
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝家居用品类目 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 16:22





      1. 主线程,负责检查输入的参数并以参数初始化监听socket,然后启动监听线程,接下来就是一个每5秒检查一次连接状态的无限轮询。

      2. 监听线程,通过使用阻塞的accept函数等待连接的到来;一旦有连接到来,完成连接建立,新建并初始化接收和发送线程之前通信需要的对象,然后启动接收和发送这两个线程;再回到accept等待下一个连接。

      3. 接收消息线程,通过使用阻塞的recv函数等待客户端数据的到来;一旦有数据到来,把数据封装后送进消息队列,然后通过监听线程初始化过的通信对象通知处理线程(这里就是发送消息线程)。


//// Sample: Blocking IPv4/IPv6 Server//// Files://      bserver.cpp     - this file//      resolve.cpp     - routines for resovling addresses, etc.//      resolve.h       - header file for resolve.c//// Description://      This sample illustrates simple blocking IO for TCP and UDP for//      both IPv4 and IPv6. This sample uses the getaddrinfo/getnameinfo//      APIs which allows this application to be IP agnostic. That is the//      desired address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6) can be determined//      simply from the string address passed via the -l command.////      For TCP, a listening thread is spawned for each available address family.//      Each thread blocks on an accept call. Once accept completes, two threads//      are created for each client: a sending thread and a receiving thread.//      The sending thread sends the requested amount of data while the receive//      thread read data until the socket is closed.  Each client thread exits//      once its task is completed. The receiving thread will close the socket //      after it has received all the echoed data.////      For UDP, a main thread is spawned for each available address family.//      Then a receive thread is spawned from there. The main thread then sends//      the requested data and waits on the receive thread's handle.////      For example://          If this sample is called with the following command lines://              bserver.exe -l fe80::2efe:1234 -e 5150//              bserver.exe -l :://          Then the server creates an IPv6 socket as an IPv6 address was//          provided.////          On the other hand, with the following command line://              bserver.exe -l -e 5150//              bserver.exe -l          Then the server creates an IPv4 socket.//// Compile://      cl -o bserver.exe bserver.cpp resolve.cpp ws2_32.lib//// Usage://      bserver.exe [options]//          -a 4|6     Address family, 4 = IPv4, 6 = IPv6 [default = IPv4]//          -b size    Size of send/recv buffer in bytes//          -e port    Port number//          -l addr    Local address to bind to [default INADDR_ANY for IPv4 or INADDR6_AN//          -p proto   Which protocol to use [default = TCP]//             tcp         Use TCP protocol//             udp         Use UDP protocol//#include <winsock2.h>#include <ws2tcpip.h>#include <windows.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "resolve.h"#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")#define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE     4096    // default buffer size#define MAX_LISTEN_SOCKETS      8       // maximum listening socketsint gAddressFamily = AF_UNSPEC,         // default to unspecified    gSocketType    = SOCK_STREAM,       // default to TCP socket type    gProtocol      = IPPROTO_TCP,       // default to TCP protocol    gBufferSize    = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;char *gBindAddr    = NULL,              // local interface to bind to     *gBindPort    = "5150";            // local port to bind tostruct _BUFFER_OBJ;//// Allocated for each client connection//typedef struct _CONNECTION_OBJ{    SOCKET      s;              // Client socket    HANDLE      hRecvSema;      // Semaphore incremented for each receive    struct _BUFFER_OBJ *PendingSendHead,    // List of pending buffers to send                       *PendingSendTail;    // End of the list    CRITICAL_SECTION    SendRecvQueueCritSec; // Protect access to this structure} CONNECTION_OBJ;//// Allocated for each receiver posted//    Each receive thread allocates one of these for a receive operation.//    After data is read, this object is queued for the send thread to//    echo back to the client (sender).//typedef struct _BUFFER_OBJ{    char        *buf;           // Data buffer for data    int          buflen;        // Length of buffer or number of bytes contained in buffer    SOCKADDR_STORAGE addr;      // Address data was received from (UDP)    int              addrlen;   // Length of address    struct _BUFFER_OBJ *next;} BUFFER_OBJ;//// Statistics counters//volatile LONG gBytesRead=0,              gBytesSent=0,              gStartTime=0,              gBytesReadLast=0,              gBytesSentLast=0,              gStartTimeLast=0,              gConnectedClients=0;//// Function: usage//// Description://      Prints usage information and exits the process.