagetMapinfoObj + ' = Selection.Obj');      MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');      //查询节点      QueryNodesOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoObj, 1, sourceNodesList);      //选取相交的线对象      if Trim(tableName) = Trim(splitTableName) then      begin        //选择自相交        mapinfoSql := '';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid <> ' + rowID;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and rowid <= ' + IntToStr(recordCnt);        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      end      else      begin        //选择与其它层相交        mapinfoSql := '';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      end;      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      if QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then      begin        MapInfo. do ('Objects Overlay Into Target');        //加入交点后的源线对象        mapinfoSql := '';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + rowID;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';        MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);        MapInfo. do (tagetMapinfoObj + ' = Selection.Obj');        //查询节点        QueryNodesOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoObj, 1, tempNodesList);        if sourceNodesList.Count < tempNodesList.Count then        begin          //前后节点序不同时将dirtyNodes反向          pt := TKDPoint(tempNodesList.Items[tempNodesList.Count - 1]);          if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[0])) = true then          begin            dirtyNodesList.Clear();            j := tempNodesList.Count - 1;            while j >= 0 do            begin                pt := TKDPoint(tempNodesList.Items[j]);                dirtyNodesList.Add(pt);                dec(j);            end;          end;          //创建Pline对象          mapinfoSql := 'Create pline into variable ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' 0 ';          MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);          k := 0;          j := 0;          while (j < sourceNodesList.Count) and (k < dirtyNodesList.Count) do          begin            pt := TKDPoint(dirtyNodesList.Items[k]);            if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[j])) = true then            begin              //加入节点              mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) + ')';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              inc(k);              inc(j);            end            else            begin              //加入节点              mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) + ')';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              //防止只含有一个节点的伪线段              if (self.QueryNodeCount(resultMapinfoObj, 1)) > 1 then              begin                //复制加入交点后的源线对象                mapinfoSql := '';                mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;                mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';                MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);                //修改为打断后的线对象                mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + IntToStr(newRowId);                MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              end;              inc(newRowId);              //创建Pline对象              mapinfoSql := 'Create pline into variable ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' 0';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              //加入节点              mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) + ')';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              inc(k);            end; // end if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[k]))          end; // end while j < sourceNodesList.Count          //防止只含有一个节点的伪线段          if (self.QueryNodeCount(resultMapinfoObj, 1)) > 1 then          begin            //复制源线对象            mapinfoSql := '';            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';            MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);            //修改为断后的线对象            mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + IntToStr(newRowId);            MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);          end;          inc(newRowId);          //记录被打断的源线对象          SplitObjsId.Add(rowID);        end; // sourceNodesList.Count < dirtyNodesList.Coun      end; // end if QuerySelctionCount() > 0      //清除为目标      MapInfo. do ('Set Target Off');    end;    //删除被打断的源线对象    if SplitObjsId.Count > 0 then    begin      for i := 0 to SplitObjsId.Count - 1 do      begin        mapinfoSql := 'delete from ' + tableName + ' where rowid = ' + SplitObjsId.Strings[i];        MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      end;    end;    //提交结果    self.SaveTable(tableName);  finally    begin      sourceNodesList.Free();      dirtyNodesList.Free();      SplitObjsId.Free();    end;  end;end;}///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.4.10///@description: 打断将线层中的对象全部打断///@para lineTableName: 被打断的线表名///@para regionTableName: 区域对象表procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SplitLineByRegion(lineTableName: string; regionTableName: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;  cols: string;  Tempstr: string;  i: integer;begin  if (self.QueryTableRecordCount(lineTableName) < 1)    or (self.QueryTableRecordCount(regionTableName) < 1) then    Exit;  //选择全部的列  for i := 1 to self.QueryTableColumnCount(lineTableName) do  begin    Tempstr := self.QueryTableColumnName(lineTableName, i);    cols := cols + Tempstr + '=' + Tempstr + ',';  end;  cols := LeftStr(cols, Length(cols) - 1);  //设置为目标  mapinfoSql := 'select * from ' + lineTableName + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount > 0 then  begin    MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');    //分割目标    mapinfoSql := 'select * from ' + regionTableName + ' into selection';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Split Into Target Data ' + cols;    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    