
来源:互联网 发布:指环王 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 12:49

tl;dr: You want to teach yourself vim (the best text editor known to human kind) in the fastest way possible. This is my way of doing it. You start by learning the minimal to survive, then you integrate all the tricks slowly.

Vim the Six Billion Dollar editor

Better, Stronger, Faster.

Learn vim and it will be your last text editor. There isn’t any better text editor that I know of. It is hard to learn, but incredible to use.

I suggest you teach yourself Vim in 4 steps:

  1. Survive
  2. Feel comfortable
  3. Feel Better, Stronger, Faster
  4. Use superpowers of vim

By the end of this journey, you’ll become a vim superstar.

But before we start, just a warning. Learning vim will be painful at first. It will take time. It will be a lot like playing a musical instrument. Don’t expect to be more efficient with vim than with another editor in less than 3 days. In fact it will certainly take 2 weeks instead of 3 days.


你想尽可能快地自学vim(为大家所熟知的最好的编辑器) 。这是我学习的方法:从细处入手然后慢慢掌握所有技巧。

Vim 六十亿美元的编辑器




  1. 适应
  2. 感觉舒适
  3. 感觉很好,强壮,快速
  4. 使用vim的高级技能



1st Level – Survive

  1. Install vim
  2. Launch vim
  3. DO NOTHING! Read.

In a standard editor, typing on the keyboard is enough to write something and see it on the screen. Not this time. Vim is in Normal mode. Let’s go toInsert mode. Type the letteri.

You should feel a bit better. You can type letters like in a standard editor. To get back to Normal mode just press theESCkey.

You now know how to switch between Insert and Normal mode. And now, here are the commands that you need in order to survive in Normal mode:

  • i→ Insert mode. TypeESCto return to Normal mode.
  • x→ Delete the char under the cursor
  • :wq→ Save and Quit (:wsave,:qquit)
  • dd→ Delete (and copy) the current line
  • p→ Paste


  • hjkl(highly recommended but not mandatory) → basic cursor move (←↓↑→). Hint:jlooks like a down arrow.
  • :help <command>→ Show help about<command>. You can use:helpwithout a<command>to get general help.


第一层次 – 适应

  1. 安装vim
  2. 运行vim
  3. 什么也别做,读!




  • i→ 插入模式. 按ESC键返回普通模式
  • x→ 删除光标所在的字符
  • :wq→ 保存退出(:w 保存,:q 退出)
  • dd→ 删除(拷贝)当前行
  • p→ 粘贴


  • hjkl(高度推荐) → 基本的光标移动 (←↓↑→), hj按行移动。
  • :help <command>→ 显示关于<command>的帮助,可以使用help不带<command>获得常规帮助。
Only 5 commands. That is all you need to get started. Once these command start to become natural (maybe after a day or so), you should move on to level 2.

But first, just a little remark about Normal mode. In standard editors, to copy you have to use theCtrlkey (Ctrl-cgenerally). In fact, when you pressCtrl, it is as if all of your keys change meaning. Using vim in normal mode is a bit like having the editor automatically press theCtrlkey for you.

A last word about notations:

  • instead of writingCtrl-λ, I’ll write<C-λ>.
  • commands starting with:end with<enter>. For example, when I write:q, I mean:q<enter>.





  • 我使用<C-λ>代替Ctrl-λ
  • 命令后附带回车,比如我若是写:q,我是指:q<enter>

2nd Level – Feel comfortable

You know the commands required for survival. It’s time to learn a few more commands. These are my suggestions:

  1. Insert mode variations:

    • a→ insert after the cursor
    • o→ insert a new line after the current one
    • O→ insert a new line before the current one
    • cw→ replace from the cursor to the end of the word
  2. Basic moves

    • 0→ go to the first column
    • ^→ go to the first non-blank character of the line
    • $→ go to the end of line
    • g_→ go to the last non-blank character of line
    • /pattern→ search forpattern
  3. Copy/Paste

    • P→ paste before, rememberpis paste after current position.
    • yy→ copy the current line, easier but equivalent toddP
  4. Undo/Redo

