Install Teamviewer for Ubuntu 13.04

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How to Install TeamViewer in Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)
Posted on June 5, 2013 by Melbin    

TeamViewer is a free (for home use only) remote support application that lets you remotely access and troubleshoot PCs over the Internet / LAN. You can use it to help friends / family fix computer issues, share your desktop session all for free from a remote location anywhere in the world where there’s Internet access.

To install TeamViewer in Ubuntu

open Terminal (press Ctrl – Alt – T)

And run the following command to download TeamViewer deb package.


After downloading, install it by running

sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb

If you have 64-bit version of Ubuntu, run the commands below to download the 64 bit version of TeamViwer


Then run the commands below to install:

sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.deb

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One Response to How to Install TeamViewer in Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)

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