
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝访客数公式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 18:39


        在分析这个函数之前,需要给出两点说明:1. 该函数不保证能分配所请求数量的磁盘块;2. 该函数保证分配的磁盘块一定连续。明白这两点对于理解该函数非常重要。


ext2_fsblk_t ext2_new_blocks(struct inode *inode, ext2_fsblk_t goal,    unsigned long *count, int *errp){struct buffer_head *bitmap_bh = NULL;struct buffer_head *gdp_bh;int group_no;int goal_group;ext2_grpblk_t grp_target_blk;/* blockgroup relative goal block */ext2_grpblk_t grp_alloc_blk;/* blockgroup-relative allocated block*/ext2_fsblk_t ret_block;/* filesyetem-wide allocated block */int bgi;/* blockgroup iteration index */int performed_allocation = 0;ext2_grpblk_t free_blocks;/* number of free blocks in a group */struct super_block *sb;struct ext2_group_desc *gdp;struct ext2_super_block *es;struct ext2_sb_info *sbi;struct ext2_reserve_window_node *my_rsv = NULL;struct ext2_block_alloc_info *block_i;unsigned short windowsz = 0;unsigned long ngroups;unsigned long num = *count;int ret;*errp = -ENOSPC;sb = inode->i_sb;if (!sb) {printk("ext2_new_blocks: nonexistent device");return 0;}/* * Check quota for allocation of this block. */ret = dquot_alloc_block(inode, num);if (ret) {*errp = ret;return 0;}sbi = EXT2_SB(sb);es = EXT2_SB(sb)->s_es;ext2_debug("goal=%lu.\n", goal);/* * Allocate a block from reservation only when * filesystem is mounted with reservation(default,-o reservation), and * it's a regular file, and * the desired window size is greater than 0 (One could use ioctl * command EXT2_IOC_SETRSVSZ to set the window size to 0 to turn off * reservation on that particular file) */block_i = EXT2_I(inode)->i_block_alloc_info;if (block_i) {windowsz = block_i->rsv_window_node.rsv_goal_size;if (windowsz > 0)my_rsv = &block_i->rsv_window_node;}if (!ext2_has_free_blocks(sbi)) {*errp = -ENOSPC;goto out;}/* * First, test whether the goal block is free. *//* 其实是对调用者传入的goal作有效性检查** 如果无效,则将其设置为一个特定的值*/if (goal < le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block) ||    goal >= le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count))goal = le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block);group_no = (goal - le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block)) /EXT2_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb);goal_group = group_no;retry_alloc:gdp = ext2_get_group_desc(sb, group_no, &gdp_bh);if (!gdp)goto io_error;free_blocks = le16_to_cpu(gdp->bg_free_blocks_count);/* * if there is not enough free blocks to make a new resevation * turn off reservation for this allocation *//* 这个判断决定是否使用预分配机制:** 如果当前的块组中空闲块数量不足以分配一个新的预分配窗口** 并且该文件的预分配窗口尚未分配(如果之前已经有预分配窗口** 那么还得继续使用之前的预留分配窗口)** 那么就关闭预分配机制*/if (my_rsv && (free_blocks < windowsz)&& (free_blocks > 0)&& (rsv_is_empty(&my_rsv->rsv_window)))my_rsv = NULL;if (free_blocks > 0) {//@grp_target_blk is relative to @group_nogrp_target_blk = ((goal - le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block)) %EXT2_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb));bitmap_bh = read_block_bitmap(sb, group_no);if (!bitmap_bh)goto io_error;//key point//这个函数是分配的核心grp_alloc_blk = ext2_try_to_allocate_with_rsv(sb, group_no,bitmap_bh, grp_target_blk,my_rsv, &num);if (grp_alloc_blk >= 0)goto allocated;}ngroups = EXT2_SB(sb)->s_groups_count;smp_rmb();/* * Now search the rest of the groups.  