Android Best Practices 主要内容

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Running in a Background Service

最有用: IntentService

流程:创建IntentService, 发送请求, 接收结果

Creating a Background Service          原文链接

1. 继承 IntentService

2.override onHandleIntent(Intent workIntent), 不用override其他callbacks 。执行任务的代码就在onHandleIntent()中。



Sending Work Requests to the Background Service       原文链接

1、创建explicit intent    2、startService()

Reporting Work Status

原文链接   涉及LocalBroadcastManager类

1)IntentService发送结果:1、创建Intent(可自行指定action, data uri)   2、用LocalBroadcastManager发送该intent( sendBroadcast() )

public class RSSPullService extends IntentService {...    /*     * Creates a new Intent containing a Uri object     * BROADCAST_ACTION is a custom Intent action     */    Intent localIntent =            new Intent(Constants.BROADCAST_ACTION)            // Puts the status into the Intent            .putExtra(Constants.EXTENDED_DATA_STATUS, status);    // Broadcasts the Intent to receivers in this app.    LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(localIntent);...}
2)接收结果:1、继承BroadcastReceiver  2、override onReceive()  3、新建 IntentFilter(可多个,不继承)   4、注册(下面)

// Broadcast receiver for receiving status updates from the IntentServiceprivate class ResponseReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{    // Prevents instantiation    private DownloadStateReceiver() { }    // Called when the BroadcastReceiver gets an Intent it's registered to receive    @Override    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {...        //Handle Intents here....    }}
4、注册receiver和intent filter:

        // Instantiates a new DownloadStateReceiver        DownloadStateReceiver mDownloadStateReceiver =                new DownloadStateReceiver();        // Registers the DownloadStateReceiver and its intent filters        LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(                mDownloadStateReceiver,                mStatusIntentFilter);        ...
注:receiver和intent filter有多种组合,多次调用 registerReceiver() 即可(每次不同组合)。
接收到intent后,不要start activity。