//void usage(char *progname){    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-a 4|6] [-e port] [-l local-addr] [-p udp|tcp]\n",            progname);    fprintf(stderr, "  -a 4|6     Address family, 4 = IPv4, 6 = IPv6 [default = IPv4]\n"                    "  -b size    Buffer size for send/recv [default = %d]\n"                    "  -e port    Port number [default = %s]\n"                    "  -l addr    Local address to bind to [default INADDR_ANY for IPv4 or INADDR6_ANY for IPv6]\n"                    "  -p tcp|udp Which protocol to use [default = TCP]\n",                    gBufferSize,                    gBindPort                    );    ExitProcess(-1);}//// Function: GetConnectionObj//// Description://    This routine allocates a CONNECTION_OBJ structure and initializes its//    members. For sake of simplicity, this routine allocates a object from//    the process heap. For better performance, you should modify this to//    maintain a lookaside list of structures already allocated and freed//    and only allocate from the heap when necessary.//CONNECTION_OBJ *GetConnectionObj(SOCKET s){    CONNECTION_OBJ *newobj=NULL;    // Allocate the object    newobj = (CONNECTION_OBJ *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(CONNECTION_OBJ));    if (newobj == NULL)    {        printf("GetConnectionObj: HeapAlloc failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());        ExitProcess(-1);    }    newobj->s = s;    // Create the semaphore for signaling the send thread    newobj->hRecvSema = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 0x0FFFFFFF, NULL);    if (newobj->hRecvSema == NULL)    {        fprintf(stderr, "GetConnectionObj: CreateSemaphore failed: %d\n", GetLastError());        ExitProcess(-1);    }    InitializeCriticalSection(&newobj->SendRecvQueueCritSec);    return newobj;}//// Function: FreeConnectionObj//// Description://    This routine frees a CONNECTIN_OBJ. It first frees the critical section.//    See the comment for GetConnectionObj about using lookaside lists.//void FreeConnectionObj(CONNECTION_OBJ *obj){    DeleteCriticalSection(&obj->SendRecvQueueCritSec);    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, obj);}//// Function: GetBufferObj// // Description://    Allocate a BUFFER_OBJ. Each receive posted by a receive thread allocates//    one of these. After the recv is successful, the BUFFER_OBJ is queued for//    sending by the send thread. Again, lookaside lists may be used to increase//    performance.//BUFFER_OBJ *GetBufferObj(int buflen){    BUFFER_OBJ *newobj=NULL;    // Allocate the object    newobj = (BUFFER_OBJ *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(BUFFER_OBJ));    if (newobj == NULL)    {        fprintf(stderr, "GetBufferObj: HeapAlloc failed: %d\n", GetLastError());        ExitProcess(-1);    }    // Allocate the buffer    newobj->buf = (char *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(BYTE) *buflen);    if (newobj->buf == NULL)    {        fprintf(stderr, "GetBufferObj: HeapAlloc failed: %d\n", GetLastError());        ExitProcess(-1);    }    newobj->buflen = buflen;    newobj->addrlen = sizeof(newobj->addr);    return newobj;}//// Function: FreeBufferObj// // Description://    Free the buffer object.//void FreeBufferObj(BUFFER_OBJ *obj){    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, obj->buf);    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, obj);}//// Function: EnqueueBufferObj//// Description://   Queue up a receive buffer for this connection. After enqueueing the receiver//   will release the counting semaphore which will release the sender to //   dequeue a buffer and send it.//void EnqueueBufferObj(CONNECTION_OBJ *conn, BUFFER_OBJ *obj){    EnterCriticalSection(&conn->SendRecvQueueCritSec);    if (conn->PendingSendHead == NULL)    {        // Queue is empty        conn->PendingSendHead = conn->PendingSendTail = obj;    }    else    {        // Put new object at the end         conn->PendingSendTail->next = obj;        conn->PendingSendTail = obj;    }    LeaveCriticalSection(&conn->SendRecvQueueCritSec);}// // Function: DequeueBufferObj//// Description://    Remove a BUFFER_OBJ from the given connection's queue for sending.//BUFFER_OBJ *DequeueBufferObj(CONNECTION_OBJ *conn){    BUFFER_OBJ *ret=NULL;    EnterCriticalSection(&conn->SendRecvQueueCritSec);    if (conn->PendingSendTail != NULL)    {        // Queue is non empty        ret = conn->PendingSendHead;        conn->PendingSendHead = conn->PendingSendHead->next;        if (conn->PendingSendTail == ret)        {            // Item is the only item in the queue            conn->PendingSendTail = NULL;        }    }    LeaveCriticalSection(&conn->SendRecvQueueCritSec);    return ret;}//// Function: ValidateArgs//// Description://      Parses the command line arguments and sets up some global //      variables.