We assume that * group_no and gdp correctly point to the last group visited. */for (bgi = 0; bgi < ngroups; bgi++) {group_no++;if (group_no >= ngroups)group_no = 0;gdp = ext2_get_group_desc(sb, group_no, &gdp_bh);if (!gdp)goto io_error;free_blocks = le16_to_cpu(gdp->bg_free_blocks_count);/* * skip this group (and avoid loading bitmap) if there * are no free blocks */if (!free_blocks)continue;/* * skip this group if the number of * free blocks is less than half of the reservation * window size. */if (my_rsv && (free_blocks <= (windowsz/2)))continue;brelse(bitmap_bh);bitmap_bh = read_block_bitmap(sb, group_no);if (!bitmap_bh)goto io_error;/* * try to allocate block(s) from this group, without a goal(-1). */grp_alloc_blk = ext2_try_to_allocate_with_rsv(sb, group_no,bitmap_bh, -1, my_rsv, &num);if (grp_alloc_blk >= 0)goto allocated;}/* * We may end up a bogus ealier ENOSPC error due to * filesystem is "full" of reservations, but * there maybe indeed free blocks avaliable on disk * In this case, we just forget about the reservations * just do block allocation as without reservations. */if (my_rsv) {my_rsv = NULL;windowsz = 0;group_no = goal_group;goto retry_alloc;}/* No space left on the device */*errp = -ENOSPC;goto out;allocated:ext2_debug("using block group %d(%d)\n",group_no, gdp->bg_free_blocks_count);ret_block = grp_alloc_blk + ext2_group_first_block_no(sb, group_no);if (in_range(le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_block_bitmap), ret_block, num) ||    in_range(le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_inode_bitmap), ret_block, num) ||    in_range(ret_block, le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_inode_table),      EXT2_SB(sb)->s_itb_per_group) ||    in_range(ret_block + num - 1, le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_inode_table),      EXT2_SB(sb)->s_itb_per_group)) {ext2_error(sb, "ext2_new_blocks",    "Allocating block in system zone - "    "blocks from "E2FSBLK", length %lu",    ret_block, num);/* * ext2_try_to_allocate marked the blocks we allocated as in * use.  So we may want to selectively mark some of the blocks * as free */goto retry_alloc;}performed_allocation = 1;if (ret_block + num - 1 >= le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count)) {ext2_error(sb, "ext2_new_blocks",    "block("E2FSBLK") >= blocks count(%d) - "    "block_group = %d, es == %p ", ret_block,le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count), group_no, es);goto out;}group_adjust_blocks(sb, group_no, gdp, gdp_bh, -num);percpu_counter_sub(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter, num);mark_buffer_dirty(bitmap_bh);if (sb->s_flags & MS_SYNCHRONOUS)sync_dirty_buffer(bitmap_bh);*errp = 0;brelse(bitmap_bh);dquot_free_block_nodirty(inode, *count-num);mark_inode_dirty(inode);*count = num;return ret_block;io_error:*errp = -EIO;out:/* * Undo the block allocation */if (!performed_allocation) {dquot_free_block_nodirty(inode, *count);mark_inode_dirty(inode);}brelse(bitmap_bh);return 0;}

  1. inode:代表该需要分配磁盘块的文件;
  2. goal:代表调用者建议最好从哪开始分配,以达到文件数据块的最佳连续性;
  3. count:调用者传入的欲分配的磁盘块数量,同时这个值也作为返回值告知调用者时机分配的磁盘块数量;
  4. errorp:该函数执行过程中可能产生的 错误。
retry_alloc:gdp = ext2_get_group_desc(sb, group_no, &gdp_bh);if (!gdp)goto io_error;free_blocks = le16_to_cpu(gdp->bg_free_blocks_count);/* * if there is not enough free blocks to make a new resevation * turn off reservation for this allocation *//* 这个判断决定是否使用预分配机制:** 如果当前的块组中空闲块数量不足以分配一个新的预分配窗口** 并且该文件的预分配窗口尚未分配(如果之前已经有预分配窗口** 那么还得继续使用之前的预留分配窗口)** 那么就关闭预分配机制*/if (my_rsv && (free_blocks < windowsz)&& (free_blocks > 0)&& (rsv_is_empty(&my_rsv->rsv_window)))my_rsv = NULL;if (free_blocks > 0) {//@grp_target_blk is relative to @group_nogrp_target_blk = ((goal - le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block)) %EXT2_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb));bitmap_bh = read_block_bitmap(sb, group_no);if (!bitmap_bh)goto io_error;//key point//这个函数是分配的核心grp_alloc_blk = ext2_try_to_allocate_with_rsv(sb, group_no,bitmap_bh, grp_target_blk,my_rsv, &num);if (grp_alloc_blk >= 0)goto allocated;}
