
来源:互联网 发布:韦德2006年总决赛数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 06:22


简单来说就是一个Release可以包括几个Sprint,一个Sprint包含几个Story. 当然一个Story可以跨越多个Sprint或者Release。不过版本呢?在实践中我们需要用git tag对代码进行版本标记,确保master branch中的所有tag都表示为一个版本。比如从0.1.0, 0.2.0 到1.0.1这样不断迭代。格式:major:minor:patch

我使用的情况是每个Sprint如果被Product owner接受,就可以按照计划结束,此时git tag就对项目仓库打上对应的版本标记。因此Sprint应该对应版本,通常是较小的版本变更,比如minor和patch。Release对应较大的版本,比如major和minor。一般如此,特殊情况也是有的。比如一个Release就包含一个Sprint,而这个Sprint就是修复bug,因此版本号只修改patch部分。

不过在Redmine Backlogs中有点小问题。他们将用Redmine的version来实现Sprint,其实这造成了混乱。这是社区的一个意见贴:

 I don't like that (main reason not using the plugin) (I know it is on the Roadmap to fix it.) Versions are used for Sprints. You guys introduced Releases, but I use Versions as Releases (in your terminologies) and I would prefered you guys introduced Sprints as a new concept and left Versions as it is today. Now my problem is that I have to change:    • all my tickets that are under Version XYZ to Release XYZ    • remove all the Versions that currently have defined so Versions can be used as sprints. 

他只想Version和Release对应,和我的需求还不一样。我是想Version和Sprint以及Release都能对应。因为我的概念里,每次成功的Sprint review就是一个产品发布会。


Sprints as objects separate from versionsWe’re currently re-using versions as sprints, but versions are valuable in their own right. We must at some point create a separate object type for sprint and implement the UI to manage them.

