来源:互联网 发布:mac美国官网价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:47


SQLiteDatabase db = null;... db.beginTransaction();try {   db.setTransactionSuccessful();   ...} finally {   db.endTransaction();}

那么db.beginTransaction是一个什么操作? 我们来看下SQLiteDatabase的源码:

/**     * Begins a transaction in EXCLUSIVE mode.     * <p>     * Transactions can be nested.     * When the outer transaction is ended all of     * the work done in that transaction and all of the nested transactions will be committed or     * rolled back. The changes will be rolled back if any transaction is ended without being     * marked as clean (by calling setTransactionSuccessful). Otherwise they will be committed.     */    public void beginTransaction() {        beginTransaction(null /* transactionStatusCallback */, true);    }/**     * Begins a transaction in IMMEDIATE mode.      *Transactions can be nested. When     * the outer transaction is ended all of the work done in that transaction     * and all of the nested transactions will be committed or rolled back. The     * changes will be rolled back if any transaction is ended without being     * marked as clean (by calling setTransactionSuccessful). Otherwise they     * will be committed.     */    public void beginTransactionNonExclusive() {        beginTransaction(null /* transactionStatusCallback */, false);    }
从注释中可以看到beginTransaction的调用使用EXCLUSIVE mode, beginTransactionNonExclusive使用IMMEDIATE mode,以上两个方法都是调用SQLiteDatabase的私有方法beginTransaction,两个方法不同之处在于第二个实参true|false, 这个私有方法源码:

private void beginTransaction(SQLiteTransactionListener transactionListener,            boolean exclusive) {        verifyDbIsOpen();        lockForced(BEGIN_SQL);        boolean ok = false;        try {           ...            // This thread didn't already have the lock, so begin a database            // transaction now.            if (exclusive && mConnectionPool == null) {                execSQL("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;");            } else {                execSQL("BEGIN IMMEDIATE;");            }           ...        } finally {            if (!ok) {                // beginTransaction is called before the try block so we must release the lock in                // the case of failure.                unlockForced();            }        }    }
当形参exclusive为true并且mConnectionPool==null是执行:execSQL("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;");  false执行execSQL("BEGIN IMMEDIATE;");

BEGIN EXCLUSIVE:当前事务在没有结束之前任何android中的其他线程或进程都无法对数据库进行读写操作。
BEGIN IMMEDIATE:确保android中其他线程或者进程之间读取数据不能修改数据库。

为什么需要判断mConnectionPool==null这个条件,如果当mConnectionPool!=null 表示调用了enableWriteAheadLogging,也就是使用了WAL MODE。 使用WAL模式是能够提高并发性,读与写互不阻塞,而执行BEGIN EXCLUSIVE却降低了并发,互相矛盾,所以当以上两个条件都成立的情况下执行BEGIN EXCLUSIVE。

