ASP.NET MVC 入门介绍 (下)

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  相关文章:ASP.NET MVC 入门介绍 (上)

  接上文,我们来完善验证功能。在System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations命名空间中,已经有了一些基本的属性类来实现验证功能,只要把这些属性加到Model的字段上就可以了。具体的属性类可以查MSDN, 下面给出一个例子:

public class Movie{ [Key,DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] public int ID { get; set; } [StringLength(10,MinimumLength=2,ErrorMessage="必须是2~10个字符长"),Required,Display(Name="名称")] public string Title { get; set; } [Display(Name="发布日期")] public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; } public string Genre { get; set; } [Range(1,100,ErrorMessage="必须是1~100")] public decimal Price { get; set; } public string Rating { get; set; }}




using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespace Biz.Web{ [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)] public class DateAttribute:ValidationAttribute { public DateAttribute() { //set default max and min time according to sqlserver datetime type MinDate = new DateTime(1753, 1, 1).ToString(); MaxDate = new DateTime(9999, 12, 31).ToString(); } public string MinDate { get; set; } public string MaxDate { get; set; } private DateTime minDate, maxDate; //indicate if the format of the input is really a datetime private bool isFormatError=true; public override bool IsValid(object value) { //ignore it if no value if (value == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString())) return true; //begin check string s = value.ToString(); minDate = DateTime.Parse(MinDate); maxDate = DateTime.Parse(MaxDate); bool result = true; try { DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(s); isFormatError = false; if (date > maxDate || date < minDate) result = false; } catch (Exception) { result = false; } return result; } public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name) { if (isFormatError) return "请输入合法的日期"; return base.FormatErrorMessage(name); } }}


[Display(Name="发布日期"),Date(MaxDate="2012-01-01",ErrorMessage="2012地球灭亡啦")]public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }


image  当然,这种方式有许多限制,主要是属性参数的限制,只能是基本类型,而且只能是常量。更复杂的验证规则的添加请看这里:

  Implement Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC.


public ViewResult Index(string movieGenre) { var genre = (from s in db.Movies orderby s.Genre select s.Genre).Distinct(); ViewBag.MovieGenre = new SelectList(genre); //给前台准备下拉列表的数据。 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(movieGenre)) { //筛选 var movies = from s in db.Movies where s.Genre == movieGenre select s; return View(movies); } return View(db.Movies.ToList());}


@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Movie", FormMethod.Get)){ <p>Genre: @Html.DropDownList("MovieGenre","全部") <input type="submit" value="筛选" /></p>}

