
来源:互联网 发布:网络黄金闫波 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 15:22

当我们在制作报表的时候,往往需要根据实际情况来获取数据,当该数据没有出现 ,我们就不显示。同时我们又需要将查询到的某个表中的某列的值来作为 该表的列名,由于用到的数据库是sql server2000的 而非sql server2005 ,所以 2005中的pivot函数我们就无法使用。




            //异常情况            string strSqlYcqk = string.Concat(new object[] { "select distinct(c.ycxxcontent)  from t_brycxx a, t_ycxxcode b, t_ycxxcontent c, t_brxx d, t_yhxx e where a.ycxx_id = c.ycxx_id and b.yclxcode = c.yclxcode and a.blh = d.blh and a.jlhs_id = e.id and a.jlsj > '", time, "' and a.jlsj < '", time2, "' group by c.ycxxcontent ;" });


            //护士姓名            string strSqlHsxm = string.Concat(new object[] { "select distinct(e.yhxm)  from t_brycxx a, t_ycxxcode b, t_ycxxcontent c, t_brxx d, t_yhxx e where a.ycxx_id = c.ycxx_id and b.yclxcode = c.yclxcode and a.blh = d.blh and a.jlhs_id = e.id and a.jlsj > '", time, "' and a.jlsj < '", time2, "' group by e.yhxm ;" });


            string strSql = string.Concat(new object[] { "select distinct(c.ycxxcontent) as 异常情况 ,e.yhxm as 护士姓名 ,count(*) as 护士人次   from t_brycxx a, t_ycxxcode b, t_ycxxcontent c, t_brxx d, t_yhxx e where a.ycxx_id = c.ycxx_id and b.yclxcode = c.yclxcode and a.blh = d.blh and a.jlhs_id = e.id and a.jlsj > '", time, "' and a.jlsj < '", time2, "' group by e.yhxm ,c.ycxxcontent ;" });


            DateTime time = this.dtpBegin.Value;            DateTime time2 = this.dtpEnd.Value.Date.AddDays(1.0);            string strSql = string.Concat(new object[] { "select distinct(c.ycxxcontent) as 异常情况 ,e.yhxm as 护士姓名 ,count(*) as 护士人次   from t_brycxx a, t_ycxxcode b, t_ycxxcontent c, t_brxx d, t_yhxx e where a.ycxx_id = c.ycxx_id and b.yclxcode = c.yclxcode and a.blh = d.blh and a.jlhs_id = e.id and a.jlsj > '", time, "' and a.jlsj < '", time2, "' group by e.yhxm ,c.ycxxcontent ;" });            //异常情况            string strSqlYcqk = string.Concat(new object[] { "select distinct(c.ycxxcontent)  from t_brycxx a, t_ycxxcode b, t_ycxxcontent c, t_brxx d, t_yhxx e where a.ycxx_id = c.ycxx_id and b.yclxcode = c.yclxcode and a.blh = d.blh and a.jlhs_id = e.id and a.jlsj > '", time, "' and a.jlsj < '", time2, "' group by c.ycxxcontent ;" });            //护士姓名            string strSqlHsxm = string.Concat(new object[] { "select distinct(e.yhxm)  from t_brycxx a, t_ycxxcode b, t_ycxxcontent c, t_brxx d, t_yhxx e where a.ycxx_id = c.ycxx_id and b.yclxcode = c.yclxcode and a.blh = d.blh and a.jlhs_id = e.id and a.jlsj > '", time, "' and a.jlsj < '", time2, "' group by e.yhxm ;" });

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            try            {                ds = this._wsController.Getdataset("eoiis", strSql + strSqlYcqk+strSqlHsxm);  //数据绑定                DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];      //获取第一个查询得到的数据的表,该表为异常情况,护士姓名,以及护士人次表                DataTable dtYcqk = ds.Tables[1];  //获取第二个查询得到的数据的表,该表为所出现的异常情况表                DataTable dtHsxm = ds.Tables[2];  //获取第三个查询得到的数据的表,该表为所出现的护士姓名的表                DataTable dt_res = new DataTable();  //绑定datagridview的表

   接下来操作的是将异常情况表中的第一列(总共只有一列)的值 作为datagridview 也就是表dt_res的列名:
                //列名                dt_res.Columns.Add("护士");//第一列为护士                foreach (DataRow dr in dtYcqk.Rows)                {                    string col_name = dr[0].ToString();                    dt_res.Columns.Add(col_name);                }

                //行                foreach (DataRow dr in dtHsxm.Rows)                {                    string row_name = dr[0].ToString();                    dt_res.Rows.Add(row_name);                }

   首先,循环列名所在的表,再获取行名所在的表,额 表述的不太恰当,总之先循环行,得到第一行异常情况名称,嵌套循环取到第一行护士名称,然后再通过嵌套循环取到对应的值:

                //统计次数                for (int i = 0; i < dtYcqk.Rows.Count; i++)//循环异常情况表                {                    for (int j = 0; j < dtHsxm.Rows.Count; j++)//循环护士名称表                    {                        string count="-";                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)//循环护士人次表,                        {                            if (dtYcqk.Rows[i][0].ToString() == dr[0].ToString() && dtHsxm.Rows[j][0].ToString() == dr[1].ToString())//在当取到某行某列的位置与护士人次表所对应的位置相同时,赋值                            {                                count = dr[2].ToString();                                break;                            }                        }                        dt_res.Rows[j][i + 1] = count;//将值放到对应的位置                    }                }                dgvYcxxHSsl.DataSource = dt_res;//绑定表到datagridview中


                dt_res.Columns.Add("合计");                dt_res.Rows.Add("合计");

                //合计                for (int i = 0; i < dt_res.Rows.Count; i++)                {                    int sum = 0;                    for (int j = 1; j < dt_res.Columns.Count-1; j++)                    {                        if (dt_res.Rows[i][j].ToString() != "-" && dt_res.Rows[i][j].ToString() != "")                        {                            sum +=int.Parse(dt_res.Rows[i][j].ToString());                        }                    }                    dt_res.Rows[i][dt_res.Columns.Count - 1] = sum;                }                for (int i = 1; i < dt_res.Columns.Count; i++)                {                    int sum = 0;                    for (int j = 0; j < dt_res.Rows.Count; j++)                    {                        if (dt_res.Rows[j][i].ToString() != "-" && dt_res.Rows[j][i].ToString() != "")                        {                            sum += int.Parse(dt_res.Rows[j][i].ToString());                        }                    }                    dt_res.Rows[dt_res.Rows.Count - 1][i] = sum;                }
