PG :template1 is being accessed by other users

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么投诉刷订单 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 10:39
开发在给一台开发机上新建一个Postgres数据库的时候报错。 建库语句:
CREATE DATABASE temp_kenyon  WITH OWNER = postgres       ENCODING = 'UTF8'       TABLESPACE = pg_default       LC_COLLATE = 'C'       LC_CTYPE = 'C'       CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;
ERROR:  source database "template1" is being accessed by other usersDETAIL:  There are 1 other session(s) using the database.********** 错误 **********ERROR: source database "template1" is being accessed by other usersSQL 状态: 55006详细:There are 1 other session(s) using the database.
分析: 错误提示比较明显,有一个其他的session正连在template1上,而这个是模板库,PG不允许在新建库时有其他连接连在上面 

[postgres@kenyon  ~]$ createdb -T template0 tets_kenyon -p 5432Password: [postgres@kenyon  ~]$ psql -p 5432Password: psql (9.1.2)Type "help" for help.postgres=# \l                              List of databases    Name     |  Owner   | Encoding | Collate | Ctype |   Access privileges   -------------+----------+----------+---------+-------+----------------------- postgres    | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C     |  template0   | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C     | =c/postgres          +             |          |          |         |       | postgres=CTc/postgres template1   | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C     | =c/postgres          +             |          |          |         |       | postgres=CTc/postgres testof      | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C     |  tets_kenyon | postgres | UTF8     | C       | C     | (6 rows)postgres=# drop database test_kenyon;ERROR:  database "test_kenyon" does not existpostgres=# drop database tets_kenyon;DROP DATABASE
postgres=# select procpid from pg_stat_activity where DATNAME = 'template1'; procpid ---------   8879postgres=# \q[postgres@kenyon  ~]$ kill 8879CREATE DATABASE blacktea  WITH OWNER = postgres       ENCODING = 'UTF8'       TABLESPACE = pg_default       LC_COLLATE = 'C'       LC_CTYPE = 'C'       CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;
It works. 

附带模板库template0 与 template 1以及数据库视图pg_database的说明 
postgres=# \d pg_database;    Table "pg_catalog.pg_database"    Column     |   Type    | Modifiers ---------------+-----------+----------- datname       | name      | not null datdba        | oid       | not null encoding      | integer   | not null datcollate    | name      | not null datctype      | name      | not null datistemplate | boolean   | not null datallowconn  | boolean   | not null datconnlimit  | integer   | not null datlastsysoid | oid       | not null datfrozenxid  | xid       | not null dattablespace | oid       | not null datacl        | aclitem[] | Indexes:    "pg_database_datname_index" UNIQUE, btree (datname), tablespace "pg_global"    "pg_database_oid_index" UNIQUE, btree (oid), tablespace "pg_global"Tablespace: "pg_global"
datallowconn 表示可否允许连接,template0一般不允许连接,其他数据库可连接 
datconnlimit   表示连接限制,-1表示无限制