 上面的这段代码,就是优先从goal所在的块组中分配磁盘块,首先计算该块组的空闲磁盘块数量,接下来有一个很重要的判断:如果该文件的预分配窗口为空(即还未使用预留窗口)并且当前空闲磁盘块数量少于预留窗口的大小,那么我们对该文件在这个块组中分配就不使用预留窗口(my_rsv = NULL),因为用了也白用,该块组没预留窗口需要的那么多的空闲磁盘块。接下来就是从该块组中去分配磁盘块,当然,这里的分配可能是从文件的预留窗口中分配或者从块组中直接分配,这个由函数ext2_try_to_allocate_with_rsv()来决定。
        如果上面分配成功了(无论分配了多少,是从预留窗口中分配还是块组中直接分配),那么无话可说,我们直接返回即可(goto allocated),但我这里有个疑问:只要块组的free_blocks > 0,这次分配岂不是一定会成功么?其实不然,假如该文件需要在块组中分配预留窗口的话,这个过程可能会失败,此时怎么办,直接返回在该块组分配失败么还是作其他处理?这个问题有待确认。
 /* Now search the rest of the groups.  We assume that * group_no and gdp correctly point to the last group visited. */for (bgi = 0; bgi < ngroups; bgi++) {group_no++;if (group_no >= ngroups)group_no = 0;gdp = ext2_get_group_desc(sb, group_no, &gdp_bh);if (!gdp)goto io_error;free_blocks = le16_to_cpu(gdp->bg_free_blocks_count);/* * skip this group (and avoid loading bitmap) if there * are no free blocks */if (!free_blocks)continue;/* * skip this group if the number of * free blocks is less than half of the reservation * window size. */if (my_rsv && (free_blocks <= (windowsz/2)))continue;brelse(bitmap_bh);bitmap_bh = read_block_bitmap(sb, group_no);if (!bitmap_bh)goto io_error;/* * try to allocate block(s) from this group, without a goal(-1). */grp_alloc_blk = ext2_try_to_allocate_with_rsv(sb, group_no,bitmap_bh, -1, my_rsv, &num);if (grp_alloc_blk >= 0)goto allocated;}/*
if (my_rsv) {/* 降低标准无下限*/my_rsv = NULL;windowsz = 0;group_no = goal_group;goto retry_alloc;}
/* No space left on the device */*errp = -ENOSPC;goto out;
allocated:ext2_debug("using block group %d(%d)\n",group_no, gdp->bg_free_blocks_count);/* 磁盘块的起始块号计算: 分配成功的起始块号是相对块组而言的** 我们需要将其转化为相对文件系统起始块而言*/ret_block = grp_alloc_blk + ext2_group_first_block_no(sb, group_no);if (in_range(le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_block_bitmap), ret_block, num) ||    in_range(le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_inode_bitmap), ret_block, num) ||    in_range(ret_block, le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_inode_table),      EXT2_SB(sb)->s_itb_per_group) ||    in_range(ret_block + num - 1, le32_to_cpu(gdp->bg_inode_table),      EXT2_SB(sb)->s_itb_per_group)) {ext2_error(sb, "ext2_new_blocks",    "Allocating block in system zone - "    "blocks from "E2FSBLK", length %lu",    ret_block, num);/* * ext2_try_to_allocate marked the blocks we allocated as in * use.  So we may want to selectively mark some of the blocks * as free */goto retry_alloc;}performed_allocation = 1;if (ret_block + num - 1 >= le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count)) {ext2_error(sb, "ext2_new_blocks",    "block("E2FSBLK") >= blocks count(%d) - "    "block_group = %d, es == %p ", ret_block,le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count), group_no, es);goto out;}group_adjust_blocks(sb, group_no, gdp, gdp_bh, -num);percpu_counter_sub(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter, num);mark_buffer_dirty(bitmap_bh);if (sb->s_flags & MS_SYNCHRONOUS)sync_dirty_buffer(bitmap_bh);*errp = 0;brelse(bitmap_bh);dquot_free_block_nodirty(inode, *count-num);mark_inode_dirty(inode);/* 本次分配了num个空闲磁盘块*/*count = num;return ret_block;