MapInfo. do ('Set Target Off');  end;  //分解分割后的对象  mapinfoSql := 'select * from ' + lineTableName + ' into selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    mapinfoSql := 'Objects Disaggregate Into Table ' + lineTableName + ' Data ' + cols;    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    self.SaveTable(lineTableName);  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.05.12///@description: 打断将线层中的对象全部打断,并删除原来的对象///@para tableName: 被打断的tab表名///@para splitTableName: 用于打断操作的tab表名///@remark: (1)不支持自相交的线对象;/// (2)不支持对mapinfo中临时表的操作;/// (3) 此函数用到了mapinfo中定义的变量'Aobj', 'Bobj',在调用函数时会修改原'Aobj', 'Bobj'中的值/// (6) ***在海量数据下未通过测试procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SplitLineTableEx(tableName: string; splitTableName: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;  tagetMapinfoObj, resultMapinfoObj: string;  recordCnt, intersectCnt, newRowId: integer;  intersectNodesList: TObjectList;  RowID: string;  i, j, k: integer;  startPtIndex, endPtIndex: integer;  spt, preSpt: TKDSegmentPoint;  SplitObjsId: TStringList;begin  SplitObjsId := TStringList.Create();  intersectNodesList := TObjectList.Create();  tagetMapinfoObj := 'aobj';  resultMapinfoObj := 'bobj';  recordCnt := QueryTableRecordCount(tableName);  newRowId := recordCnt + 1;  for i := 1 to recordCnt do  begin    MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from ' + tableName);    RowID := MapInfo.Eval(tableName + '.rowid');    MapInfo. do (tagetMapinfoObj + ' = ' + tableName + '.obj');    //选取相交的线对象    if Trim(tableName) = Trim(splitTableName) then    begin      //选择自相交      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid <> ' + RowID;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and rowid <= ' + Inttostr(recordCnt);      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';    end    else    begin      //选择与其它层相交      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';    end;    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    //获取交点    intersectNodesList.clear();    intersectCnt := self.QuerySelctionCount();    for j := 1 to intersectCnt do    begin      MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(j) + ' from Selection');      self.GetOrderIntersectNodes(tagetMapinfoObj, 'Selection.Obj', intersectNodesList);    end; // end for j := 1 to intersectCnt    startPtIndex := 1;    endPtIndex := -1;    for k := 0 to intersectNodesList.Count - 1 do    begin      spt := TKDSegmentPoint(intersectNodesList.Items[k]);      //当前交点跟上一个交点不在同一弧段上      if (endPtIndex <> spt.SegmentInedex + 1) then      begin        endPtIndex := spt.SegmentInedex + 1;        mapinfoSql := resultMapinfoObj + ' = ExtractNodes(' + tagetMapinfoObj + ', 1,'          + Inttostr(startPtIndex) + ', ' + Inttostr(endPtIndex) + ', 0)';        MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);        mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Set Position 1, '          + Inttostr(endPtIndex - startPtIndex + 1) + ' (' + FloatToStr(spt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(spt.Y) + ')';        MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);        //在当前交点的前面已有交点存在,应修改结果线段的第一个点为上一个交点        if (k > 0) then        begin          //获取上一个交点          preSpt := TKDSegmentPoint(intersectNodesList.Items[k - 1]);          mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Set Position 1, 1'            + ' (' + FloatToStr(preSpt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(preSpt.Y) + ')';          MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);        end;        startPtIndex := endPtIndex - 1;      end        //当前交点跟上一个交点在同一弧段上,应获取两个交点创建线段      else      begin        preSpt := TKDSegmentPoint(intersectNodesList.Items[k - 1]);        mapinfoSql := 'Create pline into variable ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' 2'          + ' (' + FloatToStr(preSpt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(preSpt.Y) + ')'          + ' (' + FloatToStr(spt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(spt.Y) + ')';        MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      end; // end if (endPtIndex <> spt.SegmentInedex + 1) then      ///加入打断后的对象      //复制源线对象      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + RowID;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      //修改为断后的线对象      mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + Inttostr(newRowId);      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      inc(newRowId);    end; // end for k := 0 to intersectNodesList.Count - 1 do    if (intersectNodesList.Count > 0) then    begin      //获取最后一个交点和剩下的节点创建线段      spt := TKDSegmentPoint(intersectNodesList.Items[intersectNodesList.Count - 1]);      mapinfoSql := resultMapinfoObj + ' = ExtractNodes(' + tagetMapinfoObj + ', 1,'        + Inttostr(spt.SegmentInedex) + ', ' + Inttostr(self.QueryNodeCount(tagetMapinfoObj, 1)) + ', 0)';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' Node Set Position 1, 1'        + ' (' + FloatToStr(spt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(spt.Y) + ')';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      //复制源线对象      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + RowID;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      //修改为断后的线对象      mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + Inttostr(newRowId);      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      inc(newRowId);      //标识需要被打断的线      SplitObjsId.Add(RowID);    end;  end; // end for  //删除被打断的源线对象  if SplitObjsId.Count > 0 then  begin    for i := 0 to SplitObjsId.Count - 1 do    begin      mapinfoSql := 'delete from ' + tableName + ' where rowid = ' + SplitObjsId.Strings[i];      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    end;  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.09.26procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.RepeatPoints(tagetTable: string; repeatTable: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tagetTable;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if (self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0) then  