//void ValidateArgs(int argc, char **argv){    int     i;    for(i=1; i < argc ;i++)    {        if (((argv[i][0] != '/') && (argv[i][0] != '-')) || (strlen(argv[i]) < 2))            usage(argv[0]);        else        {            switch (tolower(argv[i][1]))            {                case 'a':               // address family - IPv4 or IPv6                    if (i+1 >= argc)                        usage(argv[0]);                    if (argv[i+1][0] == '4')                        gAddressFamily = AF_INET;                    else if (argv[i+1][0] == '6')                        gAddressFamily = AF_INET6;                    else                        usage(argv[0]);                    i++;                    break;                case 'b':               // buffer size for send/recv                    if (i+1 >= argc)                        usage(argv[0]);                    gBufferSize = atol(argv[++i]);                    break;                case 'e':               // endpoint - port number                    if (i+1 >= argc)                        usage(argv[0]);                    gBindPort = argv[++i];                    break;                case 'l':               // local address for binding                    if (i+1 >= argc)                        usage(argv[0]);                    gBindAddr = argv[++i];                    break;                case 'p':               // protocol - TCP or UDP                    if (i+1 >= argc)                        usage(argv[0]);                    if (_strnicmp(argv[i+1], "tcp", 3) == 0)                    {                        gProtocol = IPPROTO_TCP;                        gSocketType = SOCK_STREAM;                    }                    else if (_strnicmp(argv[i+1], "udp", 3) == 0)                    {                        gProtocol = IPPROTO_UDP;                        gSocketType = SOCK_DGRAM;                    }                    else                        usage(argv[0]);                    i++;                    break;                default:                    usage(argv[0]);                    break;            }        }    }}//// Function: ReceiveThead//// Description://    One of these threads is started for each client connection.//    This thread sits in a loop, receiving data. For each receive, the//    buffer is queued for sending by the SenderThread for this connection.//DWORD WINAPI ReceiveThread(LPVOID lpParam){    CONNECTION_OBJ *ConnObj=NULL;    BUFFER_OBJ     *BuffObj=NULL;    int             rc;    // Retrieve the connection object for this connection    ConnObj = (CONNECTION_OBJ *)lpParam;    if (gProtocol == IPPROTO_UDP)    {        // For UDP all we do is receive packets on the port        while (1)        {            // Allocate the buffer for datagram send/recv            BuffObj = GetBufferObj(gBufferSize);            rc = recvfrom(                    ConnObj->s,                     BuffObj->buf,                     BuffObj->buflen,                     0,                     (SOCKADDR *)&BuffObj->addr,                    &BuffObj->addrlen);            BuffObj->buflen = rc;            if (rc > 0)            {                // Increment the statistics                InterlockedExchangeAdd(&gBytesRead, rc);                InterlockedExchangeAdd(&gBytesReadLast, rc);            }            // Queue the receive buffer for sending and signal the send thread            EnqueueBufferObj(ConnObj, BuffObj);            ReleaseSemaphore(ConnObj->hRecvSema, 1, NULL);            if (rc == 0)            {                break;            }        }    }    else if (gProtocol == IPPROTO_TCP)    {        // loop until the connection is closed or is aborted/terminated        while (1)        {            // Allocate the buffer for stream send/recv            BuffObj = GetBufferObj(gBufferSize);            rc = recv(                    ConnObj->s,                     BuffObj->buf,                     BuffObj->buflen,                     0);            BuffObj->buflen = rc;printf("ReceiveThread receive data: %s\n",BuffObj->buf);            // Queue the receive buffer for sending and signal the send thread            EnqueueBufferObj(ConnObj, BuffObj);            ReleaseSemaphore(ConnObj->hRecvSema, 1, NULL);            if (rc == 0 || rc == SOCKET_ERROR)            {                break;            }            else if (rc != SOCKET_ERROR)            {                // Increment the statistics                InterlockedExchangeAdd(&gBytesRead, rc);                InterlockedExchangeAdd(&gBytesReadLast, rc);            }        }    }    ExitThread(0);    return 0;}// // Function: SendThread//// Description://    This is the send thread started for each client connection.//    This thread waits for the semaphore to be signaled indicating that//    the receive thread has queued a buffer for sending.//DWORD WINAPI SendThread(LPVOID lpParam){    CONNECTION_OBJ *ConnObj=NULL;    BUFFER_OBJ     *BuffObj=NULL;    int             rc,                    nleft,                    idx;    // Retrieve the connection object    ConnObj = (CONNECTION_OBJ *)lpParam;    while (1)    {        // Wait for the receive thread to signal us        rc = WaitForSingleObject(ConnObj->hRecvSema, INFINITE);        if (rc == WAIT_FAILED || rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT)        {            fprintf(stderr, "WaitForSingleObject failed: %d\n", GetLastError());            ExitProcess(-1);        }        // Retrieve the first buffer from this connection's queue        BuffObj = DequeueBufferObj(ConnObj);        //        // If the this receive by the receive thread indicated zero bytes then        // the connection has been gracefully closed. Otherwise, if an error        // was indicated then the connection was aborted.        //        if ((gProtocol == IPPROTO_TCP ) && ((BuffObj->buflen == 0) || (BuffObj->buflen == SOCKET_ERROR)))        {            FreeBufferObj(BuffObj);            BuffObj = NULL;            break;        }        if (gProtocol == IPPROTO_UDP)        {            // For UDP we send the packet back to the source address            rc = sendto(                    ConnObj->s,                    BuffObj->buf,                    BuffObj->buflen,                    0,                    (SOCKADDR *)&BuffObj->addr,                    BuffObj->addrlen                    );            if (BuffObj->buflen == 0)            {                FreeBufferObj(BuffObj);                BuffObj = NULL;                break;            }        }        else if (gProtocol == IPPROTO_TCP)        {            // Otherwise send the buffer on the connection socket            nleft = BuffObj->buflen;            idx = 0;printf("SendThread Send data: %s\n",BuffObj->buf);            while (nleft > 0)            {                rc = send(                        ConnObj->s,                       &BuffObj->buf[idx],                        nleft,                        0                        );                if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR)                {                    break;                }                else                {                    nleft -= rc;                    idx += rc;                }            }        }        if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            printf("SendThread: send(to) failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());            break;        }        else if (rc > 0)        {            // Increment the statistics            InterlockedExchangeAdd(&gBytesSent, rc);            InterlockedExchangeAdd(&gBytesSentLast, rc);        }        FreeBufferObj(BuffObj);        BuffObj = NULL;    }    // Close the connection's socket    closesocket(ConnObj->s);    FreeConnectionObj(ConnObj);    ExitThread(0);    return 0;}//// Funtion: ServerListenThread//// Description://    This function is spawned for each listening or receive thread//    depending on whether the server is started for UDP or TCP. In//    reality there will only be two server threads, one for IPv4//    and one for IPv6.//DWORD WINAPI ServerListenThread(LPVOID lpParam){    CONNECTION_OBJ *ConnObj=NULL;    HANDLE          hThread = NULL;    SOCKET          s;    int             rc;    s = (SOCKET) lpParam;    if (gProtocol == IPPROTO_UDP)    {        // If we're UDP we don't have any "connections" to handle. we just have to        // receive UDP packets and send them back. Hence we only need 1 receiver        // thread and 1 sender thread for the whole thing.        //        ConnObj = GetConnectionObj(s);        hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ReceiveThread, (LPVOID)ConnObj, 0, NULL);        if (hThread == NULL)        {            fprintf(stderr, "ServerListenThread: CreateThread failed: %d\n", GetLastError());            ExitThread(-1);        }        SendThread((LPVOID)ConnObj);    }    else if (gProtocol == IPPROTO_TCP)    {        SOCKADDR_STORAGE saAccept;      // client address        SOCKET           ns;            // client socket        int              acceptlen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE);        rc = listen(s, 200);        if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            fprintf(stderr, "listen failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());            ExitThread(-1);        }        while (1)        {            // Wait for an incoming client connection            ns = accept(s, (SOCKADDR *)&saAccept, &acceptlen);            if (ns == INVALID_SOCKET)            {                fprintf(stderr, "accept failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());                return -1;            }            InterlockedIncrement(&gConnectedClients);            /*            printf("Accepted connection from: ");            PrintAddress((SOCKADDR *)&saAccept, acceptlen);             printf("\n");            */            // Allocate a connection object for this client            ConnObj = GetConnectionObj(ns);            // Create a receiver thread for this connection            hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ReceiveThread, (LPVOID)ConnObj, 