    • u→ undo
    • <C-r>→ redo
  5. Load/Save/Quit/Change File (Buffer)

    • :e <path/to/file>→ open
    • :w→ save
    • :saveas <path/to/file>→ save to<path/to/file>
    • :x,ZZor:wq→ save and quit (:xonly save if necessary)
    • :q!→ quit without saving, also::qa!to quit even if there are modified hidden buffers.
    • :bn(resp.:bp) → show next (resp. previous) file (buffer)

Take the time to learn all of these command. Once done, you should be able to do every thing you are able to do in other editors. You may still feel a bit awkward. But follow me to the next level and you’ll see why vim is worth the extra work.


第二层 - 爽一把


  1. 插入模式变种命令:

    • a→ 在光标后插入
    • o→ 在当前行之后插入新行
    • O→ 在当前行之前插入新行
    • cw→ 替换从光标到单词结束
  2. 基本移动命令

    • 0→ 跳到第一列
    • ^→ 跳到本行第一个非空字符
    • $→ 跳到本行末尾
    • g_→ 跳到本行最后一个非空字符
    • /pattern→ 搜索pattern
  3. 复制/粘贴

    • P→ 在当前位置之前粘贴,记住 p 是在当前位置之前粘贴.
    • yy→ 复制当前行,与dd和P命令相比更简单。
  4. 取消/恢复

    • u→ 取消
    • <C-r>→ 恢复
  5. 加载/保存/退出/修改 文件(缓存)

    • :e <文件路径>→ 打开
    • :w→ 保存
    • :saveas <文件路径>→ 保存到这个文件
    • :x,ZZ或者:wq→ 保存和退出 (:x 如果可能的话,只保存)
    • :q!→ 退出但不保存,使用:qa!,即使在缓存中还有已经修改的也会退出。
    • :bn(对比:bp) → 显示下一个(上一个)文件缓存


3rd Level – Better. Stronger. Faster.

Congratulation for reaching this far! Now we can start with the interesting stuff. At level 3, we’ll only talk about commands which are compatible with the old vi editor.


Let’s look at how vim could help you to repeat yourself:

  1. .→ (dot) will repeat the last command,
  2. N<command> → will repeat the command N times.

Some examples, open a file and type:

  • 2dd→ will delete 2 lines
  • 3p→ will paste the text 3 times
  • 100idesu [ESC]→ will write “desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu”
  • .→ Just after the last command will write again the 100 “desu”.
  • 3.→ Will write 3 “desu” (and not 300, how clever).






1. .→(点)可以重复最后一个命令,

2. N<命令>会重复命令N次。


• 2dd→ will delete 2 lines • 3p→ will paste the text 3 times • 100idesu [ESC]→ will write “desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu” •.→ Just after the last command will write again the 100 “desu”. •3.→ Will write 3 “desu” (and not 300, how clever).

Knowing how to move efficiently with vim is very important. Don’t skip this section.

  1. NG→ Go to line N
  2. gg→ shortcut for1G- go to the start of the file
  3. G→ Go to last line
  4. Word moves:

    1. w→ go to the start of the following word,
    2. e→ go to the end of this word.

    By default, words are composed of letters and the underscore character. Let’s call a WORD a group of letter separated by blank characters. If you want to consider WORDS, then just use uppercase characters:

    1. W→ go to the start of the following WORD,
    2. E→ go to the end of this WORD.
    Word moves example

Now let’s talk about very efficient moves:

  • %: Go to the corresponding(,{,[.
  • *(resp.#) : go to next (resp. previous) occurrence of the word under the cursor

Believe me, the last three commands are gold.




  1. NG→ 跳到第N行
  2. gg→ 是1G的快捷方式 - 跳到文件的开始
  3. G→ 跳到最后一行
  4. 单词间移动:

    1. w→ 跳到下一个单词的开头,
    2. e→ 跳到这个单词的末尾.