begin    MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');    mapinfoSql := '';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + repeatTable;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    MapInfo. do ('Objects Overlay Into Target');    MapInfo. do ('Set Target Off');  end;end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.3.17///@description: 打断将线层中的对象全部打断,并删除原来的对象///@para tableName: 被打断的tab表名///@para splitTableName: 用于打断操作的tab表名///@remark: (1)不支持自相交的线对象;/// (2)不支持对mapinfo中临时表的操作;/// (3)不能对两条线共线进行打断/// (4)不能在两条线交叠的节点处进行打断/// (5) 此函数用到了mapinfo中定义的变量'Aobj', 'Bobj',在调用函数时会修改原'Aobj', 'Bobj'中的值/// (6) ***未经过海量数据的测试(对2741条线进行打断)procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.SplitLineTable(tableName: string; splitTableName: string);var  sourceNodesList, dirtyNodesList, tempNodesList: TObjectList;  pt: TKDPoint;  recordCnt: integer;  i, j, k: integer;  RowID: string;  newRowId: integer;  mapinfoSql: string;  SplitObjsId: TStringList;  tagetMapinfoObj, resultMapinfoObj: string;  whereClause: string;begin  tagetMapinfoObj := 'aobj';  resultMapinfoObj := 'bobj';  try    sourceNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    dirtyNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    tempNodesList := TObjectList.Create();    SplitObjsId := TStringList.Create();    recordCnt := QueryTableRecordCount(tableName);    newRowId := recordCnt + 1;    for i := 1 to recordCnt do    begin      MapInfo. do ('fetch rec ' + Inttostr(i) + ' from ' + tableName);      RowID := MapInfo.Eval(tableName + '.rowid');      //选择当前线对象      mapinfoSql := '';      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + RowID;      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      //设置为目标      MapInfo. do (tagetMapinfoObj + ' = Selection.Obj');      MapInfo. do ('Set Target On');      //查询节点      QueryNodesOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoObj, 1, sourceNodesList);      //选取相交的线对象      if Trim(tableName) = Trim(splitTableName) then      begin        //选择自相交        mapinfoSql := '';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid <> ' + RowID;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and rowid <= ' + Inttostr(recordCnt);        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      end      else      begin        //选择与其它层相交        mapinfoSql := '';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + splitTableName;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where Obj Intersects ' + tagetMapinfoObj;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and (str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text")';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';      end;      MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      if QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then      begin        MapInfo. do ('Objects Overlay Into Target');        //加入交点后的源线对象        mapinfoSql := '';        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + tableName;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where rowid = ' + RowID;        mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into Selection';        MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);        MapInfo. do (tagetMapinfoObj + ' = Selection.Obj');        //查询节点        QueryNodesOfGeomety(tagetMapinfoObj, 1, tempNodesList);        if sourceNodesList.Count < tempNodesList.Count then        begin          if dirtyNodesList.Count > 0 then            dirtyNodesList.clear();          pt := TKDPoint(tempNodesList.Items[tempNodesList.Count - 1]);          if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[0])) = true then          begin            j := tempNodesList.Count - 1;            while j >= 0 do            begin              pt := TKDPoint.Create(TKDPoint(tempNodesList.Items[j]));              dirtyNodesList.Add(pt);              dec(j);            end;          end          else          begin            j := 0;            while j < tempNodesList.Count do            begin              pt := TKDPoint.Create(TKDPoint(tempNodesList.Items[j]));              dirtyNodesList.Add(pt);              inc(j);            end;          end;          //创建Pline对象          mapinfoSql := 'Create pline into variable ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' 0 ';          MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);          k := 0;          j := 0;          while (j < sourceNodesList.Count) and (k < dirtyNodesList.Count) do          begin            pt := TKDPoint(dirtyNodesList.Items[k]);            if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[j])) = true then            begin              //加入节点              mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) + ')';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              inc(k);              inc(j);            end            else            begin              //加入节点              mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) + ')';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              //防止只含有一个节点的伪线段              if (self.QueryNodeCount(resultMapinfoObj, 1)) > 1 then              begin                //复制加入交点后的源线对象                mapinfoSql := '';                mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;                mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';                MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);                //修改为打断后的线对象                mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + Inttostr(newRowId);                MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              end;              inc(newRowId);              //创建Pline对象              mapinfoSql := 'Create pline into variable ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' 0';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              //加入节点              mapinfoSql := 'Alter Object  ' + resultMapinfoObj + '  Node  Add (' + FloatToStr(pt.X) + ',' + FloatToStr(pt.Y) + ')';              MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);              