0, NULL);            if (hThread == NULL)            {                fprintf(stderr, "CreateThread failed: %d\n", GetLastError());                ExitThread(-1);            }            CloseHandle(hThread);            // Create a sender thread for this connection            hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SendThread, (LPVOID)ConnObj, 0, NULL);            if (hThread == NULL)            {                fprintf(stderr, "CreateThread failed: %d\n", GetLastError());                ExitThread(-1);            }            CloseHandle(hThread);        }    }    closesocket(s);    ExitThread(0);    return 0;}//// Function: main//// Description://      This is the main program. It parses the command line and creates//      the main socket. For UDP this socket is used to receive datagrams.//      For TCP the socket is used to accept incoming client connections.//      Each client TCP connection is handed off to a worker thread which//      will receive any data on that connection until the connection is//      closed.//int __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv){    WSADATA          wsd;    SOCKET           s[MAX_LISTEN_SOCKETS];    HANDLE           threads[MAX_LISTEN_SOCKETS];    int              rc,                     listencount=0,                     i;    struct addrinfo *res=NULL,                    *ptr=NULL;    ValidateArgs(argc, argv);    if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsd) != 0)    {        fprintf(stderr, "unable to load Winsock!\n");        return -1;    }    printf("Local address: %s; Port: %s; Family: %d\n",            gBindAddr, gBindPort, gAddressFamily);    res = ResolveAddress(gBindAddr, gBindPort, gAddressFamily, gSocketType, gProtocol);    if (res == NULL)    {        fprintf(stderr, "ResolveAddress failed to return any addresses!\n");        return -1;    }    // For each local address returned, create a listening/receiving socket    ptr = res;    while (ptr)    {        if (listencount > MAX_LISTEN_SOCKETS)        {            fprintf(stderr, "Exceeded maximum listening sockets allowed\n");            return -1;        }        PrintAddress(ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen); printf("\n");        // create the socket        s[listencount] = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol);        if (s[listencount] == INVALID_SOCKET)        {            fprintf(stderr,"socket failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());            return -1;        }        // bind the socket to a local address and port        rc = bind(s[listencount], ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen);        if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            fprintf(stderr, "bind failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());            return -1;        }        // Create a listen thread for each local address to listen on        threads[listencount] = CreateThread(                NULL,                 0,                 ServerListenThread,                 (LPVOID)s[listencount],                0,                NULL                );        if (threads[listencount] == NULL)        {            fprintf(stderr, "CreateThread failed: %d\n", GetLastError());            return -1;        }        listencount++;        ptr = ptr->ai_next;    }    gStartTime = gStartTimeLast = GetTickCount();    // free the addrinfo structure for the 'bind' address    freeaddrinfo(res);    while (1)    {        // Wait for the listening threads to exit, also print out statistics        // when the wait times out        rc = WaitForMultipleObjects(listencount, threads, TRUE, 5000);        if (rc == WAIT_FAILED)        {            fprintf(stderr, "WaitForMultipleObjects failed: %d\n", GetLastError());            return -1;        }        else if (rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT)        {            ULONG       bps, tick, elapsed;            tick = GetTickCount();            elapsed = (tick - gStartTime) / 1000;            printf("\n");            bps = gBytesSent / elapsed;            printf("Average BPS sent: %lu [%lu]\n", bps, gBytesSent);            bps = gBytesRead / elapsed;            printf("Average BPS read: %lu [%lu]\n", bps, gBytesRead);            elapsed = (tick - gStartTimeLast) / 1000;            bps = gBytesSentLast / elapsed;            printf("Current BPS sent: %lu\n", bps);            bps = gBytesReadLast / elapsed;            printf("Current BPS read: %lu\n", bps);            InterlockedExchange(&gBytesSentLast, 0);            InterlockedExchange(&gBytesReadLast, 0);            printf("Current Connections: %lu\n", gConnectedClients);            gStartTimeLast = tick;        }        else        {            break;        }    }    // Close the thread handles opened    for (i=0; i < listencount ;i++)    {        CloseHandle(threads[i]);    }    WSACleanup();    return 0;}
