opencv 旋转图片

来源:互联网 发布:mac os sierra安装教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 13:35



#include <opencv/cv.h>#include <opencv/highgui.h>IplImage *rotateImage(const IplImage *src, int angleDegrees){        IplImage *imageRotated = cvCloneImage(src);    if(angleDegrees!=0){        CvMat* rot_mat = cvCreateMat(2,3,CV_32FC1);            // Compute rotation matrix        CvPoint2D32f center = cvPoint2D32f( cvGetSize(imageRotated).width/2, cvGetSize(imageRotated).height/2 );        cv2DRotationMatrix( center, angleDegrees, 1, rot_mat );        // Do the transformation        cvWarpAffine( src, imageRotated, rot_mat );    }    return imageRotated;}int main(){                    IplImage* img;          IplImage* rotated_img;          int angle=0;                    //creating the window with a track bar          cvNamedWindow("MyWindow");          cvCreateTrackbar("Angle", "MyWindow", &angle, 360, 0);                    while(true){              //load the original image              img = cvLoadImage("d:/1.jpg");                            //rotate the image              rotated_img=rotateImage(img,angle);              //display the rotated image              cvShowImage("MyWindow", rotated_img);               //clean up              cvReleaseImage(&img);              cvReleaseImage(&rotated_img);                            //if user press 'ESC' button, program quit the while loop              int c=cvWaitKey(50);                             if(c==27) break;          }                              cvDestroyWindow("MyWindow");                    return 0;}


Here are the new OpenCV functions, found in the above example.
  • cvCloneImage(const IplImage* src)
Makes a identical(cloned) copy of the 'src' image including header and region of interrest(ROI) 

Returns IplImage* points to the cloned image

Arguements -
    • IplImage* src - source image to be cloned

  •  cvCreateMat(int rows, int columns, int types)
Creates matrix header and allocates matrix data
Returns CvMat* points to the matrix

Arguements -
    • int rows - number of rows of the matrix
    • int columns - number of columns of the matrix
    • int types - CV_<no. of bits of the image data><data type of image data>C<no. of channel>
                             <no. of bits of the image data>  = 8,16,32, ....
                             <data type of image data> = 'S' for signed data, 'U' for unsigned data and  'F' for float data
                             <no. of channel> = 1,2,3
                             eg. : CV_8UC1 = 8 bit unsigned image with a single channel
                                     CV_32FC3 = 32 bit float image with 3 channels

  • cvPoint2D32f (float x, float y)
It is a basic structure for 2D point with floating point cordinates
             typedef struct CvPoint2D32f
                float x;
                float y;

/* Constructor */
inline CvPoint2D32f cvPoint2D32f( double x, double y );

  • cv2DRotationMatrix(CvPoint2D32f center, double angle, double scale, CvMat* mapMatrix)
Computes affine matrix of 2D rotation

Arguements - 
    • CvPoint2D32f center - specifies the ceter of rotation
    • double angle - rotation angle in degrees (Positive value means counter clockwise rotation and negative value means clockwise rotation)
    • double scale -Isotrophic scale factor
    • CvMat* mapMatrix - the pointer to the resultant matrix which should be 2x3 matrix

  • cvWarpAffine(const CvArr* srcCvArr* dstconst CvMat* mapMatrix)
Applies an affine transformation to the source image
Arguements -
    • const CvArr* src - source image
    • CvArr* dst - destination image which is the affine transformed image of the source image
    •  const CvMat* mapMatrix - 2x3 transformation matrix

#include <opencv/cv.h>#include <opencv/highgui.h>IplImage *rotateImage(const IplImage *src, int angleDegrees, double zoom){        IplImage *imageRotated = cvCloneImage(src);        CvMat* rot_mat = cvCreateMat(2,3,CV_32FC1);        // Compute rotation matrix    CvPoint2D32f center = cvPoint2D32f( cvGetSize(imageRotated).width/2, cvGetSize(imageRotated).height/2 );    cv2DRotationMatrix( center, angleDegrees, zoom, rot_mat );    // Do the transformation    cvWarpAffine( src, imageRotated, rot_mat );        return imageRotated;}int main(){                    IplImage* img;          IplImage* rotated_img;          int angle=0;          int zoom=24;                    //creating the window with 2 track bars          cvNamedWindow("MyWindow");          cvCreateTrackbar("Angle", "MyWindow", &angle, 360, 0);          cvCreateTrackbar("Zoom", "MyWindow", &zoom, 99, 0);                    while(true){              //load the original image              img = cvLoadImage("d:/lena.jpg");                            //rotate the image              rotated_img=rotateImage( img, angle, (zoom+1)/25.0 );              //display the rotated image              cvShowImage("MyWindow", rotated_img);               //clean up              cvReleaseImage(&img);              cvReleaseImage(&rotated_img);                            //if user press 'ESC' button, program quit the while loop              int c=cvWaitKey(50);                             if(c==27) break;          }                              cvDestroyWindow("MyWindow");                    return 0;} 


#include <opencv/cv.h>#include <opencv/highgui.h>IplImage* rotateImage(const IplImage* src, int angleDegrees){    //take the dimention of original image    int w = src->width;    int h = src->height;     // Make a new image for the result    CvSize newSize;    newSize.width = cvRound(w);    newSize.height = cvRound(h);    IplImage *imageRotated = cvCreateImage( newSize, src->depth, src->nChannels );            // Create a map_matrix, where the left 2x2 matrix is the transform and the right 2x1 is the dimensions.    float m[6];    CvMat M = cvMat(2, 3, CV_32F, m);        float angleRadians = angleDegrees * ((float)CV_PI / 180.0f);    m[0] = (float)( cos(angleRadians) );    m[1] = (float)( sin(angleRadians) );    m[3] = -m[1];    m[4] = m[0];    m[2] = w*0.5f;      m[5] = h*0.5f;      // Transform the image    cvGetQuadrangleSubPix( src, imageRotated, &M);    return imageRotated;}int main(){                    IplImage* img;          IplImage* rotated_img;          int angle=0;                  //creating the window with a track bar          cvNamedWindow("MyWindow");          cvCreateTrackbar("Angle", "MyWindow", &angle, 360, 0);                    while(true){              //load the original image              img = cvLoadImage("d:/lena.jpg");                            //rotate the image              rotated_img=rotateImage(img,angle);              //display the rotated image              cvShowImage("MyWindow", rotated_img);               //clean up              cvReleaseImage(&img);              cvReleaseImage(&rotated_img);                            //if user press 'ESC' button, program quit the while loop              int c=cvWaitKey(50);                             if(c==27) break;          }                              cvDestroyWindow("MyWindow");                    return 0;}