    1. W→跳到下一个单词的开头,
    2. E→ 跳到这个单词的末尾.
    Word moves example


  • %: 跳到对应的(, (, [ 处.
  • *(对比#) : 跳到当前光标的下一个(上一个) 相同单词的地方



Remember about the importance of vi moves? Here is the reason. Most commands can be used using the following general format:

<start position><command><end position>

For example :0y$means

  • 0→ go to the beginning of this line
  • y→ yank from here
  • $→ up to the end of this line

We also can do things likeye, yank from here to the end of the word. But alsoy2/fooyank up to the second occurrence of “foo”.

But what was true fory(yank), is also true ford(delete),v(visual select),gU(uppercase),gu(lowercase), etc…





例如: 0y$意味着

  • 0→ 跳到本行开头
  • y→ 从这里开始复制
  • $→ 直到本行结束

我们也可以使用ye,从当前位置复制到单词的末尾。但是y2/foo 会一直复制到第二个foo出现的地方。

但对于y(复制), d(删除), v(visual 选择), gU(大写), gu(小写)等等命令都是真实的。

4th Level – Vim Superpowers

With all preceding commands you should be comfortable using vim. But now, here are the killer features. Some of these features were the reason I started to use vim.

Move on current line:0^$g_fFtT,;

  • 0→ go to column 0
  • ^→ go to first character on the line
  • $→ go to the last column
  • g_→ go to the last character on the line
  • fa→ go to next occurrence of the letteraon the line.,(resp.;) will find the next (resp. previous) occurrence.
  • t,→ go to just before the character,.
  • 3fa→ find the 3rd occurrence ofaon this line.
  • FandT→ likefandtbut backward.
    Line moves

A useful tip is:dt"→ remove everything until the".


第四层次 – Vim 超能量



  • 0→ 跳到第一列
  • ^→ 跳到当前行的第一个字符
  • $→ 跳到最后一列
  • g_→ 跳到这行的最后一个字符
  • fa→ 跳到这行a字母的下一个出现的地方。(对比 ; )会查找下一个(上一个)地方
  • t,→ 跳到,字符的前一个字符.
  • 3fa→ 在这行中查找a出现的第三个位置.
  • F 和 T→ 与f和t相似, 但是方向相反.
  • Line moves


Zone selection<action>a<object>or<action>i<object>

These command can only be used after an operator in visual mode. But they are very powerful. Their main pattern is:


Where action can be any action, for example,d(delete),y(yank),v(select in visual mode). The object can be:wa word,Wa WORD (extended word),sa sentence,pa paragraph. But also, natural character such as",',),},].

Suppose the cursor is on the firstoof(map (+) ("foo")).

  • vi"→ will selectfoo.
  • va"→ will select"foo".
  • vi)→ will select"foo".
  • va)→ will select("foo").
  • v2i)→ will selectmap (+) ("foo")
  • v2a)→ will select(map (+) ("foo"))

Text objects selection


区域选择 : <命令>a<对象> 或 <命令>i<对象>


<命令>a<对象> 和 <命令>i<对象>

命令可以是任何命令,例如 , d(删除),y(拉取),v(进入可视化模式)。对象可以是: w一个单词,W一个单词 (扩展的),s一个句子,p一个段落。而且也可以是普通的字符, 例如",',),},]。

假设现在光标在 (map (+) ("foo")) 这个字符串的第一个o上。

  • vi"→ 将会选择 foo
  • va"→ 将会选择 "foo"
  • vi)→ 将会选择 "foo"
  • va)→ 将会选择 ("foo")
  • v2i)→ 将会选择 map (+) ("foo")
  • v2a)→ 将会选择 (map (+) ("foo"))

Text objects selection

Select rectangular blocks:<C-v>.

Rectangular blocks are very useful for commenting many lines of code. Typically:0<C-v><C-d>I-- [ESC]

  • ^→ go to the first non-blank character of the line
  • <C-v>→ Start block selection
  • <C-d>→ move down (could also bejjjor%, etc…)
  • I-- [ESC]→ write--to comment each line
Rectangular blocks

Note: in Windows you might have to use<C-q>instead of<C-v>if your clipboard is not empty.



