Redminebacklogs 处理未完成的story

来源:互联网 发布:简单校园网络规划设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/05 09:04

有时候story很大,跨越好几个sprint,有时候story没有通过product owner的user acceptance test, 还需要在下个sprint中继续完成。


Closing the sprintTo close a sprint, ensure that all stories are closed. Then, go to your project’s Settings tab and close the sprint in question.TIP: You may record your review/retro notes in the wiki. The backlogs pane and the issues list will have convenience links that will bring you to a wiki page linked to your sprint; it will be created if it doesn’t yet exist. If you want to bring some structure into this, your system administrator can designate one of your wiki pages to be the template page; if you have this set up, a copy of that page will be used to initialize a sprint wiki page, but only if it didn’t exist when you requested it. Later changes to the template won’t affect existing pages.TIP: If your sprint ended with stories unfinished, you can click “Duplicate” in the Issue screen for those stories to copy (not move!) them into the new sprint. We’ve added an option to automatically copy open (or all) attached tasks.

在Issue screen中点击Duplicate。其实就是复制,我没有找到Duplicate按钮,但是找到了Copy. 有句话说,软件的文档总是落后于代码的。


1. 选择Roadmap, 勾选右边的Show completed versions ,然后点击Apply

这样你会看到已经closed sprint

2. 点击其中一个sprint,会看到它管理的story都列在Related issues下面。


3. 点击没有完成的story,打开页面后右上角看到Copy链接。点击后则自动创建新的story issue, 修改之让其属于新的sprint。

4. 打开taskboard再看一下,新的sprint出现了这个story。