inc(k);            end; // end if pt.IsEqual(TKDPoint(sourceNodesList.Items[k]))          end; // end while j < sourceNodesList.Count          //防止只含有一个节点的伪线段          if (self.QueryNodeCount(resultMapinfoObj, 1)) > 1 then          begin            //复制源线对象            mapinfoSql := '';            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + tableName;            mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from Selection';            MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);            //修改为断后的线对象            mapinfoSql := 'update ' + tableName + ' set obj = ' + resultMapinfoObj + ' where rowid = ' + Inttostr(newRowId);            MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);          end;          inc(newRowId);          //记录被打断的源线对象          SplitObjsId.Add(RowID);        end; // sourceNodesList.Count < dirtyNodesList.Coun      end; // end if QuerySelctionCount() > 0      //清除为目标      MapInfo. do ('Set Target Off');    end;    //删除被打断的源线对象    if SplitObjsId.Count > 0 then    begin      for i := 0 to SplitObjsId.Count - 1 do      begin        mapinfoSql := 'delete from ' + tableName + ' where rowid = ' + SplitObjsId.Strings[i];        MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);      end;    end;    //提交结果    //self.SaveTable(tableName);  finally    begin      sourceNodesList.Free();      tempNodesList.Free();      dirtyNodesList.Free();      SplitObjsId.Free();    end;  end;end;/// 功能:设置线段方向显示/// 作者:姚箫/// 日期:2006.4.9/// 参数说明:LayerName->层名///bShow->显示线段方向procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.ShowArrows(LayerName: string; bShow: boolean = true);begin  if bShow then    MapInfo. do ('Set Map Layer ' + LayerName + ' Arrows On')  else    MapInfo. do ('Set Map Layer ' + LayerName + ' Arrows Off');end;///@author: ma///@date: 2006.4.10///@description: 将图层中出文本、点外的图形转换为 折线///@para strTableName: source 图层名///@para strTableName2: save as 图层名procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CvtToPLineTable(strTableName: string; strTableName2: string; CurWinID: integer);var  mapinfoSql: string;  whereClause: string;  baseTab: string;begin  whereClause := ' where str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text"';  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + strTableName;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + whereClause + ' into Temp'; // into Temp';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  MapInfo. do ('Add Map Window ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' Layer ' + strTableName2);  MapInfo. do ('insert into ' + strTableName2 + '(obj) select obj from Temp');  MapInfo. do ('select * from ' + strTableName2 + ' into Temp');  if MapInfo.Eval('SelectionInfo(3)') <= 0 then    Exit;  baseTab := MapInfo.Eval('SelectionInfo(1)');  MapInfo. do ('Add Map Window ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' Layer Temp');  MapInfo. do ('Set Map Window  ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' Layer Temp Editable On');  MapInfo.runmenucommand(1604);  MapInfo.runmenucommand(1604);  MapInfo. do ('Remove Map Window ' + Inttostr(CurWinID) + ' Layer ' + strTableName2 + ' Interactive');  self.CommitTable(strTableName2);  self.CloseTable('Temp');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.4.25///@description: 将源表中除文本、点外的图形转换为折线放入目标表///@para srcTable: 源表名///@para destTable: 目标表名///@fieldList: 要保留的属性字段列表(此参数要求两源表和目标表都包含此参数中的属性)procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CvtToPLineTableEx(srcTable: string; destTable: string; whereClause: string; fieldList: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  if (self.QueryTableRecordCount(srcTable) < 1) then    Exit;  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + srcTable;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text"';  if Trim(whereClause) <> '' then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and ' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into kd_temp_cvtLine_table';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    mapinfoSql := '';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + destTable;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' (obj';    if Trim(fieldList) <> '' then      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ', ' + fieldList;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' )';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select ConvertToPline(obj)';    if Trim(fieldList) <> '' then      mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ', ' + fieldList;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' from kd_temp_cvtLine_table';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    self.CommitTable(destTable);  end;  self.CloseTable('kd_temp_cvtLine_table');end;///@author: yzhou///@date: 2006.4.24///@description: 将源表中除文本、点外的图形转换为折线放入目标表///@para srcTable: 源表名///@para destTable: 目标表名///@remark: 不对处理属性数据procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.CvtToPLineTable(srcTable: string; destTable: string; whereClause: string);var  mapinfoSql: string;begin  if (self.QueryTableRecordCount(srcTable) < 1) then    Exit;  mapinfoSql := '';  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select * from ' + srcTable;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' where str$(obj)<>"Point" and str$(obj)<>"Text"';  if Trim(whereClause) <> '' then    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' and ' + whereClause;  mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' into kd_temp_cvtLine_table';  MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);  if self.QuerySelctionCount() > 0 then  begin    mapinfoSql := '';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' insert into ' + destTable;    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' (obj)';    mapinfoSql := mapinfoSql + ' select ConvertToPline(obj) from kd_temp_cvtLine_table';    MapInfo. do (mapinfoSql);    self.CommitTable(destTable);  end;  self.CloseTable('kd_temp_cvtLine_table');end;procedure TKDMapinfoProxy.DoMapinfoSql(sql: string);begin  MapInfo. do (sql);end;end.