矩形选择块能够方便的对多行代码进行注释。 如:0<C-v><C-d>I-- [ESC]

  • ^→ 将光标定位到这行第一个非空格字符
  • <C-v>→ 选择开始位置
  • <C-d>→ 向下移动 (也可使用 jjj 或者 % , 其他…)
  • I-- [ESC]→ 用 -- 来注释每一行  
Rectangular blocks



In Insert mode, just type the start of a word, then type<C-p>, magic…

Macros :qado somethingq,@a,@@

qarecord your actions in the register a. Then@awill replay the macro saved into the registeraas if you typed it.@@is a shortcut to replay the last executed macro.


On a line containing only the number 1, type this:

  • qaYp<C-a>q→
    • qastart recording.
    • Ypduplicate this line.
    • <C-a>increment the number.
    • qstop recording.
  • @a→ write 2 under the 1
  • @@→ write 3 under the 2
  • Now do100@@will create a list of increasing numbers until 103.






宏命令 : qa 做的一些事,@a,@@

qa 把你的动作记录在了寄存器 a 中。然后@a 就会将存在寄存器中的动作重现,就好像你从新打了一边。@@是将你最后一次执行的宏命令再次执行的快捷键。


在只有数字1的一行上, 像这样键入命令:

  • qaYp<C-a>q→
    • qa开始记录。
    • Yp记录这一行。
    • <C-a>增加数字大小。
    • q停止记录。
  • @a→ 在1下面写2
  • @@→ 在2下面写3
  • 现在键入 100@@ 就将会产生一个到 103 的自增列。


Visual selection:v,V,<C-v>

We saw an example with<C-v>. There is alsovandV. Once the selection has been made, you can:

  • J→ join all the lines together.
  • <(resp.>) → indent to the left (resp. to the right).
  • =→ auto indent

Add something at the end of all visually selected lines:

  • <C-v>
  • go to desired line (jjjor<C-d>or/patternor%etc…)
  • $go to the end of the line
  • A, write text,ESC.

Append to many lines


可视化模式选择: v, V, <C-v>


  • J→ 让所有行连接在一起
  • <(对比>) → 向左(右)对齐.
  • =→ 自动对齐


  • <C-v>
  • 跳到目的行 (jjj 或者 <C-d> 或者 /patternor%等等…)
  • $跳到行末尾
  • A, 写入一些文本,[按] ESC 键.

Append to many lines


These are the most important commands, but you should look at:help split.

  • :split→ create a split (:vsplitcreate a vertical split)
  • <C-w><dir>: where dir is any ofhjklor ←↓↑→ to change the split.
  • <C-w>_(resp.<C-w>|) : maximise the size of the split (resp. vertical split)
  • <C-w>+(resp.<C-w>-) : Grow (resp. shrink) split



分割:: split 和 vsplit

这些是很重要的命令,所以你应该在:help split看看。

  • :split→ 创建一个水平分割窗口t (:vsplit 创建一个竖直分割窗口)
  • <C-w><dir>:  dir是hjklor←↓↑→中任何一个。用来切换分割窗口。
  • <C-w>_(对比<C-w>|) : 用来最大化水平(竖直)分割窗口的大小
  • <C-w>+(对比<C-w>-) : 增加 (减小) 分割窗口



That was 90% of the commands I use every day. I suggest that you learn no more than one or two new commands per day. After two to three weeks you’ll start to feel the power of vim in your hands.

Learning Vim is more a matter of training than plain memorization. Fortunately vim comes with some very good tools and excellent documentation. Run vimtutor until you are familiar with most basic commands. Also, you should read this page carefully::help usr_02.txt.

Then, you will learn about!, folds, registers, plugins and many other features. Learn vim like you’d learn piano and all should be fine.




学习vim更多的是记忆训练。值得高兴的是vim诞生了一些非常好的工具和优秀的文档。当你非常熟悉大部分基本命令之后就可以使用vimtutor了。另外,你应该仔细的阅读这页 ::help